Oven with a water circuit for heating homes

Fireplace creates a special atmosphere in the house and sets the style of the interior

Fireplace creates a special atmosphere in the house and sets the style of the interior

However, along with the advantages inherent in the furnace heating and disadvantages:

  • dimensions - power heating stoves for home depends on their size;
  • inertia - a traditional oven made of brick house requires a lot of time to warm up and return to normal operation. However, modern cast iron stoves for home furnaces, fireplaces, stoves and buleryany virtually free from this defect;
  • the high heat loss because of the low efficiency (efficiency) - large amounts of thermal energy out through the chimney into the atmosphere;
  • inability to provide uniform heating of the house. Hot air is gradually displaces cold, but it occurs unevenly - temperature may be too high near the stove and too low at a distance from it;

Fact!The furnace can heat a room only, which is directly adjacent to it. Therefore, in remote parts of the building from it often had to arrange an additional oven.

For operation of the furnace it requires constant maintenance: laying wood Zolnikov cleaning and chimney, the control of the combustion process, the adjustment rod

For operation of the furnace it requires constant maintenance: laying wood Zolnikov cleaning and chimney, the control of the combustion process, the adjustment rod

Oven with a water circuit for heating the house: advantages

As already mentioned, conventional oven is unable to provide uniform heating of all rooms in the house. In modern furnaces and fireplaces this problem is partially solved by mounting a convection chamber that connects to the duct system. As a result, the flow of warm air from the furnace itself is not provided, and is moved in a limited space pipes and control valves, dampers, grids and other additional devices.

However, the airway channels are bulky, consume valuable space, with increasing length and number of turns increases heat losses. They need supervision and maintenance: periodic cleaning of dust, soot and grime. Air itself has a low specific heat capacity, to transfer heat from the furnace in the remote room is required injection forced heated air mass fan. Therefore, water, as a coolant in many ways preferable to the air.

Combined cabin heating system using a furnace hearth with a water circuit and solar collectors

Combined cabin heating system using a furnace hearth with a water circuit and solar collectors

Fact! The specific heat of water is almost 4 times higher than the specific heat capacity of air. It suffices to compare 4,187 kJ / (kg × K) and 1,055 kJ / (kg × K).

Hot water is readily transported through pipelines of a small diameter, thus transmitting the thermal energy over long distances. In addition, the water - a harmless, non-flammable, non-toxic, chemically neutral and always available substance.

The operating principle of a furnace heating water circuit

The principle of operation is simple heating circuit - heat medium (in this case, water) during combustion fuel is heated, and then propagates through the pipes, thus giving heat to the surrounding space.

Wiring fireplace with a water heat exchanger in a closed heating system with a boiler-drive 1 - the mixing valve; 2 - circulation pump; 3 - an expansion tank; 4 - safety valve; 5 - firebox with heat exchanger; 6 - Boiler Drive; 7 - radiators

Wiring fireplace with a water heat exchanger in a closed heating system with a boiler-drive 1 - the mixing valve; 2 - circulation pump; 3 - an expansion tank; 4 - safety valve; 5 - firebox with heat exchanger; 6 - Boiler Drive; 7 - radiators

the prototype of modern solid fuel boilers and furnaces long burning wood for the house is familiar to many - is "Swede". a metallic tank that before laying wood kindling and filled with cold water is embedded in the Swedish furnace. And, although the water in the firing process is heated for a long time, so long as it gives warmth - long after the flame goes out.

Gradually, the water reservoir has been converted into a heat exchanger, resulting in an opportunity to connect the system to mains home heating and hot water.

Modern heating furnace or oven hobs look stylish and remarkably fit into any interior

Modern heating furnace or oven hobs look stylish and remarkably fit into any interior

The design of water heating ovens

A distinctive feature of any furnace for heating the house equipped with a water circuit, a heat exchanger, also called the coil, radiator or boiler. This device can provide an unlimited number of heating water. The size and shape of the tank depends on the volume of the combustion chamber and may vary very widely.

heat exchanger

In some embodiments, the heat exchanger furnace is installed directly into the furnace to heat your home, but This method, there is a risk of leakage of coolant (i.e., water) or even explode if it is overheated and boiling. Furthermore, in this case inevitably reduced capacity of combustion chamber. A safer alternative is Retrofitting exchanger flue cap. A large part of the hot air rising from the burner will heat the coolant, rather than escape through the tube at the outside.

Scheme Fitting furnace hearth with a water circuit for hot water supply

plant layout Stoves with a water circuit for hot water supply

Calculation of the power and heat exchanger sizes

Independent calculation of power and heat exchanger size is quite a difficult task for someone who is not an engineer-heating engineer, but in most cases it is possible to make a rough estimate.

Useful advice!Practice has proved that at ceiling height of 2.5 to 2.7 m to 10 m2 Housing area requires 1 to 1.2 kW of power of the heating system.

Conventional oven for home with wood for an hour produces about 6500 kcal, which is enough to warm a small holiday home. The presence of the water circuit will increase the level of comfort doubled. Calculated heat loss can calculate the power of the heat exchanger. Heat takeoff from each square meter of its area varies from 5 to 10 kW. This fact is the basis of determining the required power.

When choosing a heat exchanger for the furnace or fireplace structure must take into account the parameters and the heating system in it

When choosing a heat exchanger for the furnace or fireplace structure must take into account the parameters and the heating system in it

In fact, there is no need to dive into the complex formulas. Suffice it to refer to specialists, who guided ready-made tables, pick up a heat exchanger for a private home furnace according to set parameters of the structure and system heating in it.


Should be solved, it will be made of a material before defined with a register structure (aka exchanger) oven for home. There are several options:

  • copper - on the one hand, the copper coil is very effective, since the thermal conductivity of this material is one of the best. On the other - its melting temperature is 1083 ° C, and the furnace - during abnormal situations, the occurrence of which can never be entirely eliminated - it can rise up to 1200 ° C. Therefore, the use of copper in the firebox of the furnace brick categorical prohibition imposed. Additionally, you need to pay attention to that formed by the cooling circuit condensate contains harsh chemicals that cause corrosion;
  • cast iron - cast iron radiators are highly resistant to corrosion, but are fragile, and the temperature strain arising during cooling and heating can lead to cracking and deterioration heat exchanger. In addition, a register of the iron - due to the fact that this metal handling poorly amenable - going from cast parts using threads and seals, which leads to a lowering in the reliability of the unit whole;
Structure-hearth furnace with a water circuit

Structure-hearth furnace with a water circuit


The heat exchanger - depending on the material - can be made of round or rectangular profile pipe, sheet metal, as well as combinations of these parts. Location and method of installation is determined by its shape:

  • of sheet steel coil - may be placed in a very hot place, that is - in the combustion chamber. To manufacture a steel sheet of 3 ÷ 4 mm thick, in combination with the pipes of diameter 40 mm ÷ 50 for connecting the flow and return. To prevent vapor lock the upper water supply pipe should be at the highest point a heat exchanger for the penetration of vapor lock occurs in the heating system slugging. Which in turn will lead to the destruction of the pipes or radiators. To the water is not boiled in the heat exchanger, its internal clearance must be at least 30 mm;
Place the stove in the house must be in compliance with fire safety regulations

Place the stove in the house must be in compliance with fire safety regulations


Installation of the heat exchanger must be carried out only in his furnace designed for the home. Video and fotoinstruktsii clearly confirm the need to involve expert-stove-maker and subject to certain rules:

  • exchanger after manufacture should be pressure tested twice pressure of 6 bars: pre-installation in the oven, and after it;
  • heat exchanger is mounted immediately after the foundation device for the furnace, after which it operates the clutch;
  • absolutely not recommended to build in a heat exchanger in the masonry oven! Between it and the walls should be a gap of 10 ÷ 15 mm and a compensating thermal expansion;
To heating system functioned smoothly, follow the rules of operation

To heating system functioned smoothly, follow the rules of operation

Basic furnace disadvantages for home water heating

The main disadvantages a water heating system associated with the physical properties of the coolant, ie water. Freezing at 0 ° C, water (more precisely, already ice) reaches its maximum volume at -4 ° C. Expansion of frozen water in the pipes may lead to their rupture. To avoid this it is necessary to drain the water from the heating system when it is not in use during the cold season, or be replaced by a special antifreeze.

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Compliance with the rules of operation of the furnace in the house, photographic and video instructions will help to avoid errors and prompt the best ways to neutralize the disadvantages.

On installing a modern brick oven is better to think more on the house design phase, since it involves equipping the chimney and ductwork

On installing a modern brick oven is better to think more on the house design phase, since it involves equipping the chimney and ductwork

Modern brick oven with a water circuit for heating the house - is a complex engineering thermo-technical design. Its installation requires the development of a single project still at the stage of design the entire structure as a whole and, most likely, will not do without the involvement of specialists.

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