The structures of cellular concrete are relatively light and do not create such a significant load on the ground, such as brick or reinforced concrete buildings. For buildings in 2 floors, foundations of various types are used. But most often individual builders equip the tape, which is preferable for various reasons.
We will not consider all its advantages, as well as the editing technology - this is the topic of a separate article on the ribbon foundation. But with depth it is worthwhile to understand separately, because it is on this issue, with similarities in all others, there is a lot of discrepancies.
What does this parameter depend on? If you analyze all available recommendations and reviews of those who have already built, then there are 2 main points.
Depth of freezing
It is determined both by the climatic conditions in the given terrain and by the characteristics of the soil. First of all, the composition of the soil and the location of underground aquifers. For this reason, no one will give an unambiguous answer to what depth the ribbon is to be buried without a preliminary survey of the site.
For our country it is possible to meet such recommendations - from 0,7 to 1,5 m .But this is in general. And the concrete depth of the tape is determined individually for each building. On sandstones or in swampy terrain, it can be even less - up to half a meter. And here, for example, on loam or clay sites on the contrary - is increased to 1.8 - 2 m .
Necessity in the basement room
Actually, it is not a question of deepening as such, but of the height of the foundation, that is, of the basement of the building. But this is at the discretion of the owner. We have already discussed in more detail about the basement floor.
One can meet the opinions that the depth of the foundation is affected by the quality and the scheme of its reinforcement. With this, it is rather difficult to agree, since when moving the ground it does not matter what to push to the surface - a pure artificial stone or reinforced with a metal frame.
And here are some other parameters to take into account also follows:
- from what are the overlaps made?
- dimensions of foam blocks;
- roof construction and roofing and pie materials.
What to advise individual developer
First, to study the experience of neighbors who have already erected any structures on adjacent sites. Even if these structures and not from foam concrete, then some useful information( on soil, groundwater) can be obtained.
Secondly, to invite a professional for geological survey of the site. The expediency of such a decision is obvious. The specialist will give a full "breakdown" and relevant recommendations, and in writing( in the form of a conclusion).Now let's compare. For this service it is necessary to pay approximately from 1,250 rubles / hectare( depends on complexity of work and some other factors, but no more than 4 000 for a private house).
And if the foundation "leads", there will be distortions of the walls, there will be cracks? In what amount will the repair of the building already in operation result?
Based on the above, you should not rely on the advice of various "experts".In which case, they will not have to pay for all omissions, but for the owner.