Long burning wood boilers for the home: the device and versions

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Why boilers long burning on the wood for the house? During the construction of private housing, there is always a need for construction of an autonomous heating system. Well, if the building site is brought to the gas. Otherwise, it is possible, of course, use an electric one, but electricity is too expensive. The second option - the usual wood-burning stove with a water circuitBut a large area for heating will need much wood, which also are not cheap. However, if you use a long burning boilers with wood for the house, the majority of problems can be avoided.

long burning wood boilers for the home: the device and versions

Solid fuel boilers long burning - a good solution for efficient heating of private homes


  • 1 long burning wood boilers for home
  • 2 Variety of solid fuel boilers with long burning
  • 3 Solid wood long burning his own hands: step by step guide

long burning wood boilers for home

Solid fuel heating systems are not new. The different variations are used from time immemorial. While the burning of fuels in large quantities do not represent any problem for someone, they will not lose relevance. However, in modern conditions such a wasteful attitude to resources inappropriately. Due to this widespread heating boilers long burning wood. For their operation in the working mode requires several times less wood than in co-current furnaces and boilers.

Solid continuous burning boiler in sectional

Solid continuous burning boiler in sectional

Installation represents oven with two cameras. One of them is loaded jam firewood. They smolder slowly from top to bottom with a minimum access of oxygen. One serving is enough firewood for 12 - 15 hours of operation of the boiler. As a result of this corruption is allocated pyrolysis gas which is forced through the nozzles into the second chamber. There it is exposed to intense burning. Indeed, in this air enters the compartment in sufficient quantity. During the combustion of large amount of heat, which heats the fluid within the circuit.

To increase the efficiency of the boiler, you must take care of the house warming

To increase the efficiency of the boiler, you must take care of the house warming

Besides cost, these boilers are highly environmentally friendly, as are capable of degrading organic matter from fuel, almost without residue. Therefore, the smoke from these furnaces is completely safe for humans.

Useful advice!To maximize the benefit from heating boilers long burning wood, it is necessary to acquire the combined variants thereof. Such plants are able to work even on an ordinary natural gas. Switching between them is carried out automatically.

The structure of continuous burning solid fuel boiler

The structure of continuous burning solid fuel boiler

Variety of solid fuel boilers with long burning

long burning wood boilers for the home are available in different versions. There is a simple and inexpensive device, which device provides only the most important function - space heating. These boilers require no electrical connection, they have full autonomy and may be used in cottages, in baths or garages. For heating a dwelling house of their use is not recommended. The variant with electric motors necessary for forced air circulation and in water circuit combustion chamber of the most popular because it is a combination of adequate functionality to moderate prices. Expensive options that are equipped with heat engineering automation, emergency protection, and many other advanced features.

It looks like a modern boiler room of a private house

It looks like a modern boiler room of a private house

long burning wood boilers for homes are single-circuit and double-circuit. The first is carried out, heating water for heating only, while the latter allow to use hot water for domestic water supply. Some expensive models work perfectly on a gaseous or liquid hydrocarbon fuel.

Turbofan solid fuel boiler with automatic fuel supply

Turbofan solid fuel boiler with automatic fuel supply

A wide variety of types of fuel-efficient boilers makes it possible to use them as separate heat sources for heating home or residential buildings, as well as an alternate device, included in the event of termination of gas supply to the main unit.

Before acquiring the equipment, the following important characteristics should be considered:

  • completely independent boiler or dependent on electricity;
  • any area he is able to heat;
  • how much is available in your area, type of fuel used;
  • What are the indicators of thermal leakage in this model;
  • which is capable of maintaining the temperature of the unit.
The efficiency of the replacement of natural gas by certain types of solid fuel

The efficiency of the replacement of natural gas by certain types of solid fuel

Given that for maintaining the temperature of 25 degrees on an area of ​​10 m² requires 1 kW of energy for heating the home to 100 m² need boiler with a capacity of 10 kW. To the obtained result should be added between 20 and 30% power. The figures depend on the quality of insulation of the room and any windows installed.

Useful advice!Living in an area where there are frequent power failures, to buy energy-long burning boiler with wood is not necessary for the house. It is better to buy an option that has complete autonomy.

The operating principle of continuous burning coal-fired boiler

The operating principle of continuous burning coal-fired boiler

Apart from industrial manufacturing machines, there are many embodiments of self-made long burning boilers with wood. Craftsmen make them from different materials at hand. Some samples may well compete with the factory in many ways. The quality of the boiler depends on the skill of the welder, as well as on the purpose of the device. After heating for residential premises do not need a beautiful aesthetic and sophisticated device.

Driving a private home heating system using solid fuel boilers

Driving system Heating private homes with solid fuel boiler

Any, even very good workmanship homemade long burning boiler on the wood can not be used for independent and continuous heating of a house. Neither fire supervisor will not give permission without existing certificates of conformity to all the requirements of the fire. They can only get registered in the prescribed manner an enterprise engaged in the manufacture of boilers, machinery only after all the necessary routine testing.

However, if the device you only need to heat the garage, bath or garden house, you can make with his hands in the pot long burning wood. Collect it from scrap materials is not difficult if you have the skills to use arc welder and a grinder.

For heating of an apartment house is better to use the boiler, made only by industrial methods

For heating of an apartment house is better to use the boiler, made only by industrial methods

Solid wood long burning his own hands: step by step guide

Production of coal-fired boiler improvised no great difficulty. The main task is to design it so that the wood in the combustion chamber is not burned, and only smoldering. Below we give an example embodiment of manufacturing a cylindrical timber-boiler, which has a water circuit for connecting garage heating system:

  • take a piece of pipe diameters ranging from 30 to 100 cm. From the size of the combustion chamber volume will depend, and hence the power. this tube length can be from 70 to 130 cm;
  • cut three circles. Two should correspond to the diameter of the pipe - They are bottom and lid, and a third less than about 5 mm. From this it will be manufactured piston;
  • an exhaust pipe length to make 1.7 m and a diameter up to 100 mm;
  • moreover, need heavy pieces channel, grate, pruning small diameter pipes and thin tube for producing water circuit;
The principle of the manufacture of solid fuel boilers with their hands

The principle of the manufacture of solid fuel boilers with their hands

  • to the circle, which will be the bottom welds four legs made from scraps of pipes. Their height should be 5 - 10 cm. The circle itself should find their place in the lower part of the main pipe. It must be welded very high quality, that there was no visible holes in the seam;
  • in the circle for the piston to cut a hole in the center, on the edges of which are welded pipe for the removal of smoke. On the opposite side welding fasten channels, keeping the balance piston;
  • the top lid also makes a hole under the pipe and welds it tightly, do not forget to put inside piston and mount the coil circuit, which must have an inlet and an outlet fitting with outside;
  • square hole cut through the door and under this same piece of metal and its manufacture, applying pomassivnee awnings. Inside corner welds, which set the grate;
  • below the grate to the ash slotted hole, which must have a door with an adjustable air current.
Wiring diagram for the solid fuel boiler to the heating system of a private house

Wiring diagram for the solid fuel boiler to the heating system of a private house

Made with his own hands in the pot long burning wood that is ready to use.

Useful advice!To fill this wood oven better together. One person per tube raises the piston, and the second imposes a complete furnace of firewood, and then set fire to them. When they inflame the air supply is necessary to limit. Secreted smoldering gas will burn above the piston rapidly by heating water circuit.

Boilers long burning firewood - a great alternative to traditional thermal units.

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