Wiring diagram for two bulbs to one switch

The question is answered: Alexander Myasoedov
Hello! Judging by what you have drawn, you will get a serial connection. See what needs to be done, I think that both bulbs are in the same lamp, right? Two wires come out from each cartridge, for a total of 4 wires. connect them together in pairs, as a result you will have two twists with two wires in each.

You connect zero directly, as you drew in your illustration, and the phase through the switch to the light bulbs. I am attaching the diagram.

How to connect a switch for 2 lamps

If the bulbs are located in different places, then act according to the circumstances, the main thing is that zero is directly to each of the lamps, and the phase is directly to each of the lamps. For example, bring zero directly to the first lamp, two cores between the first and the second lamp, one is a straight zero, it into one terminal with a zero coming from the junction box, to the second wire the phase from the switch, that is, connect the wire from the switch to the lamp closest to it and connect the phase core to the second in one terminal in the lamp housing lamp. I hope I explained it clearly.

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