Drainage foundation, its characteristics
The drainage system includes such types of foundations:
- Prestinal drainage.
- Drainage with a trench.
The first type of drainage, parietal, can be designed when the house has a basement or basement room. Very good, wall drainage is laid when the foundation is already under development. If your excavation is already sprinkled, it will need to be unearthed, and this is the extra cost of your labor and time. Therefore, it is better to do everything correctly and follow the instructions.
You also need to pay attention to the design of your house, if the house is orthogonal, then the drain system will be paved in a circle, and its angular sides will be drawn to the inspection wells. It is necessary to choose the most in-depth place, which will be supplied to the pumping of drains beyond the boundaries of your facility. To protect your foundation, you need to place a clay lock 0.5 to 1 meter from the wall of your house.
The second version of trench drainage should be laid 1.5-3 meters away from the base. This option will be ideal if your house is on clay or loamy soil, as well as when the house does not have a basement, basement or technical room. In the middle of the foundation and the drain lay the clay to protect the foundation of the structure from flooding. Remember that the drainage system should always be laid 0.5 m deep.
You can also consider a circular drainage system, which enters the trench drainage system and it fits into a layer of transmissive water, it can be a gravel material, namely, they are filled with our trench. It must be remembered that joints and turns of drainage are connected by special connecting elements, and pipes are also wrapped with waterproofing.
In order to properly make drainage around the house, you need to know that the ring drainage should be performed around the base of the trench facility. As a result, a drainage system will be laid. As a variant, our ditches can be used for laying a rain shower.
Designing the drain by hand
In order for our drainage system to be executed correctly and qualitatively, we need to prepare our base in this way:
- The face of our foundation must be treated with a special primer.
- Next step is spreading bitumen mastic.
- After the first two stages we should get a thick layer in which it is necessary to lay reinforced or plaster-paint mesh.
- After 24 hours, when our mastic is already dry, we put a coating to remove the mesh.
Trench drainage and its installation
For the laying of drains under a trench type of soil, certain types of pipes must be installed. To correctly install everything, you need to adhere to such rules:
- The first thing we need to do is to prepare our basis for work. Next we have to measure the threshold of our height and set the indicators. After measuring with our indexes, we fill the sand so that a certain slope of the pipe is made.
- After the first point, we need a special geotextile to lay our trench soil and properly fill it with gravel, so that our slope is observed. In the gravel layer, a burial is dug out for the laying of perforated drainage pipelines.
- Pipes need to be stacked with a slope of 2 centimeters to check how accurately the laying was made, you can pull the entire length of the tube with a string or a tight thread.
- All the turns of our pipe are provided by a pipe mounted in an upright position, in which the front side is covered with a hatch. This pipe is needed to cleanse from all constipation. Also, all pipes must be wrapped with geotextile material.
- To increase the cleaning plane of the drainage system, its surface should be covered with clean gravel, the thickness of the layer being 20 centimeters. Next, the gravel must be wrapped with geotextile, after which all it needs to be covered with sand, which has large fractions. Such sand is used as a drain filter, which has a capacity.
In order to quickly produce a perforated pipe, the simplest drainage polymer pipes can be used. This is done very easily and simply, the pipe is taken and holes are drilled on its base. The main thing is not to make the width of the holes larger than the backfill, in order to avoid problems in further exploitation.
Drainage well
To install such a well, you need to find a place in which the drainage pipes are connected. Most often for such a ferroconcrete ring is taken. The soil that we need for the base is selected from the point of transition of the pipe axis. To close the top of our well, we need to choose a hatch of resistant textiles. Also, we must provide for the insulation of our water supply network, so that the backfill for the release went well. It is possible to take foam polystyrene, which has a fullness of 25 centimeters.