How to make your own simple and compact tumble dryer

Production of dryers with their own hands will save the family budget, because even the most simple mechanism the product will cost 1000 rubles cheaper. In this case, for the manufacture of home-made drying boards do not require any expensive materials or special skills - just one or two free nights, desire and a little fantasy. Today let's talk about how to make a tumble dryer with their handsWithout damaging its mood and save money from the family budget.

To date, there are many variations on the theme of how to make the drying board with his own hands. They can be either floor or wall. You can arrange them not only in the living room, but also on the balcony or a loggia, which significantly saves space around you.

  • When choosing materials, use one that is definitely not rust after prolonged use and in contact with the wet stuff.
  • Keep in mind that it will have to bear the weight of about 30 kilograms, the Vedas wet things weigh far more than than dry.
  • When folded, the design should not weigh more than 12 kilograms, so you will easily move it around the apartment, without spending a lot of time and effort.
  • Calculate the required height of future construction, to further not necessary to use the stools and chairs to climb on it.
  • If the dryer is mobile - if necessary, it must be installed in the tub to keep the water from things you can not squeeze, not trickled down to the floor.

types of dryers

  • Floor. The most popular is such designs. They are easy to fold, and they do not take up much space when folded. When selecting materials for its production in a specialty store, we can choose and wooden fittings, but it should be understood that such a design is unlikely to serve you for many years due to its imminent wear. Due to the purchase of furniture screws, you will save yourself a lot of problems associated with the installation of fasteners. Many experts recommend the use of stainless steel materials. They are quite expensive, but you can be sure about the future life of the product.
  • Ceiling. No, we are not talking about attaching the rope to the ceiling around the perimeter of the room, as it once did our grandmothers. Progress has long ran far ahead. In fact, this type resembles a vertical lift with pulleys. If this option does not suit you, you can purchase a ready-made and special dryers, elevators, which are attached with screws to the ceiling. However, it should monitor the quality of components, otherwise you risk to face the fact that the pulleys will stick and will not move.
  • Hinged. Similar designs are often used in the winter, when the room temperature is not enough to ensure that things were drying quickly. They are fixed to the battery, which creates extra heat. Make these your own hands a lot easier than all of the above types of dryers. Just enough to find the right size pipe that will cling to the battery. Naturally, you should buy only those materials that are able to withstand a certain temperature and is not deformed in the process.
  • Wall. This type of dryer occupies very little space, as attached to the wall and the passive use just leaning against it. Only at first glance it seems that to make such a product in the home is not possible, but it is not. Maybe she will not look as aesthetically pleasing as the purchase version of this model, however, by screwing screws in person, you will be assured of an assembled structure.
  • Street. If you live in a country house, or you often have to dry things in the country - it is worth thinking about this option. The main advantage of street dryers is that they are extremely roomy, which allows not to think about where else to hang things are not together. As a rule, one of the parts of this design is attached to the dense trees, poles or fence, and the second to the foundation of the house.

As we can see, making the dryer with your hands will not bring much trouble. Just stick to the rules of technology and bring in your idea a little bit of logic and common sense. This design will serve you for years to come.

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