Effective struggle against moles in the garden - from folk methods to scaring off

mole Each owner of a piece of land knows about many misfortunes with which it is necessary to constantly or periodically fight. But there is not much information about moles of information, especially since they did not settle everywhere. Or maybe we just do not notice their presence. But no matter how sweet and cute they did not seem, especially on TV screens, if they already appeared in the country or the vegetable garden, there will be a lot of harm from them.

Breaking through the numerous passages with which the whole territory can be dug, they completely destroy the root system of landings. And after heavy rainfall, the snow cover disappears, the soil often settles down in the places where the "treadmills" and shelters of the animals are located.

Let's consider some ways and methods of combating moles in terms of their effectiveness, feasibility and humanity.

Folk methods

It should immediately be pointed out that if one of them helped someone, then this does not automatically mean that it is a "panacea".Effectiveness depends on many factors. And many of these methods require considerable time, endurance and patience.


Fill with water

Firstly , you need to understand that moles build a branched network of moves that permeate the entire site. How much water do you need to fill all the voids with it? And then, what will the vegetable garden turn into? Where is the guarantee that all plantings will not "float" and that the root system of plants does not rot?

Secondly, , except for "roads", these animals arrange and underground recreation places, which water can not reach. And this is natural, since the natural instinct tells them that in heavy rain the dungeon can be flooded, and it is necessary to provide a shelter in this case.

Thirdly, , where is the guarantee that, having moved to the time of the "disaster" to a neighboring site, the mole will not return back after a while?

Fourthly, , the excessive abundance of water will greatly "spoil" life and other inhabitants of the underworld, many of which are very useful. For example, earthworms, which not only loosen the soil, but also enrich it.

Make a fence

grid If you do not mind the time and effort, you can dig a grid( metal) with small cells around the perimeter of the site. Above the ground, it should rise by 20 to 30 centimeters. Into the depth - for half a meter. For worms, it will not become a barrier, but it will save from moles. You just have to make sure that they are not on the site, but if they do, then first drive them away.

This is probably the simplest and most reliable way to protect a garden from animals without using technical novelties and chemistry. Although there is a limitation, because all the same you need to consider the total length of the perimeter. If the garden is large enough, then it will be difficult and costly to equip such protection.


This method gives a good, but temporary effect. If you land a lot of garlic, onions, the moles will leave, because they do not tolerate their smell. But after harvesting can return back. And planting a plot with these crops too tightly makes no sense. Therefore, you can use, but with a reservation.

There are quite a few other( extravagant) techniques. For example, scaring moles with loud music and firecrackers, filling the entrances into the burrows with liquid excrement. But their effect is in question, since it is temporary, and even the owner himself will have to endure stunning sounds and unpleasant smells during the "procedures".And it is still unknown who will become worse.

Sometimes such a primitive method helps. In the ground, along the perimeter, at a distance, sticks, pieces of thick metal wire are stuck. They put empty tin cans. Under the influence of the wind, they begin to rattle, and scare the animals away.


Application of "chemistry"

There are a lot of options, as well as substances. But it is necessary to think about the consequences. How will this or that composition affect the environment, for the future harvest? Those who advertise such funds are unlikely to care too much about this.

Therefore, for kitchen gardens, "chemistry" should not be used.


bird_x_transonic_mole_p2_440x400 It is no exaggeration to say that ultrasonic mole repellers are the most humane method of combating moles. The point is not to destroy them, but to scare them away. They generate sound vibrations at frequencies that are inaccessible to the person's ear, but moles respond to them immediately.

As an example, several inexpensive domestic models can be cited.


Quite a versatile device, as it relieves the site of many uninvited "guests."In addition to moles, he discourages mice, rats, medvedok, gophers and other animals, whose presence in the garden is undesirable. Manufacturers guarantee that there will be enough 10 days to "clean" the site. Power - from the batteries( 4 pcs.).The device "processes" the area to 2 000 m2.

The price is from 1 200 rubles.


"Chiston"( model III)

It is for earthmoving animals. But the radius of its action is up to 12 m. Therefore, for one garden you may need several pieces.

Price - from 700 rubles.


There is a fairly large assortment of technical means for combating moles on sale, so it is not difficult to choose the optimal model.


  • It should be understood that the earlier the mole is discovered, the easier it will be to cope with it. At least because he will not have time to make a lot of "bomb shelters".Therefore, the entire site should be inspected regularly.
  • When choosing this or that folk remedy, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the site and the existing conditions. Do not blindly follow the recommendations of "experts".
  • When purchasing a technical device, it is necessary to measure its capabilities with the size of the site.

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