The technology of production of SIP panels - the merits of the idea of
In the world practice of housing construction, the word combination "Canadian technology" is increasingly perceived by the inhabitant as a synonym for high quality and optimal cost of advanced construction methods. Harsh climatic conditions cause the appearance of simple and effective materials and methods of their use for the construction of high-quality houses.
In the production of laminated materials, special automated assembly lines are used. The production technology of the SIP panels makes it possible to obtain high repeatability of the dimensions and properties of each plate.
Bonded under high pressure from two outdoor OSB-boards with a polystyrene core, three-layer sandwiches have a number of unique advantages when used in house-building technologies. The material has a one-and-a-half superiority of thermal protection indicators in comparison with any existing ones.
Light weight allows construction on light foundations, installed in a few days. The thickness of the SIP panels provides high thermal protection. Houses made of these sandwich materials are very warm. In addition, during installation there is no need for special equipment or machinery: the building box is assembled with minimal construction costs in just a couple of weeks.
The manufacture of each element in the factory guarantees the quality of the assembly process, which can be carried out at any time of the year. And this is not a complete list of the merits of the material: it is possible to decorate such a house immediately after installation, becausethere is no shrinkage.
SIP panels - where are the imperfections hidden?
Allegedly, the 's SIP-panel is more likely to result from low consumer awareness. The main disadvantages include fire hazard, susceptibility to rodents, environmental hazards, low strength and cost. Unfortunately, everything burns, even metal. But fire safety measures for any home are able to minimize the risk of fire.
These include the treatment of means and compounds to increase fire protection, the installation of electrical networks in compliance with general safety rules, the requirements for the use of heaters, furnace and fireplace heating, fire safety and its main rules.
As you can see, the observance of these measures is equally necessary for stone, wooden and other structures, including multi-layered material.
Materials from different manufacturers can have several different sizes for the SIP panel;the shortcomings specified above will be minimized if the fire safety rules are observed, quality assembly and finishing of the surfaces of the structure.
So the notorious danger of destruction of polystyrene foam by rodents is reduced to zero by restricting access to it. To do this, special tabs are made in the joints between the seams and the like. Among other things, such techniques improve the thermal conductivity, eliminating possible cold bridges.
Structural insulated panel -
construction features Doubts about the high strength of the material will best be shattered by visual tests on the load capacity of the CIP panel, videos of which can be found on the Internet. The composite material is characterized by high strength due to the properties of the outer plates and high-quality manufacturing technology. And the experience of operating houses from this material speaks of their advantage in resistance to wind loads of hurricane force, well-maintained snow loads, frost-resistance, better solarization of premises, etc.
The last fact may seem far-fetched, but the dimensions typical for the SIP panel( up to fifteen centimeters thick) provide better interior illumination due to the smaller wall thickness, which retains a high thermal protection, achieved by much thicker traditional building materials.
Panels with structural insulation, this is how the SIP( structural insulated panel) is interpreted from English, moisture resistant, does not rot and does not separate. Materials used in the process of their manufacture are environmentally safe, starting from adhesives, finishing with finished high-tech products.
The thickness of the material from six to eighteen centimeters, with a length of up to three meters and a width of more than a meter, allows you to perform a complete assembly cycle of all structural elements of houses of different number of storeys. The experience of such construction in the countries of the world begins to be widely used by domestic producers.