The question is answered: Alexander Myasoedov
Hello! Unfortunately, I have not come across the electrical equipment of the boat and its on-board network, how is the transformer connected there? Where does the alternating current come from? Or is it not a transformer, but a converter from 12 to 100 volts? In any case, you need a boost converter with more than 142 watts, preferably 200-250 watts. But is it worth doing? The fact is that from ready-made solutions that comes to mind is to look for an inverter for "American" voltages of 12-110V of the required power. But it is difficult to find them in stores in the Russian Federation, you will rather have to look for aliexpress. By the way, the TV is powered by 100 volts DC or AC? If it is constant, then you will also have to put a diode bridge at the output of the inverter.At the same time, there are many car TVs that operate on 12 volts DC, there are still called "car TVs", moreover, they can often work from both 12V and 220V. It's easier and more rational to buy one.
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