How much is it and what post for electricity needs to be put in the cottage

How much does it cost and which post for electricity needs to be delivered in the country house

If you have purchased a country house or are going to start its construction, then sooner or later you will be asked about the connection to the electric network. Often in connection with this, there is a need to install a support for the power line near the site. Generally, the installation of poles should be carried out by state organizations and perform these works for free, but in practice everything is not so smooth, and it will take several years to wait. Special organizations can solve this problem for a certain amount of money.


When hiring specialists, there is no need to delve into the subtleties of the work, but certain information still needs to be known. The pillars for electricity are of three types:

  • wooden supports are the cheapest, but not particularly durable;
  • reinforced concrete poles - the most common in application;
  • iron poles of power lines - the most expensive.

Which pole to choose depends on the climatic conditions and power of the energy consumer.

Approximate cost of installation of poles for electricity is as follows:

  1. installation of one pole - 30-35 thousand rubles;
  2. five pillars - 100 - 120 thousand rubles;
  3. ten supports - 170 thousand and above.

Let's see how these sums are obtained. First, the cost of installation includes the price of the pillar itself, and secondly, all the features of the installation are taken into account.

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Installation and features of the installation of electrical aisles at the dacha

The five components affect the cost of supplying electricity poles in the country:

  • delivery of a support for electricity supply( use of a special vehicle - length meter), and peculiarities of using this technique;
  • renting of a load-lifting mechanism, for example an autocrane;
  • for drilling a pit is also used specialized equipment;
  • installation of poles in a strictly vertical position is carried out by a manipulator, whose rent is also worth the money;
  • carrying out final wiring robots, such as, installing insulators and conducting wires.

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All the installation steps must be carried out in strict accordance with the Electrical Regulations( Electrical Equipment Regulations), otherwise the organization owning these networks will not approve the legality of the connection.
From the quality installation of poles for electricity will depend on the operation of the entire power supply system. The work on the installation of supports should be entrusted only to organizations with extensive experience and appropriate tolerances.

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