Speaking about the interior design of any room( and not just the living room) in a modern style, it should be understood that such a definition does not accurately reflect the essence of the "process", since it is only a generalized name. The fact is that many directions in design are considered new, modern. For example, "modern", "loft", "art deco" and some others. All of them have characteristic differences and are attractive in their own way.
In the "pure" form, each of the indicated styles is suitable only for a narrow group of individuals, since they are focused primarily on the specificity of the residence, the type of activity of the host and the like. That is, everyone differs from others in a pronounced individuality. Naturally, for the bulk of owners of "square meters" the realization of all their features in full volume, to put it mildly, does not quite fit.
Therefore, it makes sense to dwell only on the basic principles of decorating the living room in a modern way, since any "tips and hints" can only have an advisory nature.
The idea of "minimalism"
This approach should dominate everything, whatever it is - furniture, home appliances, accessories or surface finish. In short, a reasonable combination of elegance and modesty.
Therefore, all that is necessary in everyday life, but in terms of design seems superfluous, "hides" from the visual review.
Modern materials
First and foremost, this refers to the objects of furnishing and facing products. Preference is given to plastic, metal( preferably with chrome plating), glass. Wallpaper - not traditional paper, and photo, relief, "liquid", that is, those varieties of products that appeared on the market relatively recently.
As for wood - only valuable rocks or its successful imitation( panels, boards).
If you follow the modern style, it is better to abandon bulky cabinets, large-sized walls. For the living room is a small slide, a modest coffee table, a sofa bed, a glass( or plastic) curbstone for equipment( video, audio, TV).
Carpets and carpets in the modern style are not used. The main options are parquet or laminate( light colors).
Old wooden frames should be replaced with window blocks made of plastic. If possible, the openings should be widened somewhat, thereby increasing the illumination of the room.
Several options - stretch glossy, multi-level, hanging. The carefully selected stucco will look good( you can try to make it yourself).
It should be viewed in everything - in a combination of forms of interior items, colors and shades. For example, the upholstery of the same sofa should not be too bright. The same applies to wallpaper( wall panels).
For the living room, preferably the predominance of gray and white with a small fraction of black and even brown. They are not bad "diluted" with silver, metallic, ashy shade. However, here it is necessary to adhere to reasonable limits( know the measure).
The overall design should act on a person soothing, so you should avoid an obvious "skew" in the direction of color alone. Otherwise, such a living room will seem more than dull. But in order to shade, highlight a certain zone or object( lamp, table top, panels, curtains and the like), it's good to use blue, yellow, red and their shades.
Naturally, the lighting devices must also be modern. For lighting individual sections of the living room, LED strips are perfect.
If the ceilings are suspended in the room, then it is advisable to consider the question of installing lamps of a "point" type.
So, let's sum up. ..
What is characterized by modern style?
- Multifunctionality of all subjects.
- Small-sized interior elements.
- Fineness of finish.
- The predominance of new materials( glass, chrome, plastic).
- Glossy shades, the right selection of colors.
- Smooth surfaces, no breaks( sharp bends).
- Simplicity coupled with grace.
For small apartments as a supplement( due to space constraints) it is good to use the techniques used to design studio rooms. All the nuances of this design solution are described in detail here.
The reader has already realized that much depends on one's own imagination and material possibilities. But the main "directions of thought" have already been given. It remains only to implement all the ideas in practice.