Ceiling of the ceiling with your own hands

Puttying is an integral part of quality repairs. This is the easiest and most convenient way to level the surface. The process of applying putty requires a certain skill, but to learn is not so difficult. In self-repair work, the puttying of the ceiling with its own hands is carried out in several stages and largely depends on the correct preparation of the surface.

Ceiling of the ceiling with your own hands

Plastered ceiling with his hands

What you need to know about putty

Article Contents

  • 1 What you need to know about putty
  • 2 preparatory stage
    • 2.1 Tools and materials
    • 2.2 Preparation ceiling
  • 3 Technology puttying ceiling
    • 3.1 Mixing putty
    • 3.2 Applying the mix onto concreteBasis
    • 3.3 Putty plasterboard ceiling
    • 3.4 Video - Ceiling putty yourself

The putty mix quickly sets, so it can not beStarted in large quantities. To properly apply the solution to the ceiling, you need to distribute it with precise measured movements, holding the spatula at an angle to the surface. From the first time it is hardly possible to do this accurately, and therefore it is desirable to practice on a piece of plywood, drywall or a section of the wall in the utility room. The dry putty is well grindable, which makes it easy to repair defects in work.



Putty is divided into the start and finish, in addition, it can have various additives that increase the strength of the coating, increase its moisture resistance. The main leveling layer consists of a starting putty having a coarse-grained structure. Finishing putty with a finer texture is used as the last top layer, which allows achieving almost perfect smoothness.

With the help of putty, it is possible to level the sections of the ceiling with a height difference of up to 50 mm. If the unevenness is more than 5 cm, a preliminary plastering of the ceiling is required. Apply a thick layer of mortar, otherwise the surface will be covered with cracks. It is better to process the problem area in 3-4 sets, each time waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer. For rooms with high humidity it is recommended to use a waterproof filler.

Calculation of Result of
Average thickness of plaster layer planned for application, cm 0.6( min. Minimum) + 4 + 2 = 6.6
6.6: 3 = 2.2
Consumption per 1m2, kg 8.5 x 2.2 = 18.7 18.7
Ceiling consumption, kg 20 x 18,7 = 374 374
The required number of bags of dry plaster mix, bags of pieces 374: 30 = 12,5 13

Preparatory stage

Tools needed for puttying

Tools required for puttying

Tools and materials

In the process of puttying you will need:

  • dry putty mix;
  • mixing tank;
  • construction mixer;
  • metal spatulas;
  • roller or brush for priming;
  • sandpaper;
  • is a primer for deep penetration.

    Putty knife

Spatulas are enough for two - wide( 400-500 mm) and narrow( 70-100 mm), but well, if there is an additional corner, which is convenient to putty joints between the ceiling and walls. A dry mix is ​​recommended to be bought with a small margin, in order to correct possible defects if necessary.

Ceiling Preparation

Cleaning the ceiling with a grinder

Cleaning of the ceiling with the

grinder The putty should be applied to a dry and clean surface, and therefore remove everything from the ceiling to the very bottom. Remove wallpaper and old layers of plaster with water: the ceiling is moistened abundantly and left for 10-15 minutes. After that, the spatula is pierced by the edge of the coating and removed without much effort. The paint is more difficult to remove, it requires a punch. If the ceiling was painted recently, and the paint is kept very firmly, you can not remove this layer, but simply sandpaper the visible irregularities with sandpaper.

Priming the ceiling

Primer for ceiling

After removing the ceiling, the ceiling must be wiped clean with a clean cloth and then thoroughly primed, paying the most attention to corners and joints. The primer will not only prevent the development of mold, but also increase the adhesion of the putty layer to the base. If there are gaps or cracks in the slabs, as well as deep grooves, they must be sealed with the mortar before the ceiling is treated with a primer.

Sealing of ceiling joints before puttying

Cementing of the joints before the

Using a spatula, the net must be leveled along the seam, slightly pressing down, so that the putty passes through the holes

Putty with the spatula, the grid must be leveled at the seam, slightly pressing down so that the putty passes through the holes

Ceiling application technology

Mixing putty in the bucket

Mixing the putty in the bucket

Mixing the putty

Mixing the putty

Mixing the putty

Take a suitable container and pour the putty into it,and then add small amounts of water at room temperature. Mixer mix the solution until the density of sour cream, carefully breaking the lumps. To level the concrete ceiling, the starting filler is prepared, and to work with the gypsum board ceiling, the finish line should be immediately mixed. Begin the alignment immediately after the preparation of the solution, otherwise it will begin to solidify.

Application of a mixture on concrete basis

Putty of concrete ceiling

Concrete ceiling putty

In one corner of the room a ladder is installed. On a wide spatula impose a narrow working mixture on the width of the blade. The bulk of the putty should be closer to the edge of the blade, so that it would be more convenient to apply it. Attach the spatula to the surface at a small angle and, evenly pressing the blade, put the putty. It is most convenient to make movements in front of you from left to right;if you use a spatula from yourself or yourself, the thickness of the layer is not so clear.

Ceiling putty

Cement filler

In areas with noticeable notches, the mixture is applied a little thicker, in order to completely level the defects 2-3 times. Remove excess solution with the same spatula. If during work some thickening or traces of a spatula have occurred, and have already frozen, do not try to fix with a new portion of putty or rip off the flaws spatula. So you can only damage the coating more and add work to yourself. When the entire ceiling is covered with a layer of putty with a thickness of 2-3 mm, it is left to dry completely.



Dry ceiling is treated with sandpaper or a special abrasive mesh, for convenience use a hand grinder. To avoid small projections, you need to take care of the lighting in advance: the entire ceiling should be clearly visible from any angle. In the process of sanding, a lot of dust appears, so after finishing the grinding, it is recommended to wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth.

The number of layers directly depends on the evenness of the ceiling. If there are very few defects, it will be enough to apply two layers of starting putty and 1-2 finishing. In case the ceiling is too uneven, 3-4 layers of the starting mixture will be required. Before applying the finishing coat, it is necessary to once again sand the entire area of ​​the ceiling and wipe it off from dust. This last layer must be the thinnest;It is better to hold the spatula almost at right angles to the surface, strongly pressing while moving. Sand the finishing coat with fine-grained sandpaper to avoid scratching.

Ceiling of the ceiling with your own hands

Ceiling of the ceiling with your own hands

Putty plasterboard ceiling

The plasterboard ceiling has a smooth and even surface, but it has numerous grooves from the fasteners and seams. Often plasterboard structures are multi-level, which implies the presence of corners. Shpaklyuyut such a little bit differently.

So, mix a bit of finishing putty. First of all, the solution is applied to the seams, corners and in the places where the screws are fastened. It is better to take a spatula with an average width of 20-25 cm. The fastening grooves are easier to seal: a spatula collects a little solution, is applied to the surface and is sharply moved over the self-tapping screw. Surplus putty immediately removed.

To coat the corners on the joints, apply a solution, distribute the entire length of the seam and place a perforated corner on top. Squeeze the corner into the putty, smooth, excess is removed so that the surface of the corner does not shine through the layer of solution. After drying, the corner is gently ground on both sides.

The seams between the sheets and the inner corners are first covered with a serpent. To do this, put a filler or glue for gypsum board along the length of the seam, apply a segment of the Serbian of the appropriate length and use a spatula to press it into the solution. The reinforcing tape should be located exactly at the center of the seam;Formed wrinkles or voids should immediately be carefully leveled.

The seams between the sheets and the inner corners are first covered with a serpent

The seams between the sheets and the inner corners are first covered with a serpent

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Fixing the serpian

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Fixing the serpian

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Fixing the serpian

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Fixing the serpian

After drying, all the corners and seams are treated with sandpaper. Further, the ceiling is wiped from dust and ground. Now you can proceed to puttying the base: prepare a new solution, take a wide spatula and begin to cover the plasterboard with a very thin layer. In the corners to work the most carefully, to avoid deep scratches from the spatula and do not make irregularities.

We take the solution on a spatula

We take the mortar on the spatula

Ceiling of plasterboard ceiling

Ceiling of the gypsum board

Putty on plasterboard ceiling

Putty on the plasterboard ceiling

Even if it seems that the ceiling is level, one layer of putty is not enough. Especially in cases where the surface is planned to be painted. Under the glossy paint, the smallest defects are clearly visible, so it is better to apply 1-2 layers of puttying solution. At the final stage, it is recommended to inspect the ceiling under a bright lamp - this will help to identify unnoticed earlier errors.

The last grinding is made by fine-grained nazhdachkoy

The last grinding is made by fine-grained sanding

The last grinding is made by fine-grained sandpaper or mesh with small cells. The ceiling is wiped from dust, once again treated with a primer. Now the surface is ready for painting, wallpapering or applying decorative plaster. The described technology is quite simple, but in the absence of experience it's better to start from the ceiling of a small area - in the bathroom, the hallway, the office. Perform such repairs in the living room still better with a more experienced hand.

Perfect ceiling

Perfect ceiling

Video - Ceiling of the ceiling with your own hands

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