Concrete - a reliable and very durable material. Thus, to make a hole in the concrete foundation is problematic, because of its high strength. There are various tools that can be used for making holes, but some of them are simply irreplaceable: drill, drill and punch.
Drilling walls of concrete - the popular methods and the necessary tools
There are several ways in which the carried concrete perforation:
- Crumbling punch.
- Drilling using an electric drill.
- Crushing hammer.
crumbling punch
This method is the most time consuming. Its use is advisable in the absence of an electric drill and pneumatic tools. What is the punch? These are small pins which have a base diameter from 8 to 20 millimeters.
Step by step guide work performance punch
Make these pins, you can own the main thing to focus on some of the design features.
Step 1. On the side face of the need to make 3-4 small troughs, which will serve both the challenge of concrete chips and the cutting side. The opposite end is made by the key slot of the vice.
Step 2. Now you can begin to perform work. The pin is set to the wall angle 90 degrees, After which it impactors heavy sledge hammer or mallet.
Step 3. As the recesses are carried out rotary motion with a pre-fixed key. Thus the work is carried out to the end. Depending on the complexity of the passage of the pin, it is possible to change the diameters of the larger or smaller.
Step 4. This method can not be considered ineffective, but the forces to implement it spent quite a lot. Therefore, the best solution is to turn to a neighbor or friend for a drill / punch.
The use of electric drills
It is to talk about the drills. To work with an electric drill will need to stock up drills. It's worth noting that conventional drills will not work in this situation because the concrete, microscopic consideration is abrasive, drills capable of erasing and thereby bring them into disrepair.
The same tool can overheat and burn due to excessive friction.
Well suited for this purpose drills with diamond coating. Learn the drill, if its design includes a shock mode - you can use them.
The cement layer is broken through in the normal mode but with a granite problems may occur. In the absence of impact conditions do not worry - long holes 4-5 cm. They can be obtained without its use. At a deeper immersion is likely to stumble upon a large rock formations that can be destroyed with a punch.
After the destruction can continue to use the electric drill. In fairness it must be said that to meet the drill without hammer mode is almost impossible today.
Chipping hammer
The most suitable instrument for crushing a hammer. Borax, which are used for crushing, fit much better than an electric drill. Initially, Hammer was created as a tool used for crushing rocks. They looked quite formidable, but over time the unit has decreased and has become much easier to use.
Pros punch:
- The engine has plenty of power.
- The tool has a stronger impact impulse.
- Stability of the whole processing system to use the hammer (in the drill mode is optional).
- hammering mechanism adapted for use in a high vibration environment - there is chipping of the hard metal plate.
So, summing up it can be said that the use of the punch is preferred. Hand punch can be used in the absence of other tools, and drill - if it is necessary to do a small dowel holes. Puncher is designed to work with concrete, so when you use it you will not have difficulties with the solution of the problem.
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