Powder coating, or powder paint - has a wide range of possible applications, however, it is most often used for painting metal products.
If you intend to use the services of professional workshops - it is worth worrying about the state of the wallet.
The fact is that the prices for painting are quite high, so powder painting with your own hands will be a very interesting option.
Having the necessary equipment, as well as a premise in which conditions - as close as possible to the necessary for the work, you can easily perform an independent painting.
In this case, do not think that the quality will be very different.
In fact, powder painting with their own hands is almost identical to the works in the workshop, the difference is only in equipment and price.
If earlier you already had to deal with paint in spray cans, the whole procedure will be very familiar, the only difference is that the balloon does not need to be shaken and it is larger.
Camera and equipment
Camera and equipment affect not only the quality of the work, but also the very possibility of carrying them out.
The fact is that the powder coating itself is done easily, but the preparation for it is rather complicated.
There are two ways:
- To organize a full-featured camera;
- Use the "garage" option.
And in both cases - certain costs can not be avoided, but about everything in order.
To begin with, you need to determine the size of the products covered with powder paint.
The fact is that for painting large objects( for example, car body), not only is a large space required, but also very powerful equipment and it is not advisable to purchase it for single use.
Of course, you can use what is called - the one that is, but at your own peril and risk.
In general, a self-made powder painting chamber should look like a closed room with good ventilation and a stove( or air heating system).
Here it is worthwhile to make a small digression and say about the obligatory element that will be present in the chamber for painting, regardless of its size and specificity of the products.
If you are committed to doing all the work yourself, you need to know that some equipment for powder painting with your own hands is no different from a professional one.
If the organization of the camera for painting can be performed with the use of improvised materials neglecting special furnaces, ventilation and so on, then in the case of the paint supply and dispersion system - the amateurish approach is inappropriate.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to purchase a quality spray gun with a minimum pressure of two atmospheres, and a compressor capable of providing pressures up to 5 atmospheres.
Save on this part of the equipment is clearly not worth it, because in the absence of a decent tool, the quality of work will be very low.
Let's return to the organization of the camera.
If you decided on the "Garage option" of powder painting with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is to clean the room as much as possible, removing it from dust and all unnecessary.
Powder paint does not tolerate dust, so you should be as accurate as possible.
It should take care in advance of improving the quality of electrical wiring, because for the operation of the compressor will require quite a lot of electricity, exactly, as for the subsequent drying.
By the way about drying - for the artisan version you can use electric heaters, putting them at high power, the main thing is not to forget about safety and try to do everything possible to avoid a fire.
By arranging the painting chamber, which is called "from scratch", in addition to ventilation and high-quality power supply network, it is necessary to install the most important element - the furnace.
Of course, you can get rid of unnecessary worries, because the powder painting oven is an extremely common product.
There are many offers on the market with different dimensions, but this is not the cheapest purchase. With a strong desire and some skill, it can be made independently.
Their schemes can be found on the Internet, and if you have the experience of creating such devices, you will need to know that the heating should be uniform and at a temperature of not more than 300 degrees.
And yet, take care of the availability of a high-quality vacuum cleaner, preferably having a nozzle type "cyclone"( the usual quickly clogged).
The fact is that the chamber needs to maintain the highest possible level of cleanliness, and in this case - a powerful vacuum cleaner will be the best option.
We proceed to painting
And now, the place is prepared, the equipment is installed and the moment comes, for the sake of which all this was created - painting.
However, there is something to prepare for, because powder painting at home does not mean painting in home clothes.
. As though it did not sound standard, but special clothes with a certain degree of protection are needed.
The most important in powder painting with your hands is the protection of the respiratory tract and eyes. For this purpose, a molar respirator and ordinary, transparent, protective glasses are suitable.
These precautions are related to the specific nature of the powder paint and its ability to very quickly fill the entire space around itself, and its exposure to mucous membranes - can lead to serious consequences.
It also makes sense to protect your hands, for which even medical gloves can fit.
In the rest everything is aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of the room, so it is recommended to use white paint coveralls, as well as shoe covers.
After wearing all of the above, you can start work. Depending on the material, shape and size of the product - there are certain nuances in the work.
They are usually associated with the pressure level and with the nozzles used for the gun.
For example, powder painting of discs with their own hands - the process is very easy and requires more painstakingness and attention to detail than special skills.
But if you want to not just paint the surface, but also apply some patterns or drawings, then you can not do without a stuffed hand.
In this plan, the easiest way to work with the car body is simple lines, a large space and in the process of painting the hand will have time to get used and experience will be enough for subsequent experiments.
Another point that should be noted is related to the field of application of powder coatings.
Most often, powder painting of metal by oneself is required, and any metal is quite fastidious in terms of processing and painting.
Before starting such work it is necessary to completely remove the room from dust, as well as to use daylight lamps of closed type.
The paint should be applied at least in three layers, the first one must be primed and have a white or black color( the choice depends on the final color - whether it will be dark or light).
After the primer has completely dried, it is possible to proceed directly to painting.