Reliable and long-term operation of any electrical( electronic) device largely depends on the quality of the supply voltage. Unfortunately, we can not influence this in any way, and we get what we are supplied with by electricity. However, in our forces, still something to do. It is enough to connect the heating boiler to the voltage regulator, and many problems will be solved.
Types of stabilizers
They are characterized by high accuracy( deviation from the nominal value is not more than ± 3%).But to work with gas equipment they are forbidden to use, as when a contact is closed / opened a spark may form. In addition, the presence of rubbing parts dramatically reduces their service life.
Reliable, ensure the preservation of the shape of the sinusoid when the mains voltage changes, are resistant to overloads. The most optimal option, given the ratio of quality and cost. But there is a drawback - some delay in stabilization. At purchase it is desirable to consult about expediency of application together with concrete model of a gas boiler as it depends on features of its electronics.
With volt-supplement
Impulse devices. Characterized by extremely low error and reliability. But they have a limitation on the upper limit of the voltage, so when it's constant jumps in the network, it's not worth buying. In addition, the price of them is quite high.
They are also triac. The most durable and noiseless. But "painfully" react to network interference. In terms of overloads are also not completely reliable.
What to consider when choosing
- Network parameters to which the stabilizer will be connected. Each model has its own requirements for supply voltage.
- Which filter is the product? The stability of the electronics of the boiler( control board) largely depends on the correct shape of the output sine wave.
- The stabilizer must provide voltage within certain limits, subject to tolerance( ±).The required range should be specified in the boiler's certificate.
- The amount of load. Some owners connect a boiler and a pump to one stabilizer, although this is undesirable. The load is taken into account full, and it needs to be increased by about 1/3( the required stock).If you take a less powerful model, then it will not withstand overloads. And to acquire more powerful, and, therefore, to pay more, there is no sense.
When determining the power consumed by a boiler, people who do not understand technical terms often make the mistake of confusing the electrical with the thermal one. These are different things, and you need to focus on the electrical( input).
There is one more nuance - in calculating the power of the pump. It is impossible to dump its starting current, which can triple the nominal current.
Therefore, the calculation is done as follows:
electric power( boiler + pump x 3) x 1.3 = required power of the stabilizer.
Installation method. Some models are designed to work on some horizontal surface( floor, stand), others - for fixing on the wall. But the best option - a universal mount( and there, and there).Perhaps during the repair there will be an idea to reinstall it.
As an example, the most common budget models.
"Calm" of various modifications. The accuracy of the stabilization is ± 5%.Relay or triac version. The price in the range 4 900 - 5 780 rubles.
"Resanta".Floor and wall, and all models - relay. The accuracy is ± 8%, and therefore they are cheaper - from 1,200 to 1,600 rubles.
There are more expensive stabilizers, but many of them are collected under license in China.
Practical tips for
- In areas that are "fed" from old substations, and also in areas with intensive buildings, power surges are a common thing. In such conditions, it is advisable to use a thyristor stabilizer.
- Wall stabilizers are much more convenient. They save space, and the risk of their mechanical damage is minimal.
- Choosing the power, you need to focus on the "W", not on the "B / A".
- Passports for some models indicate that they operate in a wide range, almost from 110 V to 320. But what is the quality of the output voltage( nominal, "clean" sinusoids)?A good guarantee can be the reputation of the Producer and the country of assembly.
Despite all the high characteristics of the stabilizers, practitioners for gas boilers are advised to purchase UPSs( uninterruptible power supplies).They cost much more expensive - from 9,000 rubles - but they provide almost 100% protection of the gas device.
- First, the sine wave at the output is close to ideal.
- Secondly, there are no "dips" in the food, as the kit includes a battery.
There are other advantages.