Cheap parquet or laminate

Parquet board is a luxurious floor covering, for the production of which natural wood is used.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal and specific natural aroma, such a floor fills the house with an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Parquet looks noble, serves for a long time, but requires careful attitude and care, like all wood products. Installation and repair work including parquet scraping performed exclusively by specialists, do not experiment with your own hands.

Oak board is a pure classic that will fit into any interior design. The texture of the wood is very beautiful, the products are presented in a spectrum of white, black and natural shades. European walnut is distinguished by a high indicator of wear resistance, it is harder than oak, practically does not react to mechanical stress, it looks elegant and expensive.

How to tell a cheap board

On cheap parquet, knots, irregularities, wormholes and chips of various sizes are noticeable. Outwardly, such a board does not look the worst, even quite good, but in terms of characteristics it is seriously inferior to an expensive analogue. To reduce the cost of its products, the manufacturer saves on drying wood, randomly sorts wood, neglects colors, allowing big differences in one package.

Another indicator is the thickness of the board, the thinner it is, the cheaper. It does not consist of a single long bar, but of small segments, which makes it more vulnerable to heavy loads and mechanical stress. Much depends on the quality of the coating - a cheap varnish will not protect against scratches and abrasions, soon the coating will lose its appearance so much that it will have to be changed.

Accelerated drying in production conditions, in fact, greatly spoils the quality of the product. The tree continues to dry, but already being on the floor in an apartment or a country house, taking all the operational "blows" upon itself, although it is not yet ready for this. From here and the cracks, the coating begins to lead, warp. If your budget does not allow you to buy good engineered parquet flooring, you should look at expensive laminate flooring.

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