Water filtration systems

In modern conditions, the task of achieving the required water quality becomes particularly topical. It can come to the end user from different sources. In their quality are artesian wells, mountain streams, surface waters, and also sea water after desalination treatment. It is necessary that it is transparent and odorless, does not contain in the composition of pathogens, as well as impurities, suspended solids and dissolved substances that cause the appearance of sediment. In addition, it is necessary to control the content in the water for drinking, domestic needs and industrial purposes of harmful chemical compounds. Before it is fed, preparatory treatment is required, including filtration according to the purpose of the water.


  • Filtration equipment
  • Filtration equipment
    • Filters for the house
    • Filters for the wells
    • Filtering the water in the pool
  • Selecting the water filtration system - video

Water filtration methods

Filters are used in the following cases:

  • for demineralization and neutralization of contaminants;
  • for clarification from silt and sand of water - when taking it from rivers and lakes;
  • for bringing to acceptable quality tap water;
  • for water, which deteriorated its characteristics during processing and use;
  • for final treatment before returning to the natural cycle.

With the help of water filtration, a variety of suspended debris, leaves, clay and sand, rust and slag are removed to protect the water distribution network( pipes, plumbing equipment and stop valves) from clogging and corrosion, the appearance of insoluble deposits.

In modern water treatment and water supply systems, to ensure the purity and safety of water, complex cleaning is performed:

  • passing through water filtration systems in the form of special cleaning modules containing a filter bed( gravel and crushed stone, sand, anthracite, etc.) - sometimes in combinationwith biological filtration( with the help of anaerobic bacteria, which are grown on crushed stone);
  • through cassette filters, as well as mechanical filters with mesh elements.

In addition to mechanical cleaning, there are also the following water filtration methods:

  1. Chemical - their operation principle is based on chemical reactions.

Chemicals are added to the water to remove contaminants by decomposition, neutralization, or precipitation and filter retention.

Chemical water filtration effectively softens water, normalizes its acidity, as well as iron content, various salts, manganese, free chlorine, organic compounds, bacterial impurities. This method is not suitable for drinking water.

  1. Physical methods:
  • by reverse osmosis - using polymeric membrane filters with minute holes that allow only water and oxygen molecules to pass through;
  • ultraviolet radiation - effectively sterilizes water, killing pathogenic bacteria;
  • thermal softening of water - hardness salts are destroyed by boiling and precipitate.
  1. Physicochemical methods combine the advantages of physical and chemical methods:
  • with the application of the flotation effect - for the filtration of sewage through the liquid mass of effluents, gas is passed, the formed foam with impurities is removed;and about
  • method of ion exchange - is a filtration through a backfill in the form of an ion exchange resin. Due to the chemical reaction, the structure of the water changes, its softening takes place - hardness salts precipitate and are filtered out mechanically. This method is not suitable for drinking water;
  • with the help of electrocoagulation - under the influence of electrolysis settling of colloidal particles and suspensions occurs.

Filter equipment

In modern conditions, multi-layer filters for water treatment are increasingly used, consisting of several layers with certain functions, while water is passed through the entire thickness of the filter layers sequentially. Such cleaning significantly increases the speed and efficiency of water treatment.

Today, the use of water filtration systems for homes and apartments is no longer a luxury. In the current environmental situation, experts strongly recommend the use of home filters for drinking water purification.

Filters for the house

To decide which water filtration system to buy, first of all, it is necessary to order the analysis of water from a well, well or water network - to determine the degree of saturation with impurities. Based on the results obtained, filtering facilities can be selected to remove various impurities, impart cleanliness and safety to drinking water, as well as to protect household appliances and sanitary equipment from contaminants, scale deposits and subsequent breakages.

A variety of drinking water filters are on sale:

  • jug filters are small and mobile filters that provide protection against certain types of contaminants. Are of low price;
  • flow-through filters installed on separate cranes, as well as installed under the sink - will provide the needs for purified water for several people. The quality of such cleaning and the life of cartridges is higher than in jar filters;
  • integrated water filtration systems for the home are more expensive and complex systems that provide up to 99% filtration. Among them, manufacturers offer multi-purpose water purification by reverse osmosis - for example, the Atoll water filtration system. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Such filtration includes:

  • preliminary preparation of water in the form of water purification from chlorine, pesticides and organic substances, mechanical impurities up to 1 micron;
  • passing through a semipermeable polymeric membrane of fine purification;
  • the final filtration through a carbon filter.


Flow-through filters on a separate tap can be installed in any home. These systems feature a good ratio of functionality and price, significantly improve the quality of drinking water, effectively clean it from a variety of contaminants. Implemented in Geyser water filtration systems, the three-level purification method allows to preserve the natural degree of mineralization in soft water, and soften effectively hard water. Currently, this method is used by many manufacturers.

Filters for wells

For well water, natural bottom filtration of drinking water is traditionally used with a layer of non-toxic and insoluble materials( gravel, crushed stone, sand, pebbles, shungite, jadeite, etc.) - they are laid on the bottom of the well during construction.


In addition, bottom soil filters from geotextiles( polypropylene fibers) and cassette filters that can cope with such types of contaminants as pesticides and various chemical impurities are widely used for wells.

Filtering of water in the pool

The specificity of the basin is such that it requires cleansing of small debris, bacteria and microorganisms, as well as algae that cause the flowering of water, organic substances. To maintain the level of the sanitary-hygienic state of the basin, it must be equipped with a filtration system. Purification of water in the pool from debris is done with filters, through which water is gradually passed through. In this case, the water circulation is supported by a pump with a prefilter in the form of a basket with large cells to hold the garbage.


For swimming pools, the following types of filters are used:

  • sand - with a filter cushion of sand without clay additives. From its granularity depends the efficiency of filtering debris, as well as the filtration load. In such filters, quartz sand is used( grain size is recommended, 0, 45-0.55 mm), as well as glass sand. The presence of a six- or four-position crane allows you to wash sand without replacing it. When buying a sand filter, you should pay attention to the availability of replacement cranes;33
  • multilayer filters - in the form of two or three layers of mineral fillings of different granularity, decreasing in the direction of flow of water. First, large debris is filtered out and then smaller;
  • cartridge - in the plastic or metal case there is a petal replacement cartridge that needs to be changed as it gets dirty;
  • combined filters - for disinfection and water enrichment in the water filtration system in the pool, various installations are used that allow ozonizing and ionizing water containing cartridges with bromine, chlorine or iodine. Such systems, depending on the design, can simultaneously perform several functions - disinfection, enrichment and filtration.

For small pools( up to 10 m3), filter cartridges are allowed, with the use of a sand filter, as well as water disinfection methods.

Selection of water filtration system - video

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