Roses: planting and care

Anyone can grow "a queen of flowers" in his country house. But to get a lush bloom, you have to work hard. Only observance of all the numerous rules will make the flowers of the rose bright, abundant, give them real decorative. Cultivation of these flowers is time-consuming and financially expensive, therefore, starting to deal with roses, one must be prepared for possible difficulties.

Contents of

  1. Where to purchase planting material?
  2. Where to plant a rose?
  3. Secrets of planting
  4. Features of rose care
  5. Photos of flowers roses
  6. Video how to grow roses

Where to purchase planting material?

Usually cuttings or young shoots of these majestic flowers are purchased in specialized departments. Before buying, you need to inspect the seedling for lesions. Here you can buy an adult plant for a house. If there is a desire to buy a rare variety of roses, as in the photo in the magazine, you will have to use the services of mail. In this case, cuttings come with roots, from which the soil is removed. In the root system there should be 3 strong branches and more.

Before planting, the bare roots of the plant will need to be soaked in water for 6 hours. During this time, the roots are filled with moisture. If a container of water is placed in the sun, the escape will quickly restore its strength. Plant such a plant as early as possible, as soon as possible to dig up the soil after the snow falls.

Container plants can be planted during the summer and even in the autumn period, except in late autumn, in this case, they can not survive fully and not have time to prepare for the winter.

Where to plant a rose?

A natural question that arises before a beginner gardener, when planting roses, how to choose the right place. The optimal planting time is spring, when the kidneys are not yet fluffed, and the soil has already warmed up. The place is chosen taking into account that at least 6 hours it should be under the sun's rays.

Secrets of planting

The secret of how to plant roses correctly is to process the root system. All the damaged parts must be removed, cut to a living place. The length of the roots should not be more than 20 cm, if their length exceeds the norm, the rootlets are cut. The landing pit is preparing a large pit. Its standard depth is 50 cm. The pit should be filled with a specially prepared soil mixture.

Usually, for spring planting, the soil is prepared from autumn. Dig a large hole( more than a meter in depth, at a width of 50 cm) and lay gravel on its bottom, branches that will perform the drainage function. Further fill the pit with ordinary earth and humus.

After planting the place of grafting is sprinkled with earth. The bush should be poured around a bucket of water. In cold regions, it is recommended around the seedling to build a mound of soil that can protect the young bush from possible frost. Then the mound is leveled.

Features of care for a rose

To roses in the country, as in the photo, pleased their owners for more than one year, they need to be carefully looked after. After planting, they need to be watered often until the bush gets accustomed and gets stronger. Growing roses, planting and care, including watering, lead in accordance with the peculiarities of the climate. On average, they are watered about once every 5 days. In the heat, the amount of watering is increased. And, do it in the morning. If the leaves are damp in the evenings, then illness will begin.

Timely feeding is needed. Top dressing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. When the first kidneys appear.
  2. At the beginning of flowering.

You do not need to carry out the third feeding. In this case, the plant gives shoots that do not have time to bloom before the onset of colds, which means that its strength is wasted. The amount of fertilizer should not be excessive. Excessive amounts of nutrients can lead to the termination of flowering and even provoke a slowdown in growth.

In spring, it is necessary to trim the overwintered rose bush. Removed not surviving shoots, shoots that appeared below the site of vaccination. All the branches also need to be trimmed by greasing the sections with a garden fume. Traditionally, the following types of trimming are used:

  • weak( on the escape there are 8 - 12 kidneys);
  • medium( 4 to 6 kidney);
  • is strong( 2 to 4 kidneys).

After trimming once every 3 years, a manure or compost is placed under the bush.

In early November, the bush should be sheltered for the winter. The optimum material is peat, in the extreme case a loose earth will do. If you wrap the bush with lapnik, the rose will stick out and die. At the end of March, any covering material is removed.

If you follow the recommendations of experts, the rosary will delight not only with its majestic appearance, but also with a magnificent aroma.

Photos of flowers roses

Video how to grow roses

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