Local sewerage - practical advice for inexperienced people

Local sewerage - the principle of operation of

Local sewerage systems are generally used in small houses of country type, as well as in other temporary accommodation buildings. Installation of this cleaning system can only be carried out if the water flow is not too high. In view of this, their cost is lower by 20-30% compared to more serious purification systems. In addition, the weight of such sewerage is small, which greatly simplifies the installation process.

So, the water that is used indoors comes to the heart of the entire sewage system - septic tank. It is made of high-tech plastic. There, with the help of bacteria, fermentation takes place, as a result of which the organic material is split.

Those organic wastes that were in wastewater are precipitated, which eventually is pumped out with special wastewater treatment equipment. The same liquid that was obtained after treatment, just thrown into the ground.

Warning! Thanks to high-quality wastewater treatment, the type of treatment plant presented is completely ecological!

The system operates in such a way that the used water, deeply penetrating into the ground, is cleaned naturally, i.e.by means of continental soil. As a result, wastewater is converted into a suitable material for reuse.

Advantages and disadvantages of the

system Local sewerage with its own hands, like everything on this planet, has both pros and cons. We offer to consider the main advantages of the purification system presented:

  • can completely replace the centralized sewage system;
  • does not require any influence from the homeowner from outside, ie.completely autonomous;
  • allows you to save money on utility bills;

Warning! Having installed a local cleaning system, you will pay only for work! The important advantage of

  • is that the water purified in the system can be reused for technical needs;
  • complete absence of noise, and also unpleasant odor;
  • dimensions of the septic tank allow you to install the system on your own.

The disadvantages are not so large in comparison with the above-mentioned advantages. So, among the minuses can be noted the periodic challenge of sewage machines. This, accordingly, additional costs. In addition, it is regularly necessary to check the operability of the entire system and to eliminate any noticed defects and breakages.

Getting ready to install the

system Tip! Before proceeding with the installation of a local sewer, it is important to choose a suitable location for it. In this case, it should not only like the homeowner, but also correspond to a number of parameters.

Let's consider the basic criteria for choosing a suitable location:

  • Sewer is installed at a distance of at least 5 meters from the residential building.
  • 20 meters - it is at such a distance that there must be a purification system from sources of drinking water.
  • The installation of the system takes into account the direction of groundwater flow. If this rule is ignored, the sewage can get into the groundwater, which will lead to contamination of the source of drinking water.
  • The local sewage system must be designed in such a way that it can be easily accessed by a sewage disposal plant.

Algorithm for installing a local cleaning system

I would like to note at once that the septic tank should be located at a depth that is greater than the depth of freezing of the ground. Simultaneously, it is strictly forbidden to lower the septic tank below the water intake horizon. Thus, the optimum depth of installation of the septic tank is 150 centimeters.

So, let's consider the algorithm of the installation process of the type of sewage:

  • First we dig a pit.
  • Next, a pair of concrete rings is placed on top of each other. Their diameter should be 90 cm.
  • If you have sandy soil on the site, the rings are mounted directly on the ground. If you have clay or loamy deposits, at the very bottom of the ring, forcibly holes are made, whose diameter is at least 32 mm.
  • It is recommended to put a construction film on top of the rings, which has a large thickness. This is done in order to prevent excessive rainfall in the septic tank.
  • To exclude the freezing of the entire system, it is necessary to insulate all pipes and septic tanks in general. In addition, you need to purchase a cover that would be resistant to high temperature changes.
  • When the septic tank is installed, the sewer line is laid. Here everything depends on the needs and desires of the owner. The only thing that you pay attention to is the angle of the slope of the pipes. If you do not take it into account, the sewage will stay in the highways!

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