Projects of houses with a ground floor: how tastefully arrange basement

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Construction of any object begins with the design. This is a complex and important stage, which will largely depend on the strength, structural reliability, and the comfort of its occupants. dwelling construction should be as user-friendly, compact and ergonomic, especially if the building is planned on a small plot of land. Projects of houses with a ground floor, described in the article, will help solve this problem.

Projects of houses with a ground floor: how tastefully arrange basement

Usually house projects with a ground floor was used for small areas or to increase the living space of a small house


  • 1 Projects of single-storey houses with the ground floor: features and benefits
    • 1.1 Purpose basement: Picture exemplary embodiments
    • 1.2 Projects house with base: pros and cons
  • 2 Preparation of draft homes with basement and garage, other premises
    • 2.1 Building ground floor with his own hands: features and nuances
  • 3 Projects of houses with a ground floor: types and their differences
    • 3.1 Single-storey house with a basement floor
    • 3.2 Project home with a ground floor and garage
    • 3.3 Projects of two-storey houses with a ground floor
    • 3.4 Especially projects of houses with attic and basement

Projects of single-storey houses with the ground floor: features and benefits

Designing of residential buildings - it's not just the size of the area and squaring the room, but the definition of the overall design of the future building. The presence of a basement or a basement, as well as their absence, should be provided by the project. After all, the very building includes underground and aboveground parts. Floor on the ground floor is located below ground level, and it reaches a maximum height of 160 cm, which is almost twice less than usual floor.

The ground floor is located below ground level, and its height is less than 2 m

The ground floor is located below ground level, and its height is less than 2 m

The presence of a ground floor in a private house adds a useful living space that size is around the house. This advantage allows for more efficient use of land around the house and save on the construction of ancillary facilities. Thus, in the house of 10x10 m, bonus are another useful area of ​​100 m2.

Another positive factor is that the ground floor is a rational solution to the houses located in areas with large slopes. In this embodiment, negative relief becomes plus. The basement, which is completely out of the ground at least on one side, can serve as an excellent place to enter into the house of accommodation. Ground floor - a way out of the situation, when the construction of additional floors are not permitted for various reasons.

Useful advice!Simplify the work in the choice of the future house, considering all the taste characteristics of the hosts, to help complete projects of houses with a ground floor. Photo many examples on the Internet.

House with a ground floor is perfect for areas with rough terrain or slope

House with a ground floor is perfect for areas with rough terrain or slope

Purpose basement: Picture exemplary embodiments

Another advantage of the house with a ground floor - its target destination. It can serve to accommodate not only the living rooms, but also ancillary facilities. In modern building design was particularly popular recreation areas. The most common basement is used for placement:

  • garage;
  • workshops for different purposes;
  • boiler room;
  • laundry;
  • communication networks;
  • gym;
  • saunas or baths;
  • swimming pool;
  • rooms for billiards and other entertainment;
  • home theater.
On the ground floor you can build residential or utility room

On the ground floor you can build residential or utility room

Less common in the project at home with a cap placed on the ground floor the kitchen or bathroom. Quite often, this room used to store the vegetable garden and garden equipment, and various seasonal items, for example, designed for hiking and fishing. With stable average temperature +15 ° C there may well be stored products, canned and fresh vegetables. Wealthy owners often place here wineries.

Number of rooms in the ground floor can be different and not always coincide with the number at the main floor. Also, there may be several outbuildings, such as a garage and workshop and a sauna with a swimming pool.

Experts recommend to draft homes with basement in specific cases:

  • on a slope or in an elevated location;
  • in small garden plots;
  • if there is no other way of placing the garage or basement for storage of vegetables and pickles.
Projects of houses with a ground floor are becoming more popular in modern construction

projects of houses with a ground floor are becoming more popular in modern construction

Projects house with base: pros and cons

Before you make a final decision regarding the construction of a dwelling house and appropriate placement of the ground floor, it should be considered as a series of positive and negative factors. The advantages of such facilities should include:

  • the emergence of additional usable space without capturing the local area;
  • the presence of outbuildings offloads the main part of the house, making it more spacious;
  • thanks to the basement removed the issue of additional insulation the floor on the first floor.
  • the total usable area of ​​the house, such as residential, doubled if the project is a single-storey house with a ground floor and a half times, if the two-story house;
  • life becomes more comfortable if the residential and utility rooms are located under one roof;
  • savings on the construction of additional buildings in the yard;
  • no problem with the installation of communication networks.
Plan two-storey house with a basement floor

Plan two-storey house with a basement floor

Important!Experienced builders are not advised to include in the draft a ground floor in an area where there are reheating melt, rain or groundwater. In order to ensure the normal operation of the premises necessary to take care of the installation of a special drainage system that can cause serious additional costs.

Despite the long list of positive aspects, it should also be noted a number of disadvantages associated with the presence of the basement in the building. These include:

  • a significant amount of earthworks and the need for removal of the soil;
  • in such a construction can not do without the involvement of specialized equipment, especially if there is a necessity of erecting the basement of the blocks or concrete slabs;
  • requirements to ensure waterproofing the basement, you need to consider and provide pavings construction and drainage system;
  • increased costs associated also with additional electricity consumption for lighting of the underground part of the house.
Construction of the basement requires a careful approach and therefore increases the cost of the entire construction

Construction of the basement requires a careful approach and therefore increases the cost of the entire construction

Preparation of draft homes with basement and garage, other premises

Even before the creation of the project is necessary to carefully consider all the details, take into account a number of features and thorough approach to the construction of the house with a basement or ground floor. Predetermining factor - the type of soil on which it is planned construction of the building.

It is difficult to build objects below ground level on a rocky or sandy soil. Difficulties will arise in the soil is saturated by groundwater. In some cases, even the idea of ​​building one-story house with a basement floor should opt out. The ideal for this type of construction sand and groundwater should lie at a depth of over 1.5 m. Otherwise, do not do without the advice of qualified professionals.

Builders before starting work on a mandatory basis conduct a series of geodesic activities, including study of the terrain and determine the depth of the aquifer. If groundwater are above the specified level, then the construction of the cap is not eliminated, but becomes more voluminous and costly because of the establishment of reliable waterproofing protection. In this case it is easier to order the construction of the basement under the key subject of geodetic research and design.

The finished project home with an attic and basement

The finished project home with an attic and basement

Building ground floor with his own hands: features and nuances

These factors are generally considered ready projects of residential buildings with a ground floor. If you strictly follow the design specification guidelines, perhaps even an independent building of the cap.

The design plan construction of the ground floor is much like the foundation of the manufacturing process, which includes 2 stages:

  • training tape soles. It is approximately 20 cm below the level of the floor of the future;
  • building walls. There are several ways, but the most popular - is the application of the foundation blocks.

Useful advice!Book design documentation, or buy ready-made project should be in companies that specialize in creating them, whose work is time-tested. It is the firm full responsibility for the developed documentation. Reliable partners provide not only the reliability and quality of construction, but also the comfort of living, as well as efficiency in the work.

Layout of the premises on the ground floor

Layout of the premises on the ground floor

In addition to these factors, experienced specialists carry out an adaptation of the building inspection for compliance with certain conditions, taking into account the fact that the usual cellar or basement in a private home is different from the ground floor level deepening. The floor in the building with the cap goes underground to 1/3 of the height floors and a basement - 2/3 or even lower. Also note that the construction of the ground floor provides for a window to be placed above the ground.

An important factor in the construction of buildings with base - its waterproofing. In this regard, unacceptable savings, and even more contempt as to be in wet areas is not only uncomfortable, but also very harmful for health. All of these issues need to take into account at the stage of planning (which usually take into account the architects for the project).

Everything for a ground floor area is recommended to choose without the proximity of groundwater

Everything for a ground floor area is recommended to choose without the proximity of groundwater

Projects of houses with a ground floor: types and their differences

There are many options for building houses with a ground floor. Its absence or presence of, the materials used, number of floors and rooms - the main components of the total price of construction. Thus, the cost of construction of residential buildings affected by the following factors:

  • the number of expected floors;
  • the total area of ​​the building;
  • topography, soil composition and groundwater depth;
  • the volume of earth and concrete work;
  • the construction of drainage and ventilation systems in order to create a healthy climate;
  • complexity of the project.

Related article:

Projects of houses with attic and garage: variations buildings
Distinctive features of the buildings. Key points for the design. The choice of material and roof type. Options houses projects.

With the construction of the basement started the whole process of construction. He paid special attention, as the quality and strength of the base will depend on the state of the entire building. That it will support the weight of all of the main building.

Ground floor - is the most important because it is also the foundation of holding the entire building

Ground floor - is the most important because it is also the foundation of holding the entire building

It should be noted that the cost of construction work affects the manufacture of the material. For the construction of basements usually use the same materials as that for creating a regular foundation for a house with a basement. It is a brick, slabs of expanded clay, gas or foam blocks. Can not do without logs and timbers. The cost of a typical project may increase, subject to a number of changes.

Standard projects of houses with a ground floor are a separate category, ranging from houses projects cellar, one-storey, two-storey buildings, with or without a garage, to sophisticated drawings of houses with attic.

Single-storey house with a basement floor

This building - a way out of the situation, when to save money on the construction site, but to increase the usable area of ​​housing. The houses of this type is allowed diverse layout of the rooms and outbuildings. If you build a country cottage, then use a simple technique of deep foundations reinforced structure.

Important! Standard projects of houses on the slopes and hilly surfaces does not exist. They are made individually, taking into account the topography and size of a building site.

Each project is a house with a basement floor is individually designed based on the features of the site

Each project is a house with a basement floor is individually designed based on the features of the site

In this case, use tape or monolithic base, but they require a certain physical and financial costs associated with the earth and concrete work. Thus, the construction of the foundation with base will be one-fifth of the value of the entire building.

Underground part projects in simple one-story houses with a basement represents (relative arrangement of rooms) repeating circuit main room. In more complicated designs layout may vary considerably. Maximum depression in the floor, the floor has almost no effect on the increase in the overall height of the building. Country houses with in-depth look very solid foundation. Particularly attractive and neat appearance are small houses with attic.

Special refinement lodges attached lining material. For this purpose, decorative plaster, clinker, Polymer tile, artificial stone and other building materials for exterior use. Single-storey buildings with a cap and three living rooms - ideal for a family of three living. When the total area of ​​150 m² number of households can be significantly large. Typical projects and drawings of single-storey houses can be found on the Internet.

Ease of construction with an additional floor in the basement can not be overestimated

Ease of construction with an additional floor in the basement can not be overestimated

Project home with a ground floor and garage

Small cottage with garage in the basement - the choice of people seeking convenience, economy and comfort. Additional advantages of this construction is that to go to the garage space is not necessary to go out. Temperature conditions in the basement, even without heating is generally much higher than in conventional garages, which contributes to a better vehicle safety.

It should be noted that the experienced designers in terms of practicality prefer houses with attached garage, over which no other facilities are located. This embodiment also contributes to saving space and materials.

Build a common basement in a private house with his own hands - a process taking into account all the possible features of the project. Construction of a garage in the basement part - a complex task that requires taking into account such criteria:

  • thorough geodetic studies of soil. For placing the garage in the underground part is unacceptable as the proximity of groundwater and open water bodies;
  • competent designing and installation of the ventilation system;
  • convenient communication with the basement of the main building;
  • additional external insulation, waterproofing and lighting buildings.
Often, in the ground floor equip garage, which in itself saves valuable space

Often, in the ground floor equip garage, which in itself saves valuable space

Useful advice!When designing a house with a built-in or attached garage, you must provide proper ventilation in the room, and avoid contact with the exhaust gases into the living room. Good thermal insulation in the construction of the premises of the foam blocks provide the technology is a two-lane masonry.

Projects of two-storey houses with a ground floor

A simple way to increase the area of ​​a residential building - the construction of an additional floor. Therefore, the project two-storey house with a ground floor - the most popular and convenient options to stay. Garage simplifies the use of vehicles. It is not necessary to go into the snow and rain behind the car - we need only to go down to the ground floor.

Typical drawings of two-storey houses take into account the requirements of the traditional owners. For example, the house has a basement area of ​​11,5 × 12 m. In this case, the length and width can be cut, having a structure size of 110 or 100 m². The total area of ​​the building at the same time will be about 190 meters. Living space - about 70 m².

Due to the ground floor, you can build a large and spacious house even on a small plot

Due to the ground floor, you can build a large and spacious house even on a small plot

The most common building material - thermal panels (or clinker). The basis is a belt or monolithic foundation. Retaining and basement walls are made of silicate blocks. The interior walls are made of silicate blocks reinforced with a reinforcing frame.

Speaking of two-storey buildings, it should be noted their advantage in saving the territory. The building can be placed even on small or narrow piece of land, respectively, the length of the communication is reduced. In addition to the above, it is worth noting that the two-storey house warms up quickly. House plans with a cap and a loft contribute teplosberezheniyu top and bottom.

Especially projects of houses with attic and basement

Attic automatically turns into a three-story two-story house without breaking the law that prohibits the construction of private buildings higher than two floors. There are many projects at home with a ground floor and an attic. They are easy to find on the Internet.

Attic and basement are automatically converted one-storey house in three floors without raising taxes

Attic and basement are automatically converted one-storey house in three floors without raising taxes

The main difference between a house with an attic of a three-storey cottage - significantly lower the cost of construction. This is an important factor for developers who want to save on materials. Ergonomic option are the projects where a staircase takes up a minimum living space. Original look of construction with balconies on the attic floor. The main advantage - an increase in the usable area on the third. Here is a great place to accommodate the leisure area and a living room.

Basement makes the house more comfortable and functional, which leads to increased convenience and comfort under one roof. The presence of the attic not only adds useful construction area, but also serves as a heat insulating layer for the main floors. Numerous advantages and benefits of the houses with a ground floor that are listed in the article, make such facilities especially popular, and the projects are in demand by architects.

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