Today understand the make-up, cosmetics and make-up woman is much more important than, for example, in the recipe borscht, education of the child or the major. Evidence of this are the millions of expertly made-up girls in the network and in real life, and many of these even manage to earn money (services of a stylist or beauty-blogging).
If you are a man, and ponders the gift to a loved one who loves to spend a lot of time in the mirror, a good option will just be a mirror. Just not the usual, and the dressing room. If you're a girl - boldly hints to the young man that you find it hard without this most important subject. At the same time, and check it if done by hand, hence the love (did not spare time and your labor on you), and hands grow from the right place, which is also important in my life.
The meaning of a makeup mirror in several distinctive features:
- Firstly, it should be of sufficient sizeThat was not necessarily in front of him to sit back to back, but at a certain distance. Of particular importance is the gains in the event that a woman uses a mirror, not only for their own purposes, but also causes other makeup at home. In such a mirror to see sitting in the chair should not only called himself, but also make-up artist, who does make-up.
- Second, the makeup mirror differs from the usual lighting. No wonder everyone remembers footage from the movies, where the stars set makeup huge mirrors with frames, in which the rim built many small lamps, spotlights, not to leave a single person of the shadows and allows you to apply makeup ideally.
To make such a mirror can be their own hands. It will be much cheaper than buying ready-made, which costs money. Besides, any woman will appreciate a gift made by the skillful hands of the man she loved.
The basis of the mirror should extend a material that easily processed, drilling and other activities. For this amiss wood, plywood, Particleboard, MDF and other wood products. Focus on something that you can get. Immediately worth mention that the wood will need to be carefully sandedPlywood originally a flat and smooth, it need only handle ends, the edge chamfer. MDF generally has an excellent flat surface and accurate cutting in general does not require polishing.
Step-by-step instruction
Step 1. Start manufacturing it is necessary to purchase the mirror. If you wish, you can rummage in attics and closets at home, friends and relatives. Old mirrors, if amalgam is intact, perfectly preserved and superior modern.
Step 2. Then you need to make a frame of plywood. thick plywood sheet at least 10 mm placed on a workbench and rascherchivaetsya so that the cut was smaller aperture mirror about 1 cm in each direction. Thereafter, a drill hole is drilled in the drawing loop is inserted into the hole jigsaw blade and carefully cut out the blank "window".
The front part is ready to make it look good, it is necessary to make the side faces of the frame. This is best done from wooden slats. They are joined at right angles or under 45 degreesIf the hunt to tinker with a miter box. Glued to a plywood harvesting any joiner's glue or "moments", as well as fixed small metal corners.
Step 3. Now, the frame should be given a pleasing appearance. Although plywood and smooth, but it can not hurt to cover the filler and then sanded with sandpaper "nulevku". After alignment can be painted. Any suitable paint, but keep in mind that the oil or alkyd enamel will not give a perfectly smooth surface. But any negative can be turned into a plus: take a hammer paint.
Although she and stained metal on wood or plywood, it also goes well, and in the final you get a beautiful pattern. If you still want a perfect gloss, just paste over the box for the color film, which want to receive. Crown of the tree, select the holes in the frame under the bullets of fixtures.
Step 4. Turn to electrical work. With mounting rings strengthen cartridges fixtures in the openings. Taking two wire size 1.5 - 2 mm, Connect all the lamps in parallel. One of the wires must pass through the switch. Before leaving the twist closure frame wires to the network cable, which terminates in a fork, pliers crimp and seal.
Installing mirror inside and attach it in upholstery clips, behind all the cover sheet hardboard and nail small nails or a staple gun.
It will be convenient if the front panel along with a switch output socket for connecting a hair dryer or curling irons.
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