Decorating the garden with your own hands

Thanks to tricky techniques, you can emphasize the natural beauty of your own, even a small garden, as well as realize your hidden design talents. And it does not matter where the idea of ​​landscape design will come from - its own ideas, or interesting pictures from the Internet, the main thing is their competent and impeccable execution! Below we will see how to decorate the garden with your own hands.


  1. Styling styling
  2. Basic styles
  3. How to decorate the garden?
  4. Photo of the garden decoration with your own hands

Styling of the

The main rule in the decorative ornamentation of the garden with your own hands is to observe the general style, as in the photo, in which the whole site will be further developed. That's why, aiming at landscape works, you should clearly understand what style you will follow. It is worth noting that the style of decorating the garden should be chosen based on the size and configuration of the territory itself, which needs to be transformed. However, do not forget about your personal preferences.

The main styles of

Of course, in order not to torment yourself with caring for decorating the garden with your own hands, you can resort to the help of specialists, but maybe you can still find time to dig yourself at your dacha on your own. In addition, detailed instructions with photos will allow you to choose the style of the future garden without much difficulty.

1. Classics. Conservatives, adhering to rules and clear lines prefer to build their garden in this direction. In such areas, the owners are more focused on vegetation - high beds of rectangular shapes and so on.

2. Parterre garden. The highlight of this area are flower beds of very interesting shapes, all this numerous composition sometimes performs a single ornament. You can get acquainted with detailed photos of the garden decoration on the pages of the site, where everyone can get an interesting and entertaining idea for their own property.

3. Rural garden. This is a kind of "wild" design. Often such a landscape can be found in small plots, when the owners wish not only to decorate their plot, but also plant useful herbs and vegetables here. While decorating the garden with your own hands, it is worth choosing natural materials that perfectly fit into such a dynamic design.

4. Thematic garden. The most extensive area for the implementation of their zadumok. Each one of this style is expressed in an individual order - someone combines the Japanese style with the Chinese, someone places around the fairy-tale characters. Presented a lot of videos decorating the garden and giving their own hands, which are considered the most interesting ideas of landscape designers.

How to decorate the garden?

Actually, we gradually approached to what materials can be used to decorate your site and what effects most harmoniously fit into the landscape. Specialists all jewelry and accessories used in the process are divided into two groups:

  • functional;
  • nonfunctional.

The first group includes elements that perform not only an aesthetic function, but also equipped with additional functionality, for example, ponds, fountains, flashlights and so on.

Elements of the garden design can also be divided into several main blocks:

  • water supply devices - slides, ponds, fountains;
  • live elements - lawn, shrubs, flowers and other plants;
  • furniture and buildings - benches, tables, footbridge, gazebo, etc.;
  • track;
  • lights.

Having developed an interesting idea of ​​decorating a garden, you should not postpone its implementation for a long time - life is too fleeting and it is so important to surround yourself with magical and fabulous places.

Photo garden decoration by your own hands

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