Imitation of a brick wall with your own hands - from preparation to finishing

0_ Decorative design of premises is made in a variety of ways. If we consider the cheapest and affordable in terms of self-implementation of technology, then one of the simplest and cheapest - imitation of brickwork. This option is applicable to almost any building, regardless of the material of the walls. How to do it yourself, without attracting helpers, and even more professionals, we will understand this article.

Recommendation. Before you begin to decorate the room in this way, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the features of the brickwork. If it is necessary to imitate products that differ in strict geometry( namely, brick is that), then at least superficial knowledge of the topic is necessary.

Action Algorithm

* The purchase of materials, preparation of devices is not considered. As you read the article, it becomes clear, it may be necessary, depending on the chosen design methodology.

Basis preparation

This step is the initial step for any finishing work. What is its special feature in this case? Brick masonry is always conducted smoothly, with the use of such devices as a plumb and level. Artificial stones are laid only horizontally( with rare exception), and the gaps between them( seams) are almost identical in width. In addition, the brick wall itself is not distorted and strictly vertical, that is - absolutely flat.

gkl_ This is the first difficulty. How to align the base, especially if the defects are hidden by the cladding( lining), which will have to be dismantled?

If the wall is reinforced concrete( or brick, but rather old, with large defects), from foam concrete or gas silicate, it is usually plastered before finishing. In this case, this is inappropriate, especially if the paintwork is used for the design, but not the prepared mixture. Why?

First, not everyone can properly prepare the necessary solutions( and they will need several).Selection of components, determination of the required consistency - all this requires certain skills.

Secondly, the wall will not only have to be leveled, but also to achieve its absolute "smoothness".Otherwise, the paint will not hide the individual grains of sand in the frozen mass, and the entire imitation of the masonry will be in "pimples".Are there such bricks? It is because of the complexity of the construction of the top layer of plaster with their own hands that only a professional can perform such work qualitatively.

In terms of the speed of the preparation of the wall and the simplicity of the technology, preference should be given to sheets of gypsum board or multi-layer waterproof plywood. They are well suited for fastening on any basis.

Note! Inside the premises a plywood of FK grade( taking into account the acceptable cost) is used. Products of PSF in living rooms should not be used due to the toxicity of the adhesive composition in their structure.

Applying primer

priming_ This is done regardless of which method( and material) is chosen to create a masonry simulation. The point of this stage is to provide a quality "coupling" between the base and the coating.

Drawing the wall

The easiest way - on a long rake. Naturally, with exact observance of distances between contours( bricks have identical dimensions).You can focus on the standard. The thickness of a single - 6.5, one-and-a-half - 8.8, double - 13.8( cm).

Application of the imitation coating

There are many methods, so the author will limit himself to only the most common ones, proceeding from the fact that the work is done on its own.


Painting_ Not meant to be highly artistic work to create a masterpiece. This is nothing more than a trivial delineation of rectangles over a previously planned grid, which are then filled with paint.

The combination of colors is chosen according to your own preferences. For example, red - brick and white - seams( sometimes lines are drawn in black).Yes, and the shade of artificial stone is chosen different. For example, orange, gray, dark red, but this is the details.

The lack of methodology - takes a lot of time, requires utmost care and accuracy. Although some people prefer this method.


With adhesive tape

Before starting the work, the wall must be painted in the same color as the seams. Typically, gray or white( or something intermediate).The fact is that depending on the components, their ratio in the mixture, the dried solution acquires a different shade.

The horizontal seams( tape labeling) are then indicated. After this, it is easy to single out individual bricks, imitating a laying with a shift of products in adjacent rows( pieces of tape are fastened vertically).Feature - since then the tape will have to be removed, there must be loose ends, sufficient to grab them with your fingers.

After this, the prepared mixture is applied to the wall. Which one?

Note! The consistency of the solution should be such that it does not run down the wall. And the layer should be applied minimum, no more than 2 - 3 mm.

Option number 1 - based on gypsum. But this material quickly hardens. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the so-called "retarder" into the composition of the mixture. Its application leads to the fact that the layer of gypsum solution does not harden for 20 to 40 minutes. Otherwise, you simply can not remove the tape to mark the masonry seams.

Option number 2 - plaster mix + tile adhesive( 1 to 1).In this case, sand is used for the preparation of only the tiniest fractions. So, it will have to be specially purchased, since the usual( from the river or from the quarry), even well sifted, will not do.


By stencil

The method is more complicated, as it is necessary to prepare a grate. It is made from a sheet of plastic or rubber, knocking out rectangles in it. After applying the mixture on the wall, it is pressed into this layer.

Disadvantages - the stencil still needs to be made. Hardly it will turn out to be made manually, at least, extremely precisely to check up dimensions of each "brick".In addition, it is not easy to work with him. For example, how to ensure the uniformity of indenting the edges of the stencil along the entire length of the seam? Moreover, if it is supposed that the decoration is carried out without helpers, independently.

Using tiles

styling-imitated-bricks_ Various samples are available for sale( ceramic, clinker or plastic).Work with them is quite simple, but the cost of building the premises will grow substantially.


  • After removing the tape, it is necessary to clean the seams( align the edges of the bricks).It's easy to do with a knife, a spatula or a chisel.
  • Top "masonry" is coated with varnish or treated with a wax-based agent.

Do not lose sight of the moment like the compatibility of materials.


Much depends on your own imagination and design options. Someone would prefer that the wall look like a new one, but someone will want to artificially age it, even imitate cracks and chips. In everything that does not concern the linear dimensions of a brick, do not be afraid of impromptu.

Here it is appropriate any fantasy master. Even "bricks" can be made by own hands - from wood, polystyrene, plastic. Will only stick them on. Therefore, the instructions given are only a general description of the process. And the specifics are yours, dear reader. Good luck!

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