Loggia old designing, not subjected to quality repairs, tend to actively pass the heat. This problem is best dealt with quickly and without delay, since the extra heat loss entail additional financial costs heating, in addition to the constantly promorzshee lodge room, does not allow its owner to use additional useful space.
Process insulation loggia
There is a sequence of actions that after performing, you can say that your balcony is reliably protected from freezing.
Step 1. Preparatory work. The main cause of heat loss, often become old and improperly installed windowWhich usually need to be replaced. But before you spend it, it is necessary to close up all sorts of gaps and remove the chips. For such purposes the construction sealants or foam fit best. To facilitate their application, get a gun construction.
step 2. Installation of new windows. Windows with ease will help keep you warm in the loggia. Alternatively, you can use the window system of a combination of aluminum and plastic, as well as wood. These windows are handled by special means to protect them from corrosion. However, they have drawbacks in comparison with PVC windows.
Wooden structures are often not flush them inconvenient to open, and aluminum have a significant indicator of the heat transmittance.
PVC windows resistant to temperature changes, they do not have any adverse effects of moisture. Just the cost and ease of installation is a significant advantage.
step 3. Thermal insulation of the floor. The first step is carried out using a waterproofing penofol. This is necessary due to the fact that the balconies formed a large amount of condensate, capable of destroying the insulation. Alternatively, you can apply special penofol impregnation or roofing material. The material is laid with a small spade, and is connected to a burner.
Next to thermal insulation is necessary to establish a framework of slats. In it will be placed mineral wool or other insulation voluminous. The design is attached to the screws. To be more productive is better to use screwdriver.
The distance between boards is embedded on the basis of the material used. step is considered a classic version in 50 cmIn the case of plastic material, this distance is better to cut 40-45 cm.
When placing the most important insulation to fill all the gaps around the perimeter and inside the frame. Place the material as tightly as possible. Joints and fine cavity can be filled with scraps of mineral wool or foam construction.
step 4. Warming of the sill and parapet. The procedure begins with the installation of the foundations of the metal, in which insulation is placed.
Experts note that the correct sequence of warming parapet as follows:
- The surface treated hydrophobic compounds.
- Produced using penofol waterproofing, which is mounted on adhesive tape, glue or staples.
- Filling joints and cavities of an insulating material.
- Setting the 2nd insulation layer.
- Installation of the vapor barrier. It is carried out using a special membrane.
Step 5.Getting protection from heat loss walls. To create a comfortable microclimate in the balcony floor insulation and the windows are not enough. To insulate the walls, it is recommended to use mineral woolIt has the set of qualities that will reliably protect the room from the extra heat loss. You can also use penoplex polyethylene foil with the application, blocks and polyurethane foam material.
After filling, insulation, paneling made of gypsum board surface. It is important to choose the kind of material resistant to high humidity. GIC can be laid on top of the tiles, so that it is flat using special crosses. In addition to the tiles, you can use: wall paneling, wallpaper, PVC panels.
If you live on the top floor, it is recommended to install a small visor, which would have turned from the balcony of snow, rain and other precipitation.
Thus, as can be seen from all of the above, there is nothing complicated about warming loggia. One has only to adhere to our instructions and cozy warm room is provided to you.
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