Landscape designers very often use such a win-win technique as vertical landscaping in the garden. It is intended to provide a qualitative decoration of various shortcomings and disguise of unattractive places. Another important function of this technique is to divide the site into different functional areas. But how to pick up climbing plants for vertical garden gardening? The answer to this question will be given by this article.
Opportunities for receiving vertical landscaping
At all times people have attempted to decorate their house or dacha by vertical gardening. Today, the following opportunities for creating vertical landscaping have been formed and are being viewed:
- Vertical landscaping of various kinds of buildings. This technique is used in the decoration of country houses and villas, as well as some urban homes. This makes it possible to disguise even the large shortcomings of houses and outbuildings.
- Thanks to the adjustment of illumination with the help of vertical gardening of an object, the most favorable microclimate in it can be created. It works in the warm season, when it is so important to lower the temperature in the gazebo or veranda. After climbing curly plants, they form cozy shaded corners in which you can hide from the scorching summer sun.
- Thanks to the planting of climbing plants, you can always get rid of excessive dust in the air and slightly increase its moisture. Among other things, dense green foliage performs an additional function - it easily reduces the level of noise pollution, which can spoil the person's rest.
- Enclosure of the territory used and visual division into zones. Structural elements of vertical gardening can be hedges, screens, pergolas and wooden bars, which densely intertwine with various curly garden plants. Such a natural living wall and will divide the entire space of the suburban area into several functional areas: a family recreation area, a plant growing zone, a garden, a walking area and an economic zone.
Ways to create a vertical landscaping
To achieve a meaningful result, when planting your land allotments, all sorts of tools are used: gratings, screens, frames, ropes, wire, garters. Therefore, it is required to carefully study all the designs that can be used for vertical type of gardening.
Hedge Fence
This is the most traditional technique in landscape design. The basis for the fence can be an ordinary fence of wood, metal or stone. To qualify it qualitatively, you will need such plants: hops, wild grapes, morning glory, decorative beans, honeysuckle and other lianas. In the role of a hedge, some sort of screen or trellis can act. The main thing is that the skeleton can securely hold the climbing plants, and also let the falling sun rays pass well.
The history of landscaping of the site usually begins with a hedge. With its help, the economic site is often separated from the rest zone. An interesting object using this principle is the green room, which can often be found in French regular gardens.
Wall from climbing plants
To beautifully decorate the walls of a house or villa with vines, create special metal or wooden frames. Make them as follows: take two metal profiles or bars section of 50x50 mm, which will be vertical uprights. To them horizontally fasten two crossbeams. Metal elements need to be connected with screws or welded, and wooden ones - simply nailed with nails. After the assembly of such a structure, it is installed on the required place to the wall of the building. Supports are buried and for concrete concreting, after which a cord or wire is stretched between them in several rows. All this will serve as an excellent support for lianas.
Some plants do not need any additional structures, except the walls themselves. Their air roots, suckers and antennae simply cling to each smallest protrusion, and the plant gradually creeps up. This fully applies to girlish grapes, ivy and creeping hydrangeas. They can simply be planted near the walls along the entire perimeter of the house. If there is a desire, then the stone walls can be populated with even moss, which in time will turn into a beautiful fluffy hat.
Arched constructions
One of the most romantic and familiar elements of the garden used in landscape design is the arch. Most often, such structures are mounted above the garden paths. To make an arch, you need to use the usual bars of the armature. They are quite easy to bend in the necessary places, after connecting several cross-sections with each other. To make an arch, under which a person can walk, you need 8 meter bars with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm. The design will not weigh much, so it is not necessary to concrete it.
It is perfect for decorating such an arch and vertical type of gardening suitable rose sticks, honeysuckle, grapes, clematis, and morning glory, resting on a strong adjacent skeleton. If there is enough space in the villa area, you can build a gallery of several arches. Located one after another arch can visually expand the area of the infield. In a small area it will be enough to build a tunnel of 3-4 such arches.
Pergola is a decorative building consisting of several columns supporting lattice constructions. The purpose of the pergola is the connection of different parts of the garden, for example, a terrace and a shady court. The choice of materials from which pergolas are made depends on the style of the whole site.
If your garden is full of cobbled paths of brick or stone, then it is better to build a pergola from the same material. On the site with a modern cottage you can install a pergola with the use of metal pipes fixed on a concrete foundation. The grid is most conveniently made of wood. Lianas look flawless against the background of wood in any garden. These wooden gratings should be strong enough to withstand the weight of the plants resting on them, but not too bulky.
Trellised trellis
Tapestry - is a metal, wooden or plastic lattice construction, consisting of a dense frame with thin internal slats built into it. Such a frame is often attached to the walls of the house or the vertical supports of the pergola. Sometimes tapestries are also used as an independent structure, which organizes a closed space or divides a site into functional zones.
Tapestry is not difficult to make with your own hands, using wood. At first, a frame is built of thick enough bars, which gives the rigidity of the structure and protects it from deformations. Then, very thin racks with a section of 25 x 25 mm are crisscrossed inside the frame. Each side of the diamond or square thus obtained should be stacked about 10 cm. Smaller diamonds too heavily visually construct.
Various containers
In the vertical greening of the garden area, various boxes, suspension vases and containers are often used. This way usually decorate the facade near the entrance to the house or rest. In addition, container vertical landscaping is an excellent option for decorating various arbors, verandas and terraces. Do not look bad vases and vertical containers with ornamental plants in the courtyard. For them, particularly suitable ample flowering plants: begonia, pelargonium and petunia.
The original idea for a small garden will be planted in a sawn plastic tube of a plant. Sometimes such a device is suspended directly to the beams of the veranda, and secured to the branches of a large tree. Just do not forget to make holes in the bottom of the pipe to drain excess water.
Vertical positioning bed
This, still a curiosity, looks very original and unusual in the garden. It does not take a lot of space to install it. Vertical flowerbed is made from multi-tiered containers. To do this, you can take boxes without a bottom of different sizes and install them with a pyramid, gradually filling it with earth. After this, plants are planted in boxes, which need not necessarily be curly. Here it is quite fitting: the majors, ferns, asters, dahlias, marigolds. And if you guess to plant spicy herbs, various vegetables and greens, then you can get a real vertical garden.
Rope alleys
If the area of your infield is large, you can build a real rope lane. For this purpose, it is required to install on the site several poles of rough-worked wood and connect them to each other with sagging ropes. For this, chains can also come up. Then the design is wrapped with ready-made lianas, such as climbing roses.
Some lianas can be planted directly in the crowns of aging trees. Some plants, like clematis short-tailed, prince of Siberia, moon seed, can perfectly fill the space between small bushes and trees. Moreover, green veils from various lianas are a good background for many perennials.
Other types of supports
In addition to the traditional supports listed above, it is also possible to use other garden tools for organizing vertical gardening. They can be columns, pyramids, obelisks, garlands and even undeservedly forgotten gazebos. Especially beautiful look entwined with various green plants all kinds of stone structures, small architectural forms, high stumps or dried tree, garden sculptures and figures.
More about lianas
Lianas are by right the most flexible and flexible plants, as they can live a wide variety of garden tiers. Some are groundcover, and others can easily climb to a height of up to 25 m. They, unlike trees and shrubs, have long and very flexible stems. This property helps them to transform into any intricate forms, depending on the type of support or relief of the suburban area.
The vine can be distinguished for its high flexibility and insignificant thickness of the stem. It is for this reason that this plant always needs support. Lianas have very intensive growth. Sometimes 15 cm a day some of their species grow. Lianas occupy their supports in various ways. Based on this ability, they are divided into several varieties:
- Supporting lianas, which are not equipped with special climbing organs. They just cling to the support with their stems and shoots, on which there are thorns and thorns. They include: blackberries, climbing roses and derevyu.
- Root creepers have accessory roots, which are attached. Such plants like shady and wet areas. These include: ivy, vanilla, some hydrangeas and kampsis.
- Curly lianas grow spirally, revolving around a tree or artificial support. The direction of this rotation is different for different species. To this class of lianas are attributed: actinidia, drevogubets, lemongrass, hood.
- Usikonosnye lianas are attached with antennals, which have stem and leaf origin. When they come into contact with some firm support, they immediately begin to embrace it. This is the behavior of the Amur grapes, girlish grapes and vineyards.
- Listlazy can be classified as perekonosnyh lianas. They are fixed on the support by means of special leaf petioles, which are able to fix the shoot in a strictly vertical position. After grasping the pedestal, this petiole hardens, so it can not be removed without damage. Among the many such plants, the most famous princes and clematis are known.
Having become acquainted with the ways of creating a vertical gardening in the garden, you can quite begin to realize your ideas in the near spring. Only pre-study the agrotechnics of the plants used.