Zoned apple varieties in the suburbs better take root, weather weather disasters are easier, and, most importantly, bear fruit well. After all, the yield and quality of the fruits largely depend on compliance with agricultural technology, soil composition and the suitability of the selected cultivar for the climatic zone. For owners of large estates there are tall, harvesting apple trees with a powerful crown, and on 6 acres in the Moscow region it’s convenient to place a pair of undersized varieties and several columnar varieties - good, there are dozens of such cultivars varieties. In the Moscow Region, experts recommend growing frost-resistant apple trees with good immunity to fungal diseases - these are mainly apple trees intended for cultivation in the Central region of Russia.
When apples are crazy, varieties with different ripening periods are necessarily grown on the garden plot: the most abundant and prolific mid-season cultivars are they are waiting for blanks and pies, the later varieties are a paradise for gourmets, so they are fragrant, sweet and juicy, and are stored almost to spring. The first ones in a hurry are always to taste the ripening apples - with sourness, not everyone still has aroma and spicy varietal notes, sometimes without a ruddy side, but even such we love the early summer varieties only because it’s ours, dear.
The apple tree is a traditional fruit tree, without which the garden can hardly be called real. Of the pome seeds, this culture is the most unpretentious, growing everywhere in our country - in the Far East and in the north-western region, in Siberia and the Urals. Well, in the Black Earth and Volga regions ideal conditions have been created for the summer apple tree - there are all sorts and varieties of this fruit form. The apple tree does not need excess light, moisture is taken by powerful roots from the very bowels of the earth, and this culture does not need heat and sun in excess - this is not a peach. But still, in order to get a decent summer harvest every year, the apple tree needs proper care. The right choice of variety is an important factor affecting successful gardening.
Apricot is a frequent guest of domestic garden plots. But for the effective cultivation of this thermophilic stone fruit, it is necessary to observe the basic agricultural practices - watering, top dressing, disease prevention and certainly pruning - without it get along. Without this, the crown of the tree thickens, productivity decreases, the quality of the fruit deteriorates. Apricot needs annual sanitary, regulatory and shaping pruning in the spring. In order to grow a healthy tree and get a stable crop, you need to learn the basics of this procedure.
What vegetable is considered the main in the beds? Of course, a tomato. He has long been in the top three: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers - where can we go without them! But if everything is simple and clear in the middle lane and in the south with the cultivation of this crop, then in the North-West of Russia gardeners with tomatoes are for you. To get an excellent harvest of juicy tomatoes in the cool humid climate of the Leningrad, Novgorod region, in Kaliningrad and Karelia, farmers have to work hard. But there are plenty of worthy varieties and hybrids of tomatoes that grow without problems in these regions - we will talk about them.