Warming the balcony with your own hands

Warming the balcony with your own hands

If you know how to insulate the balcony, you can significantly save on repairing your apartment, because it will be expensive to contact specialists.

In this case, almost all the procedures for warming the balcony can be done most, the main thing is to know the technology and observe the necessary nuances.

Since the balcony, for example, in Khrushchev, differs from the loggia in that it is located outside the apartment and has a slab protruding beyond the building as a support, it is necessary to work with it carefully, becauseThe load that a plate can withstand is very limited.

Ask your experts if it is worth insulating the balcony before proceeding with this procedure.

If you know that the insulation of the balcony is possible, then you need to decide what is better to insulate the balcony, as well as learn how to properly insulate the balcony with your own hands.

All the steps of the insulation work we will discuss in more detail below, photos and videos will make the procedure more clear for you, and as a result you will be able to carry out all the finishing work yourself without resorting to third-party expensive specialists.


  • Preparing for insulation
  • Choosing a thermal insulation
  • Warming and covering the balcony

Preparing for insulation

The insulation of the balcony occurs in several stages, not all of which can be done independently.

For example, often the walls in the Khrushchev and in the panel houses have to be insulated from the outside in order to create the optimum temperature.

However, you can not do this yourself, especially if you live on high floors: this is a dangerous job and it should be handled by professionals.

Warming with mineral wool

It is possible to insulate the balcony with your own hands only from the inside, however, before you start, you need to prepare the structure itself, and also glaze the balcony.

From the insulation of the structure from the outside you can and refuse, but without glazing the balcony you just can not do. First of all, you need to remove the old finish, which is now, as well as frames made of wood.

If there is wood flooring on the floor, it should also be removed and the concrete base cleaned of dust and dirt with a building vacuum cleaner, or simply a broom and a brush.

If you live in Khrushchev, and the apartment is old, then, most likely, cracks and irregularities appeared at the base - before starting work, they must be cemented with cement mortar.

For glazing designs it is also better to attract professionals, becauseit's quite a difficult job. However, you can choose the type of windows that will be installed.

Separate metal-plastic, aluminum and windows from the eurobeam. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

Metal-plastic windows - an effective option for finishing, becausethey do not pass cold air and keep the heat as high as possible.

If you live in a northern region where winters are very cold, buy windows that consist of five to six chamber profiles and have a double-glazed unit.

Warming with penokleksom

At the same time, one of the glasses should have an energy-saving coating. So you maximally protect your balcony from cold air and wind.

Aluminum windows will cost you less.

To make the structure more warm and airtight, you will need an aluminum profile, equipped with a special insert in the middle of the panels( called thermal break).

This device improves the windows' resistance to cold penetration, and thus your balcony will be much warmer than conventional aluminum structures.

Windows made from eurobrus are an improved version of wooden frames. Such designs have the advantages of both wood and modern materials - metal plastic or insulated aluminum.

They are sealed and very well retain heat, they are expensive - this is their main drawback.

However, if the balcony is small, for example, in Khrushchev, then this design will not be so unprofitable.


If you want to make the design even warmer, then instead of side windows you can put sandwich panels, they are more hermetic and better retain heat than any double-glazed windows.

Once the glazing is finished, you can move on to the question of how best to insulate the balcony, and how to do it right.

The choice of insulation

There are 3 basic materials that are used to insulate the balcony with their own hands: they are foam, mineral wool and polystyrene.

Before choosing what to insulate the balcony inside, let's take a closer look at the properties of each material.

Thermal insulation foam is popular because this material has a low thermal conductivity.

Inside the material consists of air bubbles, which block the penetration of air into the room.


For insulation with foam plastic special plates are produced from this material, the size of which is 50-150 mm.

For the insulation of balconies the most suitable plates are not more than 100 mm.

Another plus to insulate the balcony with polystyrene is that it is resistant to moisture and other effects, so its service life is almost unlimited.

Warming with a foam will cost you more, but this material is better in its technical characteristics, so the balcony will be warmer.

If the temperature in winter in your region falls below 20-25 degrees, then it makes sense to choose penoplex. It is also produced in the form of slabs, the thickness of which is from 20 to 100 mm.

On the edges of the plates make a special protrusion, which facilitates the joining of the material and makes it more hermetic.

If the temperature does not fall below 25 degrees in winter, then you will have 40 mm of insulation, if there are frosts in 30 degrees in the region, it is better to buy plates with a size of at least 50-70 mm.

Steps for laying any type of insulation will be approximately the same. For penokpleksa this is the conduct of waterproofing and laying the plates side-to-side.

The slabs are laid on the glue, or fixed with dowels, depending on whether their subsequent finishing with plaster is implied.

If you want the design of the balcony to be better, and plan a decorative finish, you can do without glue and fix the plates with dowels.

The third version of insulation - trim mineral wool.

This method can be a little cheaper than the others, but the mineral wool insulation is not as reliable as other materials, and its installation is more difficult,you will have to close up the cracks between the slabs of material that will inevitably appear.

Warming of foam plastic

The thickness of the mineral wool layer is considerably inferior to the foam and foam, so it will not be possible to protect it from severe frost.

If you still decided to install a minivan as a balcony insulator, you will need to do almost the same steps: waterproofing, covering the walls with mats of mineral wool and additionally fixing them with dowels.

You will also need to make a vapor barrier, and then install a reinforcing mesh or crate, so that you can think about the exterior design of the balcony and make it beautiful.

All phases of the work, how to insulate the balcony, you can do by photo and video, which will be given below.

Thermal insulation and balcony paneling

Begin work on how to insulate the balcony from the inside, always from the floor.

After you have removed the top trim and cleaned the concrete base of dust and dirt, you need to put a waterproofing layer on the surface.

As the balcony is glazed, polyethylene films will be sufficient as a waterproofing.

Hydro and vapor barrier of the balcony

The only purpose of the waterproofing is to protect the floor of the floor from leaks, and with this the film can easily cope.

On top of the waterproofing layer it is necessary to lay wooden logs, the size of 100x60 mm. The logs need to be leveled along the plane, pivoting under them wedges and supporting bars.

In the space between the logs lay out the chosen insulation.

The plates of the heater must slightly exceed the space between the lags, because if it eventually shrinks, there may be cracks.

On top of the heater you need to lay out an additional layer of film that will serve as a vapor barrier and protect the material from moisture.

To close the insulation, use sheets of plywood size of 10 mm, or OSB slabs of similar strength.

With the help of them you can create a flat floor, which will help you to make a high-quality design of the balcony, choosing absolutely any finish for the floor.

However, the final finishing of the floor is done only after the completion of insulation work,in the process it can be damaged or stained.

In how to insulate the floor on the balcony there is nothing difficult, it will be more difficult to work with the ceiling. Before you start working with it, it also needs to be cleaned, and then treated with an antiseptic.

For a ceiling use a roll warmer, tk.it is easier. It can be glued on PVA glue, and then rolled in addition with a roller so that it does not move away from the surface.


You can also use the mounting foam, or fix the insulation on the screws.

On the installed layer of insulation, you need to fix the wooden slats or metal profile, on which you will create a ceiling design with decorative finishes.

Most of the time it will take to warm the walls. The first thing to do is to install a crate, on which the heat-insulating layer will be fixed.

It is made of a wooden beam, the size of which is 40x40 or 50x50 mm.

For strong frosts it is necessary to use warming with foam from thicker plates, so it is better to make support pads for the crate so that the structure is more stable.

Install the crate starting from the posts, of which the upper part of the structure consists. They are located at the corners of the balcony and on the walls. When installing them, take a step of 1 m.

The racks need to be leveled and leveled, and then secure them with dowels and connect them with cross-beams. The crossbars are installed in accordance with the step of 50-70 cm.

To ensure that the outer skin, and therefore the design of the balcony is not affected, it is necessary to install cross-bars at the level of the knees, belt and shoulders, then the structure will not be pushed.

In this case, the step will be greater, however, the lath itself will be much more reliable.

Between the beams lay a layer of insulation, as well as on the floor, so that it would hardly fit into the resulting squares.

Plates should be placed tightly together so that there are no cracks through which cold air will pass. You can put insulation with foam or polystyrene foam on glue or glue-foam.

A vapor barrier film is superimposed on top of the insulation, which protects the material from moisture.

On this work, how to properly insulate the balcony, is finished, all the stages you can follow through the photos and videos. In general, the process is quite simple.

After you learned how to insulate the balcony, you only need to think over the design of the room, that is, the interior trim.


To make a design, you can use a variety of materials, but the most popular are lining or plastic panels.

Both of them have an attractive design and will look good even on a small balcony in the Khrushchev.

Lining will cost you a bit more expensive panels, but its design and appearance are worth it. Fix the lining on the lath with nails or a construction stapler.

Plastic panels are also a good option for finishing. You can abandon the usual white panels in favor of color or pattern, and, thus, make the design of your balcony more interesting.

You can also choose a material with imitation under a tree, then visually it will look like a clapboard lining. Panels are easier to install - most often they are fixed with the help of liquid nails.

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