Panel of tiles in the bathroom: ceramic, mirror, photo. Panels with their own hands

Panel in the bathroom of tiles
  • Material types
    Panel in the bathroom of tiles
    • Material types
        • ceramic granite
        • from
      • wall panels
        • size
        • large bathroom

    Panels with their own hands from pieces of tile

    It happens that the design of the bathroom is thought out, it would seem, to the smallest detail, but something seems to be missing. There are many ways how to make the interior of the missing zest. One such method is a panel of bathroom tiles. It is enough to release one of the walls in the bathroom for him and the room will necessarily play in a new way.

    You can buy a ready-made tile panel, which in stores there is a great variety, but you can try to make it yourself. More details about the varieties and features of this decor element will be covered in this article.

    Varieties of materials

    For the production of panels are used, basically, the same materials as for finishing the walls in the bathroom. Consider the most popular solutions.

    Panel of red flowers in the bathroom

    Of tiles

    This is perhaps the most common option. Ceramics has won the love of buyers, due to its low cost and a huge variety of colors and textures. In addition, this material is ideal for rooms with a high level of humidity. The disadvantage of tile is its low strength. However, in order to damage the ceramic panel, you will have to exert some effort, for example, to hit it with some heavy object.

    Panel of tiles in the bathroom

    From porcelain tiles

    For adherents of natural style in the interior, a panel from porcelain stoneware will perfectly suit. Ceramic granite slabs often represent an imitation of rock. This is a heavy, durable material that looks really good. The price of such a panel will be slightly higher than a panel made of tile, but it will last you for so long that it will probably get bored.

    Panel in the bathroom of porcelain stoneware


    wall panels For those whose tastes are changeable like the wind in May, this is the most suitable option. Such panels can be installed and dismounted very quickly, so you can update the interior as soon as you like. Moreover, they are very inexpensive. Produce a wall panel of wooden boards or plastic.

    Decorative wall panels for the bathroom

    Of Mozzaki

    The most creative people will surely appreciate the wall panel from the mosaic. It is a small slab of various materials, fixed on a metal grid. To produce such a mosaic, ceramics, natural stone rocks, artificial stone, glass, plastic, smalt are used. The elements of the mosaic can be arranged in any order, creating their own unique patterns.

    Panel from the mosaic in the bathroom
    Panel from the mosaic in the bathroom
    Panel from the mosaic in the bathroom

    Determining the size of

    Determining the size of the panel in the bathroom, it is important to correctly observe the proportions. The key role here is played by the size of the room, it is on them that you need to navigate.

    Glass mosaic panel

    Large bathroom

    In a large bathroom a small panel can be lost and therefore in this case it is better to allocate a whole wall for the panel, or two. In spacious rooms you are not limited in the choice of pictures. This can be a picture of your favorite artist, an exotic landscape, an abstraction or your photo( we'll talk about creating a photo below).You can even find a panel with prominent three-dimensional details, reminiscent of ancient bas-reliefs.

    Panel in the big bathroom
    Panel of small tiles
    Panel for small bathrooms

    Small bathroom

    In a small bathroom, the panel can occupy only a part of the wall. If it is too large, then visually the room will seem even smaller, besides, there will be a "pressing" sensation. Owners of small premises are better off stopping their choice on "plotless" images: abstract elegant patterns, landscapes that create perspective, in general, in such drawings that will help visually increase space.

    The size of tiles or ceramic tiles should also be chosen based on the size of the bathroom. The more spacious the room, the more tiles should be. The same goes for the picture: for larger bathrooms, you need to choose a larger picture, and vice versa. An exception can be a light pattern that does not create a piling effect.

    Panel from the mosaic in the bathroom


    The service for creating wall photopannes from tiles has appeared relatively recently. A special technology for producing such panels allows you to apply images to tile that do not lose their appearance, that is, do not fade within 50 years. The picture can not be erased or scratched. However, the most important plus of this technology is that it gives an opportunity to decorate the interior of your bathroom with absolutely any image.

    Digital mosaic panel in the bathroom

    You can choose for these purposes your favorite picture, children's picture, your own photo - yes anything, anything! Particularly well will look your family photos brought from a summer holiday in southern countries. Also with the help of the panel you can create an unusually romantic atmosphere.

    It's quite easy to get a photo in your bathroom.

    • First, select an image. Think carefully about your decision, because you will admire it every day. The resolution of the image should be as high as possible.
    • After determining the picture, you can go for buying ceramic tiles. Buy at least with a minimum margin!
    • Next, find the company that is engaged in printing images on the tile. There you will be helped to "fit" your drawing to the dimensions of the future panel. In a few days, take the result. Everything else will be done for you!
    Photo-sticks in the bathroom interior
    Photopanno forest

    For the most curious readers we will try to briefly describe the technology of creating photopan on tiles:

    • the image is printed on special paper of the appropriate format;
    • cover the printed image with a varnish;
    • paper moisturize and superimpose it on the tile;
    • fires tiles in a muffle furnace, as a result of which the paper is completely burned and the pattern remains on the tile.
    Photopannel in the bathroom on a tile of different sizes


    Another no less interesting variant of the decor is a mirror panel. This is not only a beautiful, but also a functional solution. In addition to its main function, the mirror adds a room of light and some "airiness".Mirror panel is a wall drawing, assembled from different in shape, but specially selected for each other pieces of a mirror cloth. As an ornament it is possible to use elements of a mosaic - ceramic, glass, stone and others.

    Mirror panels in the bathroom

    It is very difficult to create such a panel yourself, because it requires special tools for cutting mirrors plus accurate calculation. There are many companies that provide similar services. The cost of the work there is quite high, as several people of various specialties are involved in the production process.

    Option mirror in the bathroom
    • First you together with the designer, will develop a sketch of the future panel. At this stage you are determined by its size, shape, pattern, quantity and color of fragments.
    • At the technological stage, the mirror cloth is cut into the corresponding fragments, which are then ground and polished.
    • Next do facet - a decorative cut at the edge of the mirror.
    • Then they make all the panel elements fit and number them.
    • At the final stage, there is an additional decoration of fragments - they are applied patterns, matting coating, etc.

    Wall mounting

    To install a finished panel on the wall, you can contact the professionals, and you can do it yourself. Laying panels in the root is no different from laying ordinary tiles. The only nuance is that all elements of the panel are numbered, and this numbering must be carefully observed.

    Assembling a mosaic panel
    • The walls are prepared first: the old covering is removed, the walls are leveled and primed.
    • After the walls have dried, they are marked with markings on which the tiles will be laid. We use for this purpose a building level and a simple pencil.
    • Then you need to dilute the glue, designed specifically for tiles. All proportions are specified in the instructions. You can achieve a more uniform consistency if you mix the composition with a drill.
    • Now you can proceed directly to the stowage. We begin the work with the second row from the bottom. We put a glue on the wall with a spatula and press the tile, you do not need to press hard, otherwise it will crack. Remove surplus glue with a piece of soft matter.
    • The distance between the tiles is regulated by means of special plastic crosses. It should not be more than a few millimeters. During the work, we do not forget to check whether the rows are level.
    • When the glue dries and the tiles securely anchor on the wall, you can begin to trowel the seams. Choose the color of the composition based on your ideas about style and beauty. The grout can merge with the pattern, or it may appear in bright contrast.
    Stacking of a photo-stick
    Mounting the panel on the wall in the bathroom
    Variants of wall and floor panels in the bathroom

    Panel with your own hands from pieces of tile

    If you do not welcome ready-made solutions and prefer creative approach, then try making a wall panel in the bathroom yourself. The easiest way to make a mosaic panel of pieces of tile. To do this you will need fragments of tile and ceramic ware, decorative stones, beads, shells and the like.

    Self-installation of the panel in the bathroom

    Tile fragments can be searched by friends and acquaintances, or you can contact the nearest building store. There they are sold at a bargain price, or even given away for free.

    Panels from tile fragments

    Prepare the site for work. It is better to do this on the floor, beforehand by covering it with cardboard or old newspapers. Armed with a hammer and break the tile into smaller parts. If you already imagine what will be depicted on your panel, try to give the pieces the appropriate outlines with the help of emery.

    Panel in the bathroom of tile fragments

    If you still do not know the pattern, play with the details, placing them in different order, you may be able to see something unexpected in the fragmented mosaic pieces.

    Version of the panel for the bathroom, made by own hands

    Having finished with the drawing on the floor, you can begin to transfer it to the wall. You can do this directly, gluing fragments on the wall one at a time, or collect a mosaic on a piece of cardboard, and then fix it on the wall, previously covered with varnish. For these works you need to use tile adhesive.

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