Installation of drainage canal for sauna
. Depending on how the sewage system in the bath is equipped, the degree of pleasure received from visiting it can depend. After all, in every therma, which is part of a cottage or a house on a private plot, it is necessary to organize a high-quality drainage. Violation of the drainage process can disrupt the thermal regime and significantly reduce the quality of its operation.
In a usual home sauna, which does not involve a large flow of visitors, it is enough to arrange a drainage canalization. The construction of this type of sewage system must be carried out according to the following scheme:
- The construction of a drainage well at a depth below the freezing point. The difference between these depths should be at least 150 percent.
- The prepared pit of the well should be overlaid with clay mortar along the whole perimeter of the bottom. Also, the surface of the trench, along which the pipe and the hole in the foundation passes, is subject to clay processing. The overlay should be about ten centimeters.
- Apply a layer of gravel, expanded clay or sand with gravel above the clay layer. The thickness of the embankment should be about half a meter. This structure will perform the function of drainage.
- On the drainage layer, a layer of earth should be applied and tightly packed.
- All pipe communications that produce water drainage from the bath should be insulated to avoid the freezing process.
Sewage disposal using the pit
There are situations when for the organization of a water flow in a bath there is not enough of a conventional drainage system. These situations can be the presence of soils that poorly pass through moisture or too much flow of contaminated water from the bath. A solution to this type of problem can be the installation of a pit in a sewage system of a bath. This device is constructed according to the following scheme:
- At a distance from one to one and a half meters from the room of the bath an additional deepening in the earth depth of about 70 centimeters is built. The width and length can be equated to 50 centimeters.
- The drainage pipe from the bath building is removed to the cavity of the pit, and is placed at a distance of 15 centimeters from the surface of its bottom.
- For the construction of the inner walls of the pit, as a rule, concrete is used.
- A pipe is taken out of the pit, which sends contaminated water to the sewage pit, the device of which was described above.
So, the canalization of a bath can consist not only of a drainage system, but also be supplemented by a pit, which helps to cope with additional loads on the sewerage system.
To prevent unpleasant smells and cold air from penetrating into the bath, a plate is attached to the outgoing pipe under a slope, which is attached to all surfaces of the pit except the bottom. The lower end of this plate should be located at a distance of five centimeters from the bottom of the device.
Specific features of installation of a bathtub sewer system
Sewerage of a bath is a structure that requires, at its creation, a responsible approach in the design of the design of the project, as well as in the choice of materials used. When installing the pipe system, you should choose materials that have the highest moisture resistance and temperature index. So, to ensure drainage, you should refrain from using pipe products from steel, as well as wooden boxes. For these purposes, it is best to use cast iron pipes, or pipe fittings made of ceramics or heat-resistant plastics.
Features of the construction of a bath floor
The installation of floors in a thermae also needs to be given special attention. This element of the interior is one of the important components of the sewer system of the bath room, because it is a kind of the initial link of the entire sewerage structure. Sewage of the bath will not function properly without a quality installed floor inside the bath room. There are the following options for installing floors in a therma:
- Leaking floor. This element of the bath device is a structure consisting of lags, the gap between which can be about 5 mm.
- Solid floor. This structure is a monolithic structure of concrete that is inclined. At the lowest point of the slope is a discharge hole, which is the beginning of the sewer system.
Construction of the
manhole. Some drainage systems are long due to various reasons. To monitor individual segments of such systems, the construction of inspection wells is necessary. These structures are small indentations on sections of the pipe, with concreted walls and easy access inward. Concrete processing also exposed the bottom of the object. In the section of the pipe in the inspection well, there must also be openings for accessing inwards in case of various types of blockages or breakages. The presence of such devices will greatly facilitate the on-line repair and planned inspection of the sewage system.
Thus, from the materials of the article it becomes known that the canalization of a bath is a multilevel system, the complexity of which depends on the functionality and dimensions of the existing bath room and for installation it is necessary to use highly specialized devices and materials.