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Most landlords are owners of old-style heating batteries that are perfect to cope with its function, but are unpresentable appearance. Will help solve the problem of the screen in a radiator that not only hide from the eyes of unsightly radiatorBut also become an important part of the interior of the room and at the same time will serve as a protective function for the flat owners.
Radically transform the appearance of a radiator to help special screens
- 1 Why need a screen on a radiator
- 2 Varieties of lattices for heating radiators
3 Embodiments grille mounting heating radiator
- 3.1 Metal shield on a radiator
- 3.2 Wooden screens for batteries: environmentally friendly room decor
- 3.3 Glass decorative screens for radiators
- 3.4 Lattices radiator MDF
- 3.5 Plastic screen on the heating radiator
- 4 screen manufacturer for heating the batteries with their hands
Why need a screen on a radiator
An essential attribute of the heating system are radiators. Their work is based on thermal radiation, which is transmitted to the room in two ways:
- by convection, which involves the cold airflow flowing from below and the hot, outgoing upward flow;
The screens are designed for protection against mechanical damage, it is especially important for fragile radiators made of cast iron
- by means of electromagnetic radiation of the infrared spectrum, the power of which increases with the heat sink temperature.
Air from cast iron radiators heated by convective processes. By increasing the heating rate is a change ratio of radiant and convective energy and a considerable release of heat starts to be performed by infrared radiation.
Choosing dekrativnye screens on the radiator, it is important to build on two components: the aesthetics and thermal conductivity
Despite the fact that the radiators are an essential attribute of the room, they often have an unattractive appearance and risk of injury to the surrounding structure. To solve these problems, you can use the pads on the battery.
radiator grille serves several functions:
- protection;
- decorative;
Shield protects coolant and closes access to small children or pets
- hygiene;
- reflective.
Often radiator structure represented by the protruding portions, acute angles and control valves. All this is especially dangerous for young children. Also, the high temperature heating unit can cause burns. Hide can be a potential source of trouble with a protective grille. On the other hand, many modern battery, for example, aluminum or copper plate radiators also need Protection from all sorts of mechanical influences, since the structure can be easily deformed by falling subject.
Screens can decorate heating equipment, providing an attractive interior of any room
Most radiators, especially old-fashioned, do not fit into the modern interior. Due to the grille apparatus for heating a battery acquires a more attractive appearance. heatsink design is very inconvenient to clean. The cavities and hard to reach areas accumulates debris, dust, pet hair. Radiator grille to help reduce the likelihood of dirt and dust in its cavity.
If the screen will have a sufficient number of holes and cut-outs, which must be correctly positioned to have a back wall of the polished metal, can be increased convection heater due to reflection from the wall in the room infrared radiation.
It is important to choose a display option that will look good in the interior, will be able to completely cover the design and fit under a window sill
Important!To screen for radiators provide maximum flow of warm air from the heater, it construction must be lattice-type, without the upper cover and with sufficient clearance in the bottom of battery.
Varieties of lattices for heating radiators
Despite the fact that the radiator screen has a number of positive features, there is one significant drawback is present. The lattice is able to absorb part of the heat that radiates from the radiator, thereby making it less efficient operation. However, the correct choice of shapes and articles of manufacture of the material can significantly reduce heat loss during the installation screen.
Screens for radiators constitute a decorative screen, which may be made of different types of materials
Depending on the shape and type of fastening structure array may be:
- Attachment without the upper cover;
- hinged cover;
- flat;
- in the form of a box.
Often flat screens options used by designers to make the interior of exclusivity and originality
A first embodiment is used for batteries that are located in the recess. Such designs do not need special installation and ensure maximum heat exchange air in the room. The second type is mainly installed on projecting from the sill heating radiator. The screen on an iron battery allows the heater to give a more aesthetic appearance, but reduces the amount of heat transmitted.
Flat products are attached to the wall, covering only the front side of the radiator. The upper, lower and lateral sides remain open. If you want to completely hide the radiator, use the screen in the form of a box that can be attached to the wall or placed outdoor.
Screens in the form of boxes, experts recommend to use if you need to completely hide the battery from the prying eyes
Price screen radiator depends on the fabrication material. Depending on this grating may be:
- metal;
- plastic;
- wood;
- glass;
- MDF.
A lot of the materials used for the manufacture of screens allows you to find the most suitable option to the interior of the room
Embodiments grille mounting heating radiator
The screen may be mounted on either of the methods:
- tapping method;
- half way;
- by boxes;
- attachable manner.
Method screen installation on heating radiator
If radiators are recessed into prepared niche in the wall, which saves space, it is necessary to use mortise lattice. The element is fixed to the battery so as to create a small gap on the side walls. Product size is selected so that the gap can be cut off along the perimeter.
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When the heater is located on the wall, the hinged cover must be used, which by means of special hooks fixed directly to the battery. This solution creates the most convenient access to the battery for possible repairs.
Important!Weight hinged screen must be minimized so as not to create additional load on the battery.
The screen is easy to install on their own and does not need special care
The most massive structure is addl screen, which is installed near the radiator, covering it from all sides. The product can be represented by several gratings which are attached to the four sides on the prepared frame. Due to the fact that the structure can easily be pushed aside, the cleaning process is facilitated by the battery.
Battery box is represented by a peculiar niche of drywall in which the radiator is embedded. Next, the battery is fully closed lattice with sufficient openings. The disadvantage of this method are the considerable heat loss.
Metal screen on the battery heating
Metallic lattices are characterized by the highest demand among consumers. This is due to the practicality, durability and low cost products. However, there are expensive items made of stainless steel using artistic forging. The metal product most often presented in the form of a box of sheet metal, which hung or put to a heating radiator, which does not require special skills during assembly design.
The most reliable and at the same time an easy option, which allows to reduce heat loss in the room due to the use of the screen under the sill - a metal
Useful advice! The period of the metal grating of operation depends on the quality color product. The best characteristics are screens dyed powder coating method.
Metal screens on the battery in the construction market are presented in a variety of colors and a variety of configurations that allows you to choose the product to any interior. The main advantage of the design of the metal is a good heat conductivity of the product that contributes to the minimal heat loss. Metallic lattices are not prone to deformation under high temperature. Screens easy to clean, they are difficult to keep Nondeducibility spots.
The disadvantage of metal screens can be considered unpresentable look expensive. Pads with a picture applied perforation will cost much more. Buy decorative metal screen on the battery can be 2,000 rubles., Depending on the size of the product. Also, due to the significant weight of some design patterns, lattice is not recommended to hang on the radiator.
The cost depends on the screen size. Buy a metal shield on the heating battery size 700h400 mm can be 1,650 rubles, 1800h400 mm -. From 4200 rubles, 700h800 mm -. 2100 rubles 1800h800 mm -. From 5200 rubles.
The market currently offers a wide selection of metal screens - from simple to exclusive options
Wooden screens for batteries: environmentally friendly room decor
The most common one are wooden decorative bars on the battery. Products are sustainable, good quality and presentable appearance. Quality screens made of expensive wood, such as oak and beech, will not only be reliable protection for the radiator, but also an unusual interior decoration of the room, decorated in a classical or country music style.
Wooden screens can be covered with enamel, lacquer, stained or painted. Well it looks fine woven lattice, which is clearly shown in the photo decorative screens for radiators. It is better to select products, the coloring composition coated on a water basis without harmful impurities to eliminate the possibility of evaporation and falling into the room air at a heating structure.
The main drawback of wood overlays a tendency to drying out due to temperature variations, the deformation and subsequent products. This applies primarily to low-elements. For high-quality screens used wood that is good and right pre-dried, which will certainly impact on product cost. Buy screen on the battery can be made of wood from 2200 rubles.
Wooden structures are often placed in institutions. To ensure adequate heat transfer, the screen should be mounted at a certain height from the floor, and the top of the product must be provided holes.
Its decorative function can best realize the wooden shields for radiators
Low wooden lattice to the battery is made of lath material well permeable air heated by the radiator and performing a protective function. Buy screen on a cast-iron radiator can be an average of 1,500 rubles.
Glass decorative screens for radiators
Glass screens on the battery are exclusive models for the production of which use tempered glass. product thickness of 8 mm, so it is very difficult to break. Due to the fact that the screen is applied to a special laminate sheeting construction will maintain its integrity even in case of damage. The surface can be easily cleaned with ordinary detergent that will not affect the appearance of the product.
Mirror screen just great to be able to fit the interior of any room and give it a finished look without effort
screen edges are durable and safe for further use. Glass screens promote maximum heat transfer without obstructing convection. product surface is resistant to mechanical damage, which allows for a long time to keep the pristine appearance of the screen.
Useful advice!When choosing a glass screens recommended to prefer products made from laminated glass, which have increased strength and safety.
Glass articles that are made according to special technology mollirovannoy may be of various shapes, colors and transparency. There are models with LED backlighting. Such an arrangement is unusual and refined interior decoration, which is clearly displayed on picture screens radiators. Price product depends on the size and thickness of the glass, of an embodiment of installation method and patterning. So the cost of 1 sq. m. transparent screen will be from 8.5 thousand.. Rubles, colored and frosted - from 11.5 thousand. rub with a picture -. by 13.5 thousand. rub.
Useful advice! Custom-made, you can perform the image on the screen in the form of a self-portrait.
Glass screens - one of the best options for achieving environmental and safety issues, but the price they are much higher
Glass screens can be mounted to a wall or have a special stand. Especially popular are today acrylic screens, which, thanks to its low weight, can be hung on a heating radiator. Despite the fact that this is a budget option glass screens, acrylic glass is characterized by high performance.
Lattices radiator MDF
Many want to have around the house neat, presentable and environmentally friendly wooden lattice, but the price of the product rather bite. In this case, you should give preference to decorative screens for the MDF panels, which are included in the category of budget structures. Buy lattice can be for 1000-1200 rubles on average. However, not all products are made from MDF. Because this material mainly performed frame, and the insert can be made of metal or wood, which affects the heat screen. The more holes in the insert, the higher the figure.
Screen for the radiator heating from MDF is made of perforated panels which are framed by a frame of the profile of the same material
Grate endures temperature fluctuations, high humidity and high temperature without visible deformation of the product. Decorative screens on the battery, the photo clearly confirm this, available in various forms, stylistic and color, which makes it possible to pick up the product to any interior. However, the lattice of the MDF has a large weight, which eliminates the use of a hinged construction. Another drawback is the laboriousness removal system, which complicates the purification of the radiator.
Plastic screen on the heating radiator
Plastic decorative grilles for radiators are popular among different segments of the population. This is due to the variety of the lineup and democratic pricing policy. The main advantage of such products is durability, moisture resistance, resistance to corrosion, low weight and ease of care. Due to the fact that the product is not deformed under the influence of high humidity, plastic screens which can be installed in bathrooms.
Plastic grating have low thermal conductivity and mechanical strength. When heated, the product can resist deformation. This is especially true budget options. In this regard, plastic screens are often made of heat-resistant dense and durable material that can withstand the temperature of 60-80 deg. However, this results in significant heat loss. Buy screen for the battery can be as little as 250 rubles.
Useful advice! Plastic box on the battery may emit harmful substances when heated, so it is not recommended to install in the living room.
Choosing plastic screens for radiators, you should pay attention to its thermal stability and melting behavior
Screens made of plastic can be installed in non-residential office space. For more efficient heat transfer is recommended to select products whose grating strips are arranged obliquely. Another drawback of the screens, especially when it relates to products in light colors, a yellowing material.
screen manufacturer for heating the batteries with their hands
The hands screen on battery preferably made from sheets of chipboard or MDF. For front panel, select the metal mesh of any configuration. Also needed for mounting a sheet metal to create a reflecting element, the fastening elements in the form of construction the brackets and screws, nails and carpenter's glue.
Before you make a screen for radiator need to make measurements
In the first phase, the measurement of the dimensions of the radiator. To this added value width of 10 cm and a height - 5 cm. These data are the parameters for a future front panel of the screen. For the width of the side parts of the radiator MDF necessary to add a depth of 2.5 cm, and the product length is the height of the front panel. Dimensions top of the screen should be 1-2 cm longer than the dimensions of the side panels.
Useful advice! For good heat transfer top boxes should be opening.
Based on the data obtained from MDF or particle board are cut out rectangular product. The contact points between parts forming an angle of 90 degrees. The side faces should provide openings for the tubes. The front of a metal mesh decorated faces of chipboard around the perimeter of the structure with the inner sides of the front corners.
Grilles can be done independently, choosing the material and suitable for curtains and wallpaper color
The next step is to build the structure. At the rear wall-mounted screen reflector, the dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of the decorative screen. It serves to prevent heat losses and redirecting IR flow from the battery into the premises. Fastening of framework elements carried by a special glue.
Decorative screen can be attached to the wall with anchor grips or put to a radiator. For the second option should be provided at the bottom of the design special legs, which are attached by means of building corners. This way not only to create a mobile design that can push when performing cleaning, and allows you to adjust the screen height with respect to the radiator.
Make a screen for the radiator, not only impairs the heating, but also to improve it, it is possible to independently
With a wide range of decorative lattices for heating radiators, you can choose the most suitable option, which not only will be a perfect complement to the interior, but also beautify the battery, and will be a reliable protection against possible injury. Also, when choosing a product should be guided not only by aesthetic considerations, but also give priority to the construction, which should not impair the heating characteristics of the device.