Technology of laying the ribbon foundation

The foundation is a very important part of any structure. There are several options for settling the basis. The most popular of these is the belt foundation. Such popularity is due to the fact that its construction does not require the use of large-sized equipment. In addition, the cost of the tape base device is much lower than when building other types of foundation. Therefore, many owners of private houses can afford it. In addition, this type of basis is fairly simple to install. On how to lay the ribbon foundation - later.


  • Laying and structure of tape foundation
  • Types and types of structures
  • Technology of laying the foundation foundation
    • Preparatory work
    • Formwork
    • Filling and laying of the basement
  • Laying of the basement: photo
  • Laying of the foundation foundation: video

Laying and laying of the foundation foundation


Basic, what needs to be disassembled in more detail - these are some technological nuances of this type of basis. Dry non-hepatic soils are considered to be the most suitable for such foundations using a shallow way of laying. If the depth to which the ground freezes, on the site is quite large, then the construction of the tape basis will be more expensive, mainly because of the large costs of carrying out the earth work.

The basis of the strip foundation is a reinforced concrete strip, which runs along the perimeter of the erected building. The result is a kind of tape, laid under the supporting walls of the building. It is important that a uniform cross-section is maintained throughout the perimeter.

To date, there are several types of tape foundations, and choosing the most suitable is a very important and important task. If the construction is large, then it is better for her to choose metal, solid or prefabricated tape bases. With this reason, you do not have to think about how to make walls for the basement or basement, because they will be built using the same technology as the foundation itself.

With a heterogeneous soil structure, there is a risk of uneven settling of the substrate. The tape type of the base successfully copes with this situation and, thanks to a single design, will be able to redistribute the efforts. This, in turn, will not allow the walls of the house to bend, and will not allow the appearance of cracks.

Building material, which is used in the construction of the foundation, affects the period of its operation. The longest bases are cement bases on cement mortar. They can be operated for 100-120 years. The same amount of monolithic concrete foundations can be used. From 50 to 70 years - the operational life of the tape concrete bases. A little less serve brick tape bases, namely, 35-50 years. By design features distinguish two types of foundation - monolithic and prefabricated. The first of them are assembled entirely on the spot. The teams are built from finished parts of factory production. Together, its individual elements are fastened by means of a crane.

Based on the depth of the bookmark, the bases are distinguished:

  • shallow,
  • recessed.

The choice in favor of one or the other option depends on the degree of loading. The first is independently best used for light wooden buildings and small brick houses. The depth of its bookmark is only 60-75 m. The soil for it is preferable to choose weakly-pitted.

For structures with heavy massive ceilings and walls, a buried foundation is usually used. It is permissible that the soil under it be puchinistym. If there is a basement or a garage under the house, then such a foundation is the only correct option. But we must not forget that for its erection will require much more costs of funds and materials. Such a foundation, as a rule, is deepened about 25 cm below the depth of freezing of the soil. Under the walls inside the building can be a depth of 45-65 cm.

Types and types of structures


  • An asbestos basis .A mixture of sand and cement with large stones is all that is needed for this type of foundation. In this case, a fairly solid base with a width of 0.2 to 1 m should be obtained. In addition, a cushion of sand or gravel is always made. Its thickness should be at least 15 cm. With it, the ground is leveled.
  • Ferro-concrete strip foundation .In the mixture for this type of basis, sand, crushed stone and cement are used. To strengthen the use of metal mesh and reinforcing bars. This foundation is recommended to be chosen for areas with sandy ground. It is quite durable and inexpensive.
  • The main application of tape basis from brick is to support the above-ground and underground parts of the building, including the basement floors. But we must not forget that the brick is a hygroscopic material and becomes more fragile in the wet state, because of which it can collapse even in small frosts. Therefore, for this material, high-quality waterproofing is carried out. This type of base is suitable in case the house has a wooden frame or walls have a thickness of 1-1.5 bricks.

For any buildings, you can safely take on the foundation of foundation blocks and slabs. They are quite reliable and durable. Fine-grained bases are erected with the use of concrete and reinforced concrete.

Technology of laying the foundation stone

Preparatory work of


As before any work, from the place it is necessary to remove the debris and anything that can interfere with the marking. The marking itself is executed both for the internal and external boundary of the erected foundation. Many for this purpose use improvised materials, for example, pegs or reinforcing rods with a rope. But still it is recommended to do this with the help of special instruments - laser levels. Strong errors in the markup can not be allowed, becausethis will affect the appearance of the building.

There are some recommendations, observing which it is possible to achieve a perfectly level markup:

  1. So, for this you need to determine the axis of the future construction.
  2. Next, with a plumb line, a point is planned, and from it a rope is drawn at right angles to the other corners of the room.
  3. You can use a square to define another angle.
  4. In addition, you will need to check the angles, focusing on the diagonal. If the test is successful, then a rope is pulled between the corners.
  5. Next, you can proceed with internal markup. To do this, from the external markup, an indentation is made to the thickness of the future foundation.

When the layout is completed, you need to inspect the irregularities at the construction site and select the lowest point from which the depth of the trench will be measured. This will also eliminate the difference in the height of the basis. With a small amount of construction, the depth of the trench can be only 45 cm. Land works begin with excavation. This can be done manually using a shovel or hire an excavator. The latter option will save a lot of time and effort. However, anyway, to smooth the edges of the trench, you need a shovel. To measure the depth of the well, it is desirable to use a water level. Do not look at the measurement.


formwork installation When the layout is done and the trench is dug, you can start assembling the formwork. This work usually begins with the fact that a sand cushion is laid on the bottom of the pit. This is a very important detail, becausethanks to it it is possible to reduce the load by distributing it over the entire surface of the substrate, and to some extent even save on materials. For a pillow it is required to make a layer of sand not less than 15 sm then it is leveled across horizontally and as it is rammed. When this is done, you need to pour a layer of rubble from above and lay a waterproofing. For this purpose a roofing felt or a film of polyethylene. The foundation must not be filled until formwork is ready. Formwork can be made from improvised materials, for example, plywood boards and unnecessary pieces of metal. All elements of the construction are connected by nails or screws. Moreover, to facilitate the disassembly of the formwork in the future, the nail heads are left inside.

When formwork is installed, it should be about 35 cm above ground level. On the inside of the structure, at the fill level of the future foundation, a rope is stretched along the entire perimeter. It is recommended to immediately provide for openings for water and sewage pipes. Otherwise, they will have to be cut through, which breaks the integrity of the basis and can affect its strength.

After that you will need to lay the valve. For this purpose, 12 mm cross-sections are fastened together with a special wire. They should be tied in such a way that the square cells are formed with sides about 35 cm. Welding applications in this matter should be avoided. The fact is that corrosion may appear in the joints. The mating has one more advantage, it makes the design when moving the soil more flexible. Parts of the reinforcement must be inside the monolith. In order to achieve this, when laying it is necessary to ensure that the indentation is observed on all sides about 6-7 cm. After laying the reinforcement, it is possible to start pouring concrete.

Filling and laying of the foundation foundation

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Before proceeding to pouring, you need to calculate how much concrete is needed for this. This is done quite simply - there is a product of three values, namely the height, length and width of the foundation. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix sand, crushed stone and cement in a proportion of 3: 5: 1, respectively. The solution is then diluted with water.

It is best to use concrete prepared at the factory for pouring. The fact is that for one stop at you, most likely, it will not turn out to pour the mixture prepared by own hand. Because of this, the so-called "cold joints" appear. Through these defects will penetrate the moisture, which is disastrous for the foundation. If a special machine is used to fill the basis, then it should be checked whether there is access from the corners of the formwork for pouring. It is also important that the solution does not begin to harden. If this still happened, then the concrete mixture can be diluted with a small amount of water.

The process of pouring the ribbon foundation is as follows. To make the foundation a qualitative, concrete mixture is poured into several layers, each of which is about 25-30 cm thick. At the same time, before pouring the next layer, it is necessary to compact the already filled in. This way you prevent the formation of voids inside the foundation. In addition, in order to avoid the emptiness of the walls of the formwork it is recommended to periodically tap. The level to which concrete is poured is usually marked in advance with a stretched rope.

When the work is completed, the surface of the base is aligned with the trowel. In addition, the air must be emitted from the embedded foundation. For this he pierces in several places with reinforcement. Another need is to use a wooden hammer to tap the outside of the formwork.

Bookmark ribbon foundation: photo

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Bookmark ribbon foundation: video

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