The Cabinet of the head: correct registration and conditions

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Each room has its own energy. For example, the bedroom should be comforted, the living room is cordial, and the kitchen - convenience. As a rule, in the arrangement of living quarters we can be guided by our own preferences and tastes, but the design of workers and industrial zones must be subject to strict rules.

The most difficult and at the same time it is important to formalize the manager's office. Since this room is a kind of "visiting card" of the company, its design must be presentable, stylish and cozy at the same time. How to achieve this, today, his readers will tell the "House of Dreams".

Head office

Cabinet of the head

Color design of the manager's office

Often, it is in the office of the head that the most difficult working issues are solved and serious negotiations are conducted. All the details of this room should not only harmonize with each other, but also create a favorable impression on the visitors.

According to psychologists, the first thing we pay attention to when entering a room is its color design. Absolutely all colors in one way or another affect our mood. Since the specifics of the manager's office oblige to concentrate attention, psychologists recommend using the most natural colors in the design of this room - brown, terracotta, beige and gray shades. But from pastel and, especially, white tones it is better to refuse, tk.subconsciously, these shades are associated with the hospital ward.

the color of the walls in the office of the head

The color of the walls in the office of the head


The manager's office of the photo

The interior of the manager's office

A classic interior that gravitates toward natural finish, restrained color scheme and solid solid furniture is a no-win option for the design of this room. But, at the same time, the design of the boss's office can be subject to the specifics of his activities, as well as personal preferences.

For example, if the classic style in the interior of the office completely suits the male leader, then the woman will certainly want to add a touch of comfort and comfort to the design of her "second home".In addition, it is logical that the design of the office of the head of the machine-building plant will be slightly different from that of the director of the concert agency.

design of the head of the photo

Minimalist design of the manager's office photo

design of the head of the man

Design of the manager's office of the man Photo

interior of a female head of a cabinet photo

Interior of the head of the woman's office photo

As a rule, the chief's office is conventionally divided into several zones: a working area, a zone for negotiations and a rest zone.

Cabinet design should begin with the arrangement of the work area. Ideally, if this space will be organized either in the center of the room or at the wall, so that when you enter the office, it is immediately watched. The main piece of furniture in the working area of ​​the office is a desk. The manager's table, as a rule, is made of natural wood. By design, it must be roomy, wide and comfortable. In addition to the working surface itself, it is very important that there are additional offices for office equipment and documents storage in the table. If necessary, you can choose a table with a built-in brief, which expands the work area, transforming into a place for negotiations.

desk for the manager

Desk for the manager's office

The office of the head of the photo

Office of the head of the photo

An important element of the office and working area in particular is the office chair for the manager. Traditionally, natural or eco-leather is used for its production. In addition to representative design, the chair should be comfortable. It is very important that it be equipped with an anatomical back, a wide seat and strong armrests. Some models of executive chairs are equipped with additional functions that facilitate the work process - built-in massager, vibration, rocking function, heating, etc.

an armchair in the office of the head

Armchair in the manager's office

In the negotiation area, as a rule, a long table and chairs for visitors are installed. Objects of furniture of this zone should be harmoniously combined with furniture and decoration of the cabinet as a whole. If the specificity of the activity involves informal negotiations, in this zone you can install a comfortable leather sofa, armchairs and a concise table.

Executing the executive

Executing the manager's office

cabinet head furniture

Office of the head of furniture

office furniture

Office furniture in the manager's office

In the recreation area of ​​the head office, the sofa, armchairs and a table for tea drinking are most often located. At desire and possibilities, here it is possible to organize any entertaining element, for example, table hockey, a little table with chess, etc.

Sofa for the manager

The sofa for the manager's office

In addition, for comfortable work in the manager's office there should be roomy racks or cabinets for storing the necessary folders and documents.

modern manager

Modern office of the head

cabinet interior

Interior of the manager's office

Details of the manager's office: lighting, accessories

An important part of the interior of the manager's office is properly organized lighting. First of all, you need to take care of comfortable working area lighting. If the room uses a central chandelier, you can supplement the lighting with suitable floor lamps, sconces, table lamps and lamps. If the cabinet design allows the use of built-in lights and lighting, it is desirable to evenly distribute the lighting throughout the entire area of ​​the room.

Lighting in the office of the head

Lighting in the office of the head

The fact that the design of the manager's office must be consistent and strict does not mean that you can not use beautiful accessories and decorative elements in this room. Often accessories complement the interior with presentability and representativeness. To the harmonious for this room accessories include a high-quality office, expensive paintings, original wall clocks, elegant vases with flowers, etc.

accessories for the manager

Accessories for the manager's office

As for the curtains, most often in the manager's office, laconic blinds and roller blinds are used. However, if design allows, the window in this room can be decorated with suitable textile curtains.

curtains in the manager

Curtains in the manager's office photo

Feng Shui office of the head

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the proper arrangement of the head's office helps to improve well-being and achieve success in the professional field. So, according to this teaching, the desk in the office should be opposite the front door. This arrangement increases the credibility of the boss in the eyes of employees and makes his decisions more wise.

To improve financial affairs in the south-western sector of the cabinet it is recommended to put some element of water. It can be an ornamental fountain, a picture with an image of the ocean, an aquarium or any other suitable accessory. If the activity of the chief depends on active actions and making important decisions, Feng Shui recommends installing an element of fire in the workroom - a candlestick with a candle, a torch-shaped lamp, etc.

Head of Feng Shui Department

How to fill out the manager's office for feng shui

Executing the manager

The correct design of the manager's office photo

In addition to everything described above, regardless of the activities of the company, for the successful work the manager's office should be clean and spacious. Do not store things and accessories in this room that are not related to the workflow. Successful and literate ideas to you!

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