Manufacture of refractory bricks and the scope of application of
Let's start with the fact that for the first time refractory red brick appeared in Russia in the middle of the XVII century. Its production was due to the fact that for industrial furnaces many factories needed a special heat-resistant material. He was also needed in the arrangement of chimneys and fireplaces in private houses. A typical brick simply did not withstand high temperatures. Moreover, by external characteristics - size and shape - they did not differ. The weight of the refractory brick is also 3.4 kilograms.
The main ingredient in its manufacture is burnt refractory clay. Or else it is called chamotte. Composition of refractory bricks( chamotte) includes: 70% of this clay, as well as graphite or coke powders. The latter are necessary in order that no fissures occur in the material during firing. The amount of these or other ingredients may vary depending on the species. But the most common brick is fireclay fireproof.
This material is used in metallurgical, glass blowing, porcelain industry. From it are made thresholds, arches for industrial stoves. It is in them that in the future fuel, oil, and combustible gases burn. In addition, brick refractory furnace and ordinary users are used in the construction of fireplaces. This is due not only to the ability of this material to withstand high temperatures, but also the ability to give heat, which is extremely important when creating comfort in the house.
Kinds of refractory bricks
Depending on the purpose for which the material will be used, it is divided into the following types: basic, carbonaceous, quartz, alumina .The first is made of calc-magnesian composition and is used to a greater extent in the metallurgical industry( for example, when Bessemer steel is produced).Carbon is used only in blast furnaces where ultrahigh heat loads are required. It is made from coke and pressed graphite.
Alumina - able to withstand rapid temperature changes. Used in those conditions where t = 1000-1300 ° C.To date, it is the most common in its group. Quartz is used where the stove walls have direct contact only with fire or metal. Inadmissible contact with lime, alkalis. It consists of sandstone and quartz with some clay added.
A few words about fireclay bricks
As already mentioned, the most popular fireclay bricks. If all past species are mainly intended for certain purposes in industry, then this heat-resistant material is often used in everyday life. Can be used for almost any purpose, it is made from stoves, chimneys in the house and sauna, usually where the temperature should not reach 1350 ° C.The same refractory facing brick can also be used for decoration of fireplaces.
Make it in accordance with GOST 390-69.Has this refractory brick dimensions of 230 * 113 * 65 mm and 250 * 123 * 65 mm.
The composition, as already mentioned, contains 70% of chamotte( or refractory clay), as well as coke and graphite powders. Its structure is, to a greater degree, grainy, with a yellowish-sandy tinge. The has a large thermal capacity ( the ability of the material to accumulate heat), has the inertia ( it heats up a lot, but it cools slowly), with heat resistance.