We glue the tile on the wall

We glue the tile on the wall

To keep the clutch firmly and not falling off, you need to know how to properly glue the tiles on the wall.

The tile was, is and will be a very popular facing material of walls and floor. This applies not only to the bathroom, but also to the kitchen, and the floor can be laid at least in the whole house.

Advantages of tile in front of other materials is that it is resistant to moisture, durable, perfectly washable, aesthetic.


  • Preparing the walls
  • The second stage of preparation - leveling
  • Laying the tile
  • Putting the tiles in the kitchen, laying the oven
  • Putting the tiles on the floor
  • Adhesive tiles on the wooden surface

Preparing the walls

Stick the tiles in such a way that it holds tight,did not slip, in the end it looked aesthetically pleasing.

Before laying the tiles in the bathroom, you need to remove the old wall lining. If the old covering was also tile, then it is completely cleaned together with the mortar.

To simplify this process, the seams between the tiles are cleaned, after which the surface is heavily wetted with water. Leave the wall in this form for several hours, so that the water is better absorbed.

If the walls of the bathroom were covered with paint, then it will be correct to clean it. Use for this can grinding disk.


If there is no way to do this, then over the old paint are made serifs for better adhesion.

If the wallpaper was used, then they are also removed, the wallpaper paste is washed with water. The wallpaper in order to better depart, you can soak with warm water.

In the case of whitewashed walls - whitewash is washed off: using a spray gun, the entire surface is treated with water, gives some time for impregnation, after which it can be removed with a spatula.

Conclusion: any old wall covering of the bathroom must be cleaned.

The second stage of preparation - leveling

The next stage is the leveling of the walls, which is necessary in order not to observe the fallen tiles. Before this, the wall must first be cleaned and treated with a primer.

All cracks are ground with putty. Elevated humidity is a characteristic feature of the bathroom, so it is better to choose a filler with reduced moisture absorption.

To determine the required amount of material, you can set the beacons, the level of which begins to equalize.


It's not necessary to do an ideally flat surface, the main thing is that there should not be any big differences.

If the walls in the bathroom are very crooked, then you can use plasterboard for leveling, which must be necessarily moisture resistant.

Drywall is fixed to the walls on metal profiles, special glue can be used as a fastener, but due to the gravity of the tile the structure must be reliable and durable, therefore it is better to choose a profile.

Drywall is laid in such a way that four corners are not formed at the joint. Despite the fact that the drywall is moisture resistant, it must be treated with antiseptics.

To eliminate problems with fungus and mold in the bathroom, the walls are also treated with an antiseptic before tiling. Then the surface is primed, it is possible in two layers.

We lay the tile

The laying of the tile begins with the marking.

In order for the laid tiles to look harmonious and without distortions, it will be correct to begin laying the first row at the height at which the second or third rows should be located.

This is done because the walls, as a rule, are not perfectly flat, if glued from the floor or ceiling level, skew may result.

On the video you can see how the tile laying works.


Markup is done using the level. In order to prevent the first row of tiles from sliding downward, a metal profile or any other material that serves as a guide can be fixed as a support.

Calculate the amount of tile in height, preferably so that whole tiles are joined to the ceiling, this point is not necessary, but otherwise the whole masonry will not look so beautiful.

If the ceiling is planned to be hinged, then it is not necessary to perform these actions, since the ceiling will hide all the irregularities.

If you use a bathtub as a guide, it will need to be sealed with tape so as not to scratch the surface.

Two types of spatula are needed for applying glue: straight and comb. On the wall, glue is laid using a straight spatula, which is stretched by a comb.

The glue is applied in small areas, under 2-3 tiles, so that it does not dry out, so do not cover the entire wall with it at once.

Also, the glue is applied to the tile itself in the same way: first with a straight spatula, then with a comb. Creating an uneven surface is necessary for better adhesion of the adhesive to the surface.

To glue the material, it must be pressed, check the laying level and install crosses for an even gap between the tiles.

All subsequent rows are stacked in the same way. If necessary, tile can be cut. When all the tiles are laid, you can begin to trowel the seams.


Put the tiles in the kitchen, overlay the oven

Most often in the kitchen put the tiles as an apron to protect the surface of the walls from splashing water, grease and soot.

If as the basic decorative covering of walls there will be a wallpaper, it is better to first lay the tile, and then glue them.

If the wallpaper is already pasted and plans are not worth their immediate replacement, then you need to make a markup.

After that, the wallpaper is gently pruned with a stationery knife, wetted with water, after which the wallpaper will swell, and they will easily be removed with a spatula.

You can glue a tile on the wall using the same technology that was discussed above.

If you use this method, then the wallpaper can get dirty and tear, so it is advisable to first perform the styling, and then glue the wallpaper.

What if, in a private house, there is a stove in the kitchen? In order for it to fit into the interior, and cleaning was not a burden, it is also covered with tiles.

As the oven will constantly heat up during operation, the tile must be chosen suitable.

It must be refractory, heat-conducting - this is necessary to keep the heat when the furnace is running.

So that the tile does not crack, it should be strong. It will be right to choose the porous structure of the material, when the furnace will constantly heat up and cool down, the tile will not fall off.

Conventional adhesive is not suitable for laying such a coating on the oven.


You can use the sand-cement mortar, but it is better to purchase a special fire-resistant mixture so that you do not have to glue off the tiles that have fallen off.

If the oven has been lined with other material, then it must be removed. Then, with the help of corners and nails, it is necessary to attach a metal mesh to it.

For laying the tiles on the stove, starting plaster and glue mortar are used. The plaster must be treated with the entire surface( over the mesh), making it even.

When the plaster layer dries, the surface must be primed. Further, the tiles are laid according to the technology described earlier.

We lay the tile on the floor

The floor is tiled not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, in the hallway, the loggia and even in the living room. Tile is a universal material, which allows creating a special atmosphere in the house.

Before proceeding to work directly, the floor must be prepared. First of all, the old floor covering is being dismantled.

If as a covering there was a tile that does not loosen, then the tile can be laid directly on it. Also it can be put on plywood or chipboard sheets.

The next preparatory stage is waterproofing. It is necessary if laying the tiles on the floor occurs in wet areas( kitchen, bathroom), and also if it falls on plywood.

After this, the floor must be made even. The ideal option is for this self-leveling mixture.

In wet areas the floor must be treated with antiseptics from the appearance of mold and fungus.

The last step is priming the entire surface.

Laying tiles on the floor

Paul begins to spread from the corner, which is always in sight. The glue is applied to the floor with a small amount for a couple of tiles. For a better grip, the back surface of the tile can be dampened with water.

The floor is laid out in rows. Level the tiles with a mallet. First, you need to glue all the solid tiles in the row.

To obtain smooth joints between tiles, it is necessary to use special crosses. At the end of the performed work, grouting is made.

Adhesive tiles on the wooden surface

The installation of tiles on wood due to the specifics of the material is not often, so as not to observe the fallen tile. The tile can be laid on plywood, plasterboard or chipboard.

If you decide to glue the tiles on old plywood or chipboard laid on the floor, you first need to check their suitability: they do not have to creak, wobble, be skewed.

If there is at least one of these items, the plywood or sheets of chipboard are changed to new ones( there is no need to open the whole floor, you can do it selectively).

Uneven surface is ground. Plywood and chipboard are necessarily treated with an antiseptic, after which waterproofing mixtures are applied to the plywood and particleboard.

On top of the plasterboard is laid to create a solid foundation. Drywall is best used moisture resistant.


You can fix the base by placing a grid on the plywood, after which the surface must be primed. Particleboard for better adhesion should be sanded, and then treated with a primer.

On top of the chipboard sheets, you can also lay the mesh, fix it and apply a small layer of glue. After drying, you can lay drywall.

Further tiles are laid according to the technology.

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