Already for a long time gypsum is a popular material in finishing any premises.
Application it was found even in ancient times when erecting temples, sculptures and simple dwellings.
Today, new technologies bring to your attention two similar and simultaneously different in their properties material: plasterboard and gipsovolokno.
- Advantages of drywall
- Creation of gypsum board structures and their shortcomings
- Advantages of
gypsum board Advantages of
drywall The drywall is a pressed gypsum composition glued to a cardboard board. Most often, the material has a three-layer structure.
Drywall is easy to install, light in weight and economical.
The material can be attached to any surface using self-tapping screws or special glue for gypsum.
The composition is great for creating original forms of interior, forming a perfectly flat surface, both in new buildings and in old buildings.
The material can be used for the construction of interior partitions, niches and ledges.
Drywall will be the ideal choice when replanning an apartment, allowing you to easily change the terrain and design of the walls.
However, when creating load-bearing structures it is better to use additional metal attributes, giving the wall greater rigidity and reliability.
And the availability of special components, makes the material really popular in the construction industry. You can buy drywall in any large building store.
Creation of gypsum board structures and their shortcomings
When creating gypsum board structures, their equipment allows laying additional heaters and soundproofing.
Special properties of the material, allows it to be used in the lining of external and internal surfaces, without fear that it will quickly become unusable.
Final finishing does not require additional processing of plasterboard and allows to lay absolutely any material on top.
An essential drawback of drywall is its applicability only to vertical surfaces. Some professionals offer it as a facing material on the ceiling.
However, in its practicality, drywall is much inferior to suspension structures, which are more suitable for this type of surface.
Advantages of gypsum fiber
Gypsum fiber, in contrast to drywall, has in its composition cellulose fibers and has higher strength and weight.
However, it is harder to process and requires the use of various mortars. Buy hypofilament is not difficult in the construction markets.
Drywall can easily be given any shape, if it is moistened to the desired state, while gypsum fiber does not have such properties.
However, it holds nails much better due to its dense structure.
An important feature of both materials is the instability to various temperature differences, which makes them suitable only for use in artificially heated rooms of urban type.