How to make a machine for the production of cinder blocks by yourself - drawings and video

Undoubted plus use in the construction of artificial stones - the possibility of their own production. The slag blocks are no exception. As far as it reduces the total costs, it is easy to understand, given that raw materials are one of the cheapest and affordable, and the need to deliver products to the site is eliminated, as production is organized at the site of work. From what you can collect a machine for the production of cinder blocks, how to do it yourself, we will understand the proposed article.

Note! Before proceeding with the manufacture of the machine, it is necessary to determine, first, where it is planned to be located( availability of free space on the site, in the extension, etc.), and secondly, with its productivity. These factors are interrelated, but it is on the basis of their analysis that the optimal design option can be selected.

With this in mind, experts recommend drawing drawings independently, in their own sizes, rather than copying other samples. And this is easy to do if you know the machine's device and the principle of its operation.

Table Given the total weight of the matrix and concrete solution, as well as vibration during the manufacturing process, only metal is used as a material. The photo shows several possible variations of the table.


Its task is to provide a solution seal by means of vibration, which achieves the required strength of the artificial stone. The method of "controlling" the vibrating table is manual or electric.

Features of the

The power of the engine does not have much influence on vibration. It is enough to take the product from a household appliance, for example, a used washing machine. The main thing is to ensure the optimal displacement of the center of gravity, which causes the table top to oscillate. How to do this depends on the capabilities and skills.


The first - with bolts that are located perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. Screwed nuts on them adjust the amplitude and speed of vibration.

The second is the installation of the washer, in which the center of gravity is displaced.

If difficulties arise related to the process of constructing a particular model, it will be superfluous to read articles on the relevant topics( for example, what is an eccentric and the principle of its operation), to recall the lessons of physics.

The worktop on the frame is fixed by means of springs. They can be picked up easily, for example, with written-off equipment. The couch is clearly not suitable, as they must be fairly stiff and strong.

When assembling the table, you need to pay attention to the fact that the table top should be placed in a strictly horizontal plane. Otherwise, after loading the solution, it will flow to the side, and the slag blocks will be obtained with a curved upper part.

As it is much more convenient to work with a mobile machine, the frame must be provided with wheels.


st-4_ It is easy to understand from the photo where it is installed.

Peculiarities of manufacturing:

  • Working part - plate - must be strong. Therefore, the metal is taken at least 3 mm.
  • Dimensions must be matched to the parameters of the matrix. The plate should be slightly smaller than its dimensions, so that when squeezing the solution does not flow outward.


Everything that is described above, in fact, the accessories that provide the technological process. But the form is the main element of the design. On how correctly it is made, depends on the convenience of work, and the speed and quality of the products.

Linear shape parameters and execution features depend on which blocks( empty or solid) and what dimensions are required( all sizes of the slag blocks are listed here).In general, this is a capacity designed to load the original mass into it. It is in the form it will harden and gain the necessary strength. For homemade matrices, the best material is wood. It can be either a planed thin board, or sheets of ply plywood( moisture resistant - FC, PSF).

The device of the simplest form is shown in the picture:


Collect such a construction does not work, as well as make the saws under the dividing walls. Many materials with a smooth surface-metal, glass-textolite, getinax and the like, are suitable for their manufacture.

Features of the mold

st-6_ If the production speed is not the determining parameter, then it can be made folding. This will greatly facilitate the extraction of finished cinder blocks. The simplest homemade matrices can be used for the production of artificial stone and without vibrating table, and the pressing should be done manually. In this case, the strength of the cinder blocks may be somewhat less. Such a simplified production technology involves loading a solution of a more liquid consistency.

All surfaces of the parts forming the interior cavity( bottom, sides) of the box should be treated with a moisture repellent paint. This eliminates the adherence to them of concrete mass and will increase the service life of the matrix.

If it is required to make hollow stones, it is advisable to fix the "pins" of the corresponding configuration on the bottom of the box.

And what kind of configuration to choose, it is clear from the figure, which shows the possible options for cinder blocks:


If only the round channels are enough, and the vibrating table is not used, then they can be obtained later, by banal introduction into the solution( in certain places) of the cylinder. Usually, an ordinary bottle is used( shown in the picture above).It is clear that compliance with the accuracy, uniformity of the distribution of grooves along the entire surface of the stone face with this technology is not guaranteed.

For the manufacture of stones on the vibrating table a monolithic structure is assembled. From it, the samples are simply "shaken out" when the matrix is ​​overturned. In this case it is more expedient to collect the shape not from wooden elements, but to use sheet metal from which the box is welded. Recommended thickness - not less than 3 mm. If you focus on the standard cinder block, the parameters of the matrix - 19 x 19 x 39( cm).At the bottom of the metal box, with the help of welding, "hollow-forming" devices are fixed.


To facilitate the process of removing blocks from the matrix, these elements need to be cone shaped. How to do it? For example, grind the metal blanks on the lathe, use trimming of the pipe, treating them appropriately. This applies to all elements, regardless of the section - round it( for cylindrical voids) or rectangular( for slit-like).In any case, "void-formers" should narrow to the top. The technique of their manufacture is different for everyone. The main thing is the result.

Note! Empties should not occupy more than ⅓ of the total volume of the artificial stone.

To improve performance, you can make a cassette-type matrix( one of the options is shown in the figure):


As the total weight of the assembly increases significantly, it is necessarily equipped with handles for easy movement.

For "fixing" the information I recommend to look at the video instruction on manufacturing the machine:


To make the process of designing the machine more understandable, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the technology of making blocks at home. Then there will not be any vague moments, it will be possible to make your own drawings, and assembly of the table and the matrix will go much faster.

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