We make a shelf for shoes with our own hands - all options

The problem of storing shoes worries many people. After all, every person has enough of it, if only because for each season you need shoes that are suitable for this season. In addition, in our traditions( by the way, this is not the case for all nations) to take off their shoes when entering the house. Therefore, the question of where and how to store shoes is divided into two components.

First, where to store shoes for the seasons, when it is not worn? But after all, some models( sometimes called "front-doors"), too, do not often wear too often. But in fact, in order for shoes to serve as long as possible and retain their attractive appearance, it should be stored correctly. Secondly, no one wants his "mountain" of shoes, his and other family members, in his hallway. Hence, the shoes that are used for everyday wear should also be stored somehow. Plus, someone will come to visit. What, dump and shoes the guests in a common heap?

That's why a good host always thinks how to solve these issues. You can, of course, buy something - shelves, cabinets. But often furniture manufacturers are guided by European standards. Only the trouble is that their standards are not designed for most of our little hallways. A fairly simple and "cheap" solution to this problem is to make a shelf for shoes with your own hands.

Given that in each house its dimensions of the hallway, its furniture, its preferences for its arrangement, there can not be single recommendations. However, a few of the simplest ways to store shoes will be told.


For light women's shoes

You can use decorative "cornices" to store women's shoes. If it is fixed to the wall parallel to the floor, then it can be hung up with women's shoes( with socks down, sole against the wall).It will be held at the expense of long heels( pins).It is not difficult to make such a cornice. Now there are enough different versions of finishing materials. The height of the arrangement of such a shelf, the method of its fastening are chosen proceeding from the convenience of use and the general design of the hallway.


For any footwear other than winter

The first option. Several horizontal shelves, one above the other, can be attached to the selected section of the wall. Material for them can serve as a board, chipboard sheets, plywood, plastic. The surface of the wall between the shelves is covered( pasted) in the tone of the shelves. Shoes are put on the back, sole against the wall. Socks are clamped with a rubberized cord( or something similar), stretched along the entire shelf at some height from it. Shoes, located in this way, will be stored compactly. And the shelves themselves will not be too wide, so they will not occupy much space in the hallway.

The second option. Now in the stores of household goods, quite a lot of different plastic or glass containers of rectangular shape are being sold. They are recommended for loose products. Their dimensions are different, so that the size of a pair of shoes can not be chosen. If the containers are glued together with side walls, then an excellent box with cells for separate storage of each pair will be obtained. This model is convenient in that as the number of shoes increases, this box is easily "expanded"( both in height and width).It is enough to glue one or more containers. And this box is washed well.

a shelf

The third option. Make a vertical locker with an open front wall. The width of two or three rows, in height, depending on the circumstances. Having removed the shoes at the entrance, it can easily be put in a free cell. The material can serve all the same chipboard, plywood, board.

The fourth option. If you attach a metal escarpment to the wall, cutting it slightly along the length, you can put light shoes on it. Her socks will be held by the profile, which is fixed slightly higher.

In any case, with some ingenuity, you can come up with your own version. The main thing is that shoes do not lie on the floor( and do not interfere) and the shelf does not take up much space, reducing the already small area of ​​the hallway.

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