In construction, gypsum products have been used for a long time. For many decorators, stucco molding from gypsum is one of the main elements of the interior.
They do not lose interest in it even today, when the market is full of variety of a variety of decorative materials.
Earlier it was decorated with palaces and mansions of special importance.
Manufacturing of products was trusted only by the best masters, each of which had its own secrets and tricks.
But time passed and this element became more and more popular, they began to decorate ordinary houses.
Gypsum stucco is made relatively easily. But if you do not follow the recommendations, some difficulties may arise during the course of the work.
Special attention must be given to each of the stages:
- Preparation of molds, materials and tools;
- Mortar preparation and pouring;
- Grinding;
- Mounting;
- Painting.
- Let's begin to manufacture
- Some tips
- Mounting of stucco
- Where to buy and what prices?
Let's start the manufacture of
To start making stucco molding from gypsum, you need to prepare everything you need:
- Silicone grease to make the product separate from the molds;
- Construction gypsum( G-4 and higher);
- Acrylic silicone;
- Prepared forms;
- Tool for work.
At the first stage, the production of stucco molding from plaster with their own hands implies the preparation of the mold.
Its surface should be thoroughly cleaned from dust. With a soft hair brush, silicone grease is applied over the top so that the frozen product can be easily detached from the surface.
It is necessary to smear very carefully, as the gypsum can be well woven with silicone. It will be extremely difficult to remove the product.
Any improper movement will render not only it, but also the form itself unfit for use.
To make the plaster mold with your own hands the desired shape, it is necessary to prepare the solution correctly.
Any gypsum sold in construction shops can be used, but for large-sized products a mixture of grade G-4 and above is recommended.
The gypsum is covered with water. To accelerate the solidification, warm water is poured.
But for large molds it is necessary to fill with chilled water, since it is not possible to release air from the product by vibrating the surface.
Water-based glue must be added to the solution to be prepared( PVA is recommended).
It is needed in order that the stucco molding made of gypsum quickly gained strength with its own hands, there were no cracks on the product, it did not shrink.
To improve the strength in the solution, you can add a little cement.
Stirring is carried out with a mixer - a special drill bit. Gypsum solution is mixed in a small amount, sufficient for one operating cycle.
Continuing the manufacture of gypsum stucco, it is time to fill in the greased forms. The mixture will quickly begin to thicken, so you will have to work quickly.
It is necessary to remove bubbles from solution by one of two methods:
- Uniform distribution of gypsum by brush;
- Vibration.
The most effective is the second method, but it is necessary to have the appropriate tools at hand.
If this step is neglected, over time, moisture will accumulate inside the remaining cavities and the product will collapse.
Completely filling the mold, the surface is leveled with a spatula.
If before the eyes there is a photo of the plaster molding in the interior - it will be possible to compare the result with the desired result.
Perhaps there will be a desire to make some of their modifications.
Some tips
If you mix the solution without additives, then the product will have a white clean surface.
The relief can turn out to be marble, white stone and very elegant. But in most cases it is required to paint the stucco molding from the gypsum so that it merges with the interior of the whole.
To paint the stucco, it is recommended to use paint intended for wall surfaces, for example, water-based.
Preliminary surface of the product is treated with two words of primer or varnish.
No less important criterion for the quality of the product is correctly chosen molds for plaster moldings.
They can be made from different materials, the most common is silicone.
As the molds for plaster molding from gypsum should have a number of qualities( not to stick to the product, durability), they are made of special silicone.
It is freely sold in markets and in stores at reasonable prices.
Mounting of stucco molding
Installation of gypsum stucco is carried out 2-3 days after casting. The material must be well congealed.
Before beginning the installation of the stucco molding from gypsum, the reverse surface must be leveled. This will require a sheet of sandpaper.
The product is placed on it and the burrs are removed for two or three passes. No less important stage is surface preparation.
Stucco should be applied on a flat base. The surface must be free of dirt and dust, covered with a primer emulsion( water and PVA).
Apply plaster moldings in the interior to the surface using a mixture based on PVA-glue.
The solution is made as follows: PVA is added to the water in a percentage ratio of 60/40.Gypsum grade G-10 is also added to achieve a consistency similar to sour cream.
Adhesive should be lubricated both surfaces: the product and the ceiling or walls. Applying them to each other, the stucco is held for 4-5 minutes, until the glue is securely seized.
It is not enough to put large moldings on glue. It is additionally fastened with dowel-nails. The holes are carefully covered with gypsum solution.
The use of dowel-nails is mandatory if the facade stucco from gypsum is mounted.
It is inadmissible to use PVA-based adhesives, since they do not fulfill their properties under the influence of natural aggressive factors. The best option is silicone.
After completing the installation, all joints are neatly covered with a putty. Then you can start decorating the product, for example, painting.
Where to buy and what prices?
Of course, you can buy molds for plaster moldings, which are sold in the markets, sometimes in construction stores.
But it's not always possible to find what is required. The best way out of the situation is to purchase silicone for molds, which costs from 400 rubles.per kg.
For those who do not like to spoil hands and waste time, it is offered to buy plaster moldings. Today, many companies and private masters offer their services.
Nowadays the price of stucco molding from gypsum varies in a wide range:
For flat products - from 300 rub.per square;
Cornices - from 450 rubles.per running meter;
Pieces - negotiated.