Before deciding to do this work yourself, it is worth considering that in this case, all warranty obligations of the manufacturer and seller automatically lose their validity. But even if the door is assembled by employees of a specialized organization, it is not superfluous to know what and how they are obliged to do for the CORRECT installation of the door.
Before you begin to install the front door with your own hands, you must first prepare the doorway. When the old metal door is dismantled, you should carefully review the vacant "space".Removed should be all - the remaining old nails, uneven plaster, etc. If the standing door was metal, then you need to maximally cut off the remaining parts of its fastening( the bars of the armature, for example).
The door can be attached in different ways. It is either "superimposed" on the doorway, or inward. The owner himself determines how convenient it is to put it. However, it must be taken into account that the second way to set the door is not recommended, if the walls have a small thickness, because it can be easily squeezed out. For example, a jack, which sometimes makes apartment thieves. When buying a door, one should take an interest in the design feature of the door frame.
How to install the door
With the first method, the door is fixed to the mounting plates. By the way, not on all models they are. Some are already prepared for installation in the second way. When assembling the assembly( door + box) in place, the door surface turns out to be on the same line with the wall. On the plates there are holes in which the pieces of metal rod are hammered. You can also use anchor bolts of the appropriate diameter. After that, they are either riveted or welded to the plate. The door is obtained "firmly".
Sequence of work
- installation in the opening and fixing the box. For this, wooden wedges are used. It should be taken into account that there must be some distance between the door box and the opening( clearance);
- alignment. It begins with a more "heavy" side( where the hinges).The position of the box is checked by a plumb or level. The box should not stand with a slope on one side. Also, it should not be tilted forward or backward;
- fixing the box to the wall, but not tightly;
- hinged door to hinges;
- checking and adjusting the opening and closing of the door. It should not touch the elements of the box;
- alignment of the side racks( if necessary).You need to start with the one on the side of the castle;
- final tightening of anchor bolts.
After that, you need to seal all the remaining clearances - it is best for this job to use a gun for mounting foam. Foam not only seals all cavities and cracks, but also "glues" the surfaces, thereby increasing the reliability of fastening. After its final drying( 24 hours), the excess is removed, and a partial plastering of the wall with subsequent painting is carried out around the door frame.
Needless to say, this kind of work alone is not done.