Many sites have a lot of articles on the topic of choosing a gas column - but, as a rule, they all begin with familiarization with the device of this household appliance in the expectation that the consumer can think of some moments on his own. We will not bother the reader with a description of all the design features of these products, as many will be simply incomprehensible to them, and it is unlikely that such specific knowledge will ever be useful.
It is enough to point out that household gas columns are nothing but flow-through water heaters, the automation of which can work either from the electrical network or autonomously. Naturally, gas is used as a "fuel", and water must be supplied under a certain pressure. We propose to approach this issue from a practical point of view and evaluate not what column is better, but on what criteria to choose the model that is optimal for our home.
Any column 1 point of draw-off will undoubtedly provide hot water. And if you simultaneously open the taps on two( for example, in the kitchen and in the bathroom)?To understand the peculiarity of the work of a particular model, you need to inquire about its power in "kW".
This question often leads to confusion. The fact is that there is a concept of capacity "consumed" and "thermal".We should be interested in the last characteristic, since the first one "talks" about how much electricity / energy is expended to ensure the operation of the device.
Flow gas columns are divided into classes:
- from 28 and more( high power) - over 2 points of parsing;
- 19 -28( medium).Can run on 1 or 2 cranes;
- from 19 and less( small) - as a rule, only for one point.
It should be noted that any unit is guaranteed to fulfill its service life, if it is not constantly "loaded" to the limit. In addition, the efficiency of the product plays a role( 85 - 90%).Therefore, it is necessary to select power with some margin, increasing the estimated by about 1/3.
Minimum pressure in the water pipe
One of the protection schemes of the device provides automatic shutdown of the gas main( shut-off valve) and stopping the work of the column when the head is lowered in the pipe more permissible for this model. With such a problem, as a rule, the owners of apartments on the last floors, the owners of country houses, do not have an autonomous water supply system. The considered indicator is extremely important, otherwise the column or at all will not be "launched", or it will stop periodically.
Productivity of the
Even columns with the same power consumption can provide heating of different amounts of liquid( in "l") by NN number of degrees per unit of time( for columns this is 1 min).This is due to the features of the design and the characteristics of the components. The productivity is indicated by the symbol "Δt 0С".
This parameter is interrelated with the power, and this should be taken into account. Here are some indicative data showing what is the optimal flow rate for what purposes:
- mixer in the kitchen - approximately 3.5 l / min;
- shower - about 8.
If first of all the performance of the device is of interest, then you need to navigate it. In this case, the required power is calculated as follows:
V x( t1 - t2) / 14,3
It is necessary to simultaneously supply water( hot) with 2 points. The consumption in the kitchen is 3, in the shower - 7, the total( V) - 10( l / min).At the column inlet, the water temperature is 5 ° C( t1), and at the outlet - 50 ° C( t2).
We get: 10 x 45: 14.3 = 31.5( kW) .And if you increase this indicator by 1/3, you get about 40. Therefore, you need to look for a column with about this power.
But in practice we have never simultaneously, and for a long time, will not "work" 2 points of parsing. Therefore, the product can be taken with a lower power. Practice shows that in case of periodic work on 2 cranes it is enough that it is not less than 20 - 24 kW.
Ignition system
What are they?
- Electrical. The spark is supplied to the pilot automatically, simultaneously with the opening of the tap. Power - from the mains or from the batteries( cylindrical, for a hand torch), installed under the casing of the column.
- Piezo. When water flows through the column, a spark appears when the button is pressed( manual control).Sometimes this is extremely inconvenient, so you need to consider where exactly( the place in the house) the device will be installed.
- Hydro Power. The ignition is automatic, while the spark produces a micro-turbine. But such a system has a drawback. In comparison with the first two, a higher pressure of water is required to trigger the ignition( at a minimum of about 2.5 times).It is this that limits the ability to operate these models.
Power adjustment
- Step.
- Smooth.
These two types of regulation have a significant drawback - the probability of a temperature jump with a drop in pressure. For example, with a parallel flow of cold water in the pipe( opening the crane in the adjacent room, draining into the toilet).But it is not so significant, although some people take this into account.
- Automatic. Such columns have burners with flame modulation. It is enough to set the desired temperature at the output, and maintaining its value at a constant level - the task of automation, without user intervention.
Protection of
The main ones are the schemes ensuring safety in case of flame failure, coolant overheating, lack of traction, critical value of water pressure. Although there may be a number of additional, depending on the model.
This is already at the Buyer's discretion. Someone manages a minimum, someone needs "bloat."Therefore, there are no special recommendations. But one observation is - the less electronics, the less often there are breakages. This is tested by practice.
Let's consider what else to look for when choosing a column:
Availability of tech / support
This fully applies not only to imported products, but also to domestic ones. If in this locality there is no corresponding specialized center, then problems will arise not so much with maintenance as with repairs. With regard to foreign products, this structure should be authorized. Otherwise, the repair time will be infinitely prolonged, and any spare part( and, consequently, the service to restore the device's efficiency) will cost several times more. After all, if the "service" does not have a direct connection with the manufacturer, then there is also little in the warehouses, and the necessary details of the master are acquired either from second-hand dealers or ordered in other cities. There is no sense in explaining how the price of the goods purchased through the "chain" increases.
That's about it very few people think, so it's worth explaining in more detail. In many of our homes there are still household appliances manufactured in times of "Soviet power"( for example, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners), and they work reliably. To the modern manufacturer, this is unprofitable( and this is a fact!), As the longer the technique works, the less often people acquire new models. That is why the tendency is visible that after a couple of years of operation( and even earlier), repairs are needed. Therefore:
- it is necessary not to be too lazy and talk to professionals( in the same service workshop), that in such model more often fails. Then it will be possible to buy together with her a couple of the most replaced parts( in reserve);
- special attention - the number of units made of plastic. It is clear that such structural elements in terms of service life are inferior in many respects to "metal", wear out more quickly.
Operation in our environment
Not all imported gas columns are adapted to them. Many models fail at voltage surges( which is not uncommon for us), they are sensitive to the pressure of water, the gas reducer is tuned "wrong" and the like. We must immediately find out at what value of the pressure of the "blue" fuel in the trunk the device will be able to function steadily.
Analysis of the information given shows that the choice of the optimal gas column model should be strictly individual, based on the features of the device operation - the specifics of engineering communications, the composition of the family, the habits of its members, and so on.