Choosing equipment for children's playgrounds
To equip a playground for your children you need strictly within the budget, because for active games you need the equipment of playgrounds with just a few elements - it's a slide, a hanging swing and a balancer. The latter is usually a board or beam with seats at the ends, which has an axis in the center, fixed on the rack. However, an excellent analog is the rocking-arc. Suspension swings can be single or in the form of a gondola, the latter option for children is particularly successful .
Before you equip the playground, bring your kids to the park and see which swings and carousels they like best, so you will save yourself from unnecessary waste of money, time and effort. For example, if the usual "winged swings" of children are not particularly enthralling, but from the hill they can not be dragged out of their ears, it is better to put two different slides than to hang a board on which no one will ride. Quite small for sure will really like the sandbox with a fungus. It can also be made more difficult, for example, to make real walls for a sandbox with two doorways and two windows, as well as a roof, and within the same place to accommodate a couple of benches.
Plastic slides for children's playgrounds - what options can there be?
From the roller coaster the child can begin to ride from the age when he climbs on it, although before that adults can organize such entertainment, holding and guardianship. But it's always more interesting, when alone, without support, is not it? Therefore, for the youngest, we choose the plastic slides corresponding to their age for children's playgrounds, namely, three steps and a rather flat straight trough. Another thing is that older children can diversify their entertainment. There are entire complexes with two or even three troughs, one of which is in the tube, the second is wavy, the third is the standard straight .
Any slide for the slide must comply with safety regulations, that is, it must have high beads and a perfectly smooth base, without chips and rough edges. For children within 8-10 years, slides can be with an element of extreme. For example, there are models where the gutter curves steeply around almost the entire staircase, taking the child to its foot.
If you have children of different ages, you will need complex equipment of children's playgrounds with stairs and slides, on the basis of sawn timber and with plastic troughs. At the very bottom, we arrange a level for the kids, and to the adult troughs we make a staircase as a ladder, under which we stretch the web-web a meter below the platform to which we need to get. For those who pass through the age limit, but are rather weak, we stretch the vertical grid from the safety net to the site in front of the gutter. To get to it, you still need to overcome the cobwebs, with which the kids, who are not dignified before such an attraction, will not be able to cope exactly.
Swings for children's playgrounds and other entertainment
There are hills, sandboxes too, it remains to equip the well-arranged territory of happy childhood with a mere trifle - swings, roundabouts and various simple designs, which, nevertheless, cause delight in the children. Several types of swings have already been mentioned above, namely: hanging( board and gondola), as well as rocking-board and rocking-arc. However, other variants may be established. For example, a single outboard swing for children's playgrounds can be equipped instead of a regular board with a comfortable seat with a safety bar or chain. You can install a pendulum swing, they have only one point of attachment to the axis, around which and swing.
For a greater variety on the site, carousels for children's playgrounds, which can be either classical or semi-sports, will not be superfluous. The first option - a round carousel, a platform on which are installed restraints and seats for kids. Boys and girls are sitting in a crooked manner, adults take up the restrictive bars and unwind. But children can also roll themselves, however, this version of the carousel is suitable for those who are older. The same platform limiters does not have, there are only racks for which you need to take, run in a circle, dispersing the carousel, and then zaprygivat on the move. Intermediate version - with the seats and steering wheel in the middle, along which the children amicably move their hands, rotating themselves around the axis. And fun, and for the overall development is useful.