Red wallpaper: for walls black, photo in the interior, mammoth white, what curtains are suitable, with flowers, background with gold

To create a unique interior, all the details are thought through, including color and wallpaper design To create a unique interior, all the details are thought through, including the color and wallpaper design of Repair of apartments and houses is a rather laborious task and requires careful preparation and a capital approach. Including this applies to the choice of wallpaper, which should outwardly decorate the interior. Actually, they are the basis of the interior, so choosing the pattern and color of the wallpaper is an important task that faces the owner or designer at the beginning of the interior decoration of the premises.

      • Red wallpapers in the interior - a sense of luxury
      • Wall wallpaper: red in combination
      • What curtains will suit the red wallpaper: the best solutions
      • Red color in the bedroom design( video)
      • RedWallpaper in the interior of the apartment( photo)

Red wallpapers in the interior - a sense of luxury

Pasting the walls with wallpaper is a process, in itself, simple enough and not heavy, much more difficult to make colors( and their shades) more complex. The choice is especially difficult in the last ten to fifteen years. Then the markets began to appear widely imported wallpaper, and domestic manufacturers to keep up with foreign, increased the number of products. Such a wide range makes many people think hard about their choice, and some people fall into a stupor from the variety.

Wallpapers of red tones have many shades. They are selected individually for each room and its style Wallpapers of red tones have many shades. They are selected individually for each room and its style.

Shades of red

You should start by defining the shades of the wallpaper - the red tones can be different. It depends on the shades depends on the definition of the overall interior design.

Let's consider some basic shades variants:

  1. Shades of the type "cherry" or "bordeaux".These colors are better used for finishing spacious, well-lit rooms - then the room can be furnished / decorated in the classicism style, adding exquisite and luxurious "notes" to the room. So for finishing fit spacious and lighted rooms, living rooms, but the big and dark corridor in these colors will look very gloomy.
  2. Bright shades, for example, "poppy" are perfect for finishing medium-sized rooms, where it is planned to organize active leisure( for example, billiards, children's playrooms, etc.).Such background stimulates stimulation and, accordingly, activity. A competent designer will be able to pick up an interior where the "poppies" will perfectly match with other catchy colors( for example, gold).These combinations are also ideal for dining rooms or large kitchens.
  3. Light( "faded") shades of red allow you to make the design of the room more saturated. They do not add brightness and saturation, do not look aggressive, but at the same time perfectly complement other color palettes that prevail in the interior.

With the help of red, you can create a conditional border between the zones in studio apartments, spacious rooms( for example, separation in the study room and recreation area) With the help of red color, it is possible to create a conditional boundary between zones in studio apartments, spacious rooms( for example, separation in the office of work area and rest area)

Note that often red colors are used for accentuation or visualDivision of space.

Naturally, such wallpaper must be supplemented with other elements of the interior - an important role is played by curtains, furniture and art objects, which are used to decorate the room. When organizing such a color scheme, remember that the shades should be diluted with faded and soft colors.

Wall wallpaper: red in combination

If you decide to apply wallpapers of this shade, it is recommended to take into account a number of other factors. In particular, to dilute saturated red tones with various soft shades - white, beige, etc.

Separate attention deserves and thematic decoration of premises in red. For example, "under a brick."

If you plan to use red color to create an interior in the hall or living room, it should be remembered that the red surfaces should not be constantly in the area of ​​attention of the person If you plan to use red color to create an interior in a hall or living room, then remember that the red surfaces should not be constantly in the area of ​​attention of the person

In this case, the entire interior of the room is stylized as a brickwork. This requirement must be met and furniture - if you do not, then in the interior will be noticeable imbalance. To modern popular thematic decorations carry also interiors in east style.

Let's consider the finishing of various rooms with red wallpaper.


Starts with a bedroom in this case you need to pick up soft shades of red. Too bright and aggressive shades do not contribute to romanticism - this mistake is often tolerated by ignorant people. For a bedroom it's better to take light and soft pink tones, and to give romance to the room, you can make dark red wallpaper accents( for example, stylize niches, trim false columns, etc.).

Kids Room

Red color promotes the appearance of aggression, excessive excitement and, most likely, become irritants. This applies to younger children - up to 7 years. For older children, it is recommended to trim rooms in light and soft shades of red - they stimulate creative activity and make the child more plodding.

To decorate children It is not recommended to trim children's rooms in red. It is desirable to choose a more gentle tone


  1. Kitchen decoration in red is possible, but you need to carefully choose furniture and other interior items.
  2. In particular, it is recommended to pay attention to the need for mirror or metal inserts on furniture, and also the working surface( as well as the surface of the dining table, if it stands in the kitchen) should be light.
  3. Otherwise, a rich red color( dark and bright shades) will make the kitchen a gloomy place.

So it is not recommended to glue the red wall behind TVs, home theaters, screens of movie projectors, etc. Red light is suitable for pasting window openings( artificial darkening will be created), as well as walls behind sofas and armchairs.

Bathrooms are wallpapered very rarely, and red ones are even rarer. Exceptions are the bathrooms in oriental styles. In this case, all elements of the interior should be in the same style.

If there is a solid library or a fireplace, then the red color is for her.

You should remember the practical drawbacks of red color - on these colors you will see any stains, including fat, that easily appear in the kitchen It should be remembered the practical drawbacks of red color - on such colors any stains, including fat, that can easily appear in the kitchen

should be visible. Use in this case saturated burgundy shades. They will emphasize the importance and importance of the room and help create a working atmosphere( these colors help to concentrate).Particularly emphasize the cabinet with red wallpaper mahogany furniture( or its imitation).In this case, you can make a monumental and finished space( cabinet-mammoth).

Which curtains are suitable for red wallpapers: the best solutions

The selection of curtains and other decor elements for such premises is simple enough. For this, it is required to select the shades of the curtains in such a way that they soften the aggressive red color. So for maroon white or cream curtains, and for bright screaming red shades - more calm tone it.d.

Red and black wallpaper

It has long been known that red and dark red colors are well combined with black. Therefore, red-black wallpaper should be glued on the same principle as maroon.

Red and white wallpaper

White color is combined with dull red( faded) shades. Therefore, they should be applied as well as dull pink ones.

Red color in bedroom design( video)

In conclusion, it should be said that the style of decorating the room determines the mood of a person who is in it, and also affects his mental health. Especially neat should be with colors such as red or black, because they require careful selection of shades, patterns, etc.

Red wallpaper in the interior of the apartment( photo)

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