How to repair laminate floor - a simple step by step guide

Wear resistance of the laminate depends on the class material, its price range and quality of the protective layer. The advantage of a floor covering that is composed entirely of interchangeable modules, and if at some point the floor will need to be repaired, it can be fragmented to repair. Types of damage laminate flooring and how to troubleshoot failures - on.


Small mechanical damage in the form of scratches - the most common problem of low-quality laminate. The reason may be the movement of light or heavy furniture without complying with the rules, hobbies, falling objects, etc. However, to eliminate the scratch on the case as simple as cause. There is a special tool for this purpose. Paste-like substance or a wax crayon completely masks the damage, leaving no trace. However, prior to its acquisition account the degree of damage and the possibilities. If the scratches can not be repaired, it will be easier to buy a few new laminate planks to replace the items.

Masking scratches correctly:

  1. Choosing the right color is shallow.
  2. Cleaning up scratches from dust, dirt and debris.
  3. Sketched shallow damage.
  4. A soft, dry cloth removes excess material from the floor surface.

It remains only a good polish damage and not even a trace left of it.

Note! When the deeper scratches require a special sealant, which is also selected by color. Algorithm for applying approximately the same as in the case of crayon.

If the board is badly damaged and has a very deep scratches, it will be better to replace it.

large gaps

If you make a mistake when installing a laminate floor or due to deformation of the sharp differences temperature and humidity between the boards large gaps are formed, there are three options for addressing damage:

  1. The easiest way would be to strike the heel of the shoe on a thick rubber sole on board shifted in the direction toward the gap. In most cases the method works, and the board is shifted into place.
  2. You can also close the gap of wood putty, however, and this method is effective in all cases.
  3. If the gap is too large, a filler would not be enough - need replacing boards.

If the floor is stratified

After flooding or in a high humidity environment if wrongly chosen laminate flooring will delaminate. First on the boards bubbles form, then they grow and burst, and from constant exposure to the sole break. Repair of such elements can not be - there will only a partial or complete replacement of the floor.

Replacement element - step by step guide

If you want to change one or more boards, it is possible to use a simplified, but a long way. First dismantled baseboard, floor then carefully disassembled to the damaged site. After replacing the elements, everything is going to place.

However, this method is not always available. For example, when the plinth is made to the overall furniture or even cluttered, so that it has not risen.

In this case we adhere the following algorithm:

Step 1. In the corners of the damaged board drilled holes on distance 15 mm from the edge. Along the long sides are doing the same hole with a step 250 mm.

Step 2. Putting received hole line. According to the received markup We saw through the boardSince the mid-line. Knife cut off the short sides of the laminate. Remove the remnants of the dismantled boards, eliminate the dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Step 3.Cut away the lower part of the castle new board on all its sides. On the perimeter of the element Apply carpenter's glue. Puts fragment into place, pressing it tightly. Eliminate the remnants of adhesive with a soft cloth.

swelling of the coating

If the laminate has been laid properly and for mounting brackets were not observed dilatation gaps between the wall and the coating, it will swell, forming a bulge. To eliminate this problem is quite simple. It is necessary to dismantle and remove the plinth adjacent to the walls of lath. Then, a little narrowing or shortening them, put the elements in place, covering the skirting.

The best way to eliminate damage laminate - to prevent their occurrence. If the material is in the hall, coming home remove shoes on the mat for doors. Then studied for the sole stuck in the tread of nails, small stones and glass, and only then put on the floor. Formed on the floor Water puddles repaired immediatelyWithout waiting for the fatal consequences.

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