Choosing a carpet for a nursery

Choosing a carpet in the children's room

Carpet is made from artificial and natural materials. Leaders are polypropylene, polyamide and wool.

Buying a woolen carpet for a baby is not recommended, as babies often have an allergy to such a coating. In addition, it is much more likely to breed bacteria and microbes. That is why it is better to give preference to synthetic materials.

Choosing a carpet in the nursery

When choosing a coating, attention should also be paid to the length of the pile. For children, the optimal length will be up to 1 cm. More fluffy carpets in the nursery are inappropriate, they get too dirty and too hard to clean.

The pile may be undivided and split. The loop is not cut at the base, it is much more durable than the cut. Fluted, in turn, more pleasant to the touch. Recently, needle-piercing carpet has been popular, it combines the advantages of both types - it is soft and pleasant, and, at the same time, wear-resistant.

Choosing a carpet in the nursery

Particular attention when choosing a carpet in the nursery should be given ease of cleaning. In the nursery he will get dirty often, so you will have to clean it regularly. Also answering the question, what carpet is best for the nursery, it must be said that the coating should be hypoallergenic. Check the manufacturer's certificates.

Choosing the design of the carpet in the nursery. Photos of the examples

It seems that the coverage in the room should be bright, as children like bright colors. This is partly true, but it's worth remembering that by "overloading" the room with an abundance of catchy elements and cartoon pictures, you can make it too mottled. A too catchy design can lead to increased activity of the child, or, on the contrary, rapid fatigue, aggressiveness, irritability.

Choosing the design of the carpet in the nursery. Photo examples

Children's carpet can have geometric patterns, ornaments, abstractions, floral prints, stripes, cartoon and thematic images, can be decorated with images of flora and fauna.

Very many children like to have a "children's town" type of coverage. It is moderately bright, interesting, and in addition, drawings on such a coating contribute to the early development of the child. On such a cover usually have roads, railways, people, animals, cartoon characters and so on. The child, while in his room, can contemplate these drawings, while learning for himself something new. Such a carpet is an excellent solution for a child's playroom up to 10 years, a teenager such a cover is not suitable.

Choosing the design of the carpet in the nursery. Photo examples

Very interesting option is a children's carpet with roads, consisting of several levels. Here the child can not only learn, but also play - go on the road, play mini-football, play with dolls and little animals, create them at home. It is clear that the whole room is not put, usually limited to a separate zone.

It is believed that children's carpet for girls should be less bright than for boys. In fact, the brightness determines not the sex of the child, but the interior of the room and its illumination. In a room with dim lighting, a carpet of bright colors will look great, it will make the room brighter and more saturated.

Choosing the design of the carpet in the nursery. Photo examples

For a room with good lighting it is better to buy a child's carpet more calm shades.

Carpet for kindergartens is better to choose darker colors, since a large number of children will blot it very quickly.

Carpet in the nursery - customer reviews

Almost all reviews about this coverage on the Internet are positive. Carpet is soft, warm, reliable, safe and stylish. With the right choice about buying you will not have to regret.

Carpet in the nursery - customer reviews

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