Nuances of wallpapering on drywall

Nuances of wallpapering on drywall

Drywall is very often used in finishing the apartment, so it's important to know how to glue wallpapers on drywall.

It's very easy to work with gypsum board, even without much experience in repair work, plus it is inexpensive, which makes it an excellent material for finishing the apartment.

However, many do not know whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on drywall?

In fact, not only it is possible, but also it is necessary: ​​the finish of drywall is not decorative, so it requires the embedding of any finishing material, and often for this purpose choose wallpaper.

You can cover gypsum cardboard with any kind of wallpaper: paper, non-woven, painted, wallpaper, etc.

In the article you will get full information on the finish of drywall wallpaper, as well as a video format guide that will help you cope with the work.


  • Preparing the surface for wallpapering
  • Steps for gluing
  • The material dries for about 2 days.

Preparing the surface for wallpapering

Wallpaper on plasterboard can not be glued without preliminary surface preparation. Just like in the case of pasting ordinary walls, you need to remove the old wallpaper, if any.

Old wallpaper should be removed as accurately as possible, because the drywall is more fragile than the concrete coating.

If the wall or other structure is new, and you have not dealt with its finish yet, the most important thing is to properly ground the surface, so that the subsequent material will lie on it better and look even.

Priming the surface of plasterboard is necessary for two reasons: firstly, to protect the material from attacks of fungus and mold. This is especially true for the bathroom, where high humidity.


Another reason is that after adhesion, the adhesion of the finishing material to the wall is markedly improved.

Priming surface can be any type of primer that contains acrylic base.

Primer can be purchased as already ready-made - then it will be poured into a can of 5-10 liters, and in the form of a concentrate, which will need to be mixed with water before applying to the wall.

In this case, the primer will be sold in a canister of 1-3.By properties, both types of mixture are the same, most importantly, it is correctly applied to the walls.

The surface must be primed using a roller or brush. Apply the material from the bottom up so that it is evenly rubbed into the walls.

After the material is distributed on the wall, it is necessary to leave it for a while, so that the primer will dry. Drying time depends on the layer and can reach up to 24 hours.

Find out more specifically about how long it takes to wait for drying, you can in the instructions on the packaging material.

Drywall walls differ from conventional walls in that they have joints where material sheets converge with each other. It is very important to seal these places so that the surface becomes completely even.

Otherwise, the unevenness will be visible under the wallpaper. The joints can be treated with a special reinforcing tape - a serpent.

It is made of fiberglass, and in appearance it looks like an elastic bandage for medical needs.

This material is ideal for finishing joints, because the adhesive backing of the tape quickly grips with a groove on top of the seam.

After applying the tape, putty grooves are put in the joints of the sheets, which is also necessary if you decide to paste the wallpaper on the drywall.

Sealing joints

The putty mixture is applied in the groove so that its level is equal to the level of the material itself.

You can remove the excess filler with a wide spatula.

When the seams dry, they need to be additionally sanded using a sandpaper to completely level the surface and make the seam transition to the gypsum board invisible.

It will be necessary to apply the putty on the surface of the walls of gypsum board, but you do not need to do this simultaneously with the processing of the seams, becausein this case the surface will come out uneven and there is a risk of simply messing up the material.

Wall plastering follows the final stage of preparation. Many do not understand why this finish is needed, because the surface of the drywall sheets is so smooth.

However, putty is necessary: ​​first, it will help you to hide the screws that hold the sheets on the frame, and, secondly, remove the transitions between the sheets of drywall that will become visible after the paper is pasted with wallpaper.

After the puttying of the walls it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the surface, and then to process it with fine-grained sandpaper.

It will help to level the surface and remove excess material.

It is necessary to treat the surface without exerting excessive force, so as not to damage the surface, otherwise the shpaklevku will have to be repeated.

Some do not know if it's worth plastering the surface? Plastering is necessary in the event that you plan to eventually replace the old wallpaper.


If you do not do this, they will very tightly stick to the surface and how to remove wallpaper from plasterboard, will turn out to be a big problem for you.

Most likely, you can not remove the old wallpaper without damaging the structure, if you refuse the plaster.

The whole process, how to remove old wallpaper and prepare the surface of drywall for pasting, you can follow the video in our article.

Steps for gluing

After grinding, an additional layer of primer should be applied to the surface of the walls, and only after drying it can proceed to gluing the wallpaper.

Primer to improve the adhesion of the adhesive to walls and wallpaper, protect them from deep penetration of the material and damage.

The wallpapering of plasterboard walls generally corresponds to the pasting of ordinary walls. The most important thing when working with this material is to choose the right glue that is suitable for drywall.

For which materials the adhesive is intended, you can see on the packaging when buying the mixture.

To glue the coating correctly, we need to make the marking of the walls and draw out the initial vertical. It is best to start it from the window slope.

This can be done with the help of a laser level, or, if it does not, a normal plumb bob will do.

After the preparation of the walls, it is necessary to prepare the coating itself: cut them with strips of the right size so that the floor and ceiling are filled with a stock of 5 cm.

When cutting material, make sure that the picture is convenient to join on the walls.

The application method differs depending on the type of wallpaper. So, very popular trim are liquid wallpaper on gypsum cardboard.


They are applied with the help of a spatula by moving back and forth, not staying long at one place.

It is better to dilute the desired amount of the mixture beforehand, if the coatings are not enough, after applying the second part, moisten the corners with water so that the finish falls on one layer and there are no transitions.

Dry the material for about 2 days.

If you glue a vinyl coating, then before applying to the wall, you need to work with glue not only the surface of the walls, but also the sheet itself. For flizelinovyh enough to handle only the wall.

Apply glue to the coating and the construction of gypsum board with a brush or roller - all the same as when gluing ordinary walls.

Align the wallpaper stripes, not counting the liquid, according to the level. The first cloth is lined up vertically, and the rest are glued in accordance with it.

After gluing the material, you need to "kick" from under it formed air bubbles and smooth the surface, so that the coating lay flat.

If from the wallpaper comes out the glue, then it must be removed immediately with a damp cloth, so that it does not get on the outside surface of the material, otherwise there will be a trace.


After fixing all the cloths and drying the glue, cut the edges. Use a ruler and a mounting knife to cut all edges one level and not damage the coating.

If you want to wallpaper the ceiling with gypsum board, then you need to act in a way similar to the treatment of walls. First you need to prepare the surface: clean it, primetovat and putty.

The coating can then be applied in a suitable way, depending on its type. On the ceiling most often choose wallpaper on a non-woven or vinyl base, as well as paper coating with a relief.

It's better to choose more dense wallpapers, becausethey better hide all the defects that a ceiling can have.

Ceilings are wallpapered by wallpaper, following the standard instructions for working with each type of wallpaper.

To start to glue a material it is necessary in a direction to a window, preliminary having made a marking that a covering easily exactly.

To glue it to the ceiling is not as comfortable as it is on walls, so it's best to do this with an assistant who can process and serve you material.

Picking up wallpaper, one must proceed from the general design of the room.

You do not have to choose the same wallpaper for the entire room: you can, for example, combine the cover, but in this case, choose wallpapers that have one base and preferably released in one lot - so you can minimize the risk that the coating will differ in color or texture.

Also focus on the size of the room: for small rooms, you need to select a light pastel shade without bright pictures.


In larger rooms, you can use brighter colors and voluminous illustrations. If you glue the ceiling, you can select it by color, pasting bright variants.

Buy stuff always needs more than is required, especially if it contains a drawing that will have to be cut and customized.

You need to buy glue only after you have decided on the type of coating.

If you plan to remove the old wallpaper, then in addition to the standard wall treatment, you need to plaster the surface.

Use these simple tips and you will be able to make your gypsum board construction a real interior decoration.

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