Do not warm up the batteries? It can be fixed


  • 1 Air in the apartment
  • 2 Air in the private house
  • 3 Air removal methods

Before the start of the heating season, the problem of system airing often occurs. This leads to a partial or complete blocking of the heating circuits for leakage of the coolant over them. As a result, the batteries do not heat up. Also, this problem is often found in apartment buildings built on old projects. In them, as a rule, automatic air vents are not installed and are not provided for. And then the question arises: "How to release air from the battery in the apartment building?" Usually, when the central heating system is switched on, the employees of the housing and communal services independently bypass all apartments in such houses and release air. But if this does not happen, then, probably, you have been forgotten. And then it's necessary to take matters into our own hands. Call in the housing and utilities or manually vent the air.

Air in the apartment

So, how to release air from the battery in the apartment? If your apartment is cold, although neighbors from below do not know where to get away from the heat. Then most likely you have air in the heating batteries. To lower it, it is necessary to open a specially designed valve. It is usually located above the kon in houses with radiators built into the walls. To open it you will need a special key that you can make yourself. In the new houses the radiators are inside the apartment and there are so-called Mayevsky cranes on them. It is a nut with a bolt in the middle. The bolt has a conical shape and closes the air outlet.

It must be remembered that in apartment buildings the pressure is very high, so it is impossible to twist the choke very tightly. All actions are performed slowly and with the utmost care.

Air in a private house

Expansion tank

Expansion tank

In a private house everything is much simpler, because the heating system is autonomous. If necessary, you can always turn it off for a while. Moreover, for the effective removal of air in the system, this is just recommended. The air congestion in the heating battery in a private house can arise for two reasons:

  1. Poor air removal after the last repair. After carrying out all types of repairs with the heating system, it is necessary to lower it from each radiator. But if the cork was far enough from the valve, then maybe just did not wait for her exit.
  2. Chemical processes in radiators, and air strangulation are gas formations. If the radiator is of poor quality with a variety of shells, the strength of the radiator is not only lost, but the efficiency of its heat exchange is also reduced.
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Why do not heat the battery video, help to understand this issue.

Methods of air removal

Depending on the type of heating system, there are several ways to get rid of air in the batteries:

Maevsky crane

Maevsky crane

  • In a system with natural circulation. In this case, you can use an expansion tank to remove air in the batteries. It should be installed at the highest point of the house, and it has an air valve - a nipple. For better efficiency, it is recommended to heat the system well. When heated, the air in the form of steam will begin to rise intensively, thereby necessarily entering the tank.
  • In the case of forced circulation, special air vents can be installed. They are also set at high points for the same reasons. When using such systems, it is not necessary to vent the air. But, unfortunately, this is in theory, because in practice such devices work well only in the floor heating system, when the distribution manifold is low. The automatic nipple is located at its far end from the entrance.

    Automatic air vent

When discharging air from the batteries in a system with forced circulation, it is recommended to switch off the boiler or boiler. Because when the valve is opened due to a sufficiently high pressure( 0.8-1.5 atmosphere), air can get into it even more, and it can end up in other radiators.

To evacuate the air from the battery, it is necessary to open the valve, as a rule, the Mayevsky valve is installed, and a small capacity is substituted for its withdrawal. There, in the process of air release, water will flow out. Today there are valves of different types and even universal ones. To open them, you need to have a flat screwdriver or a special 4-key wrench. It is freely sold, and is also included in the kit for radiators. It is recommended to drain at least 200 g of water, this will allow all air to escape to the radiator. After the prevention in the system, the pressure will drop and it must be raised to the required level. When using boilers of the Ariston brand, a pressure of 1.5 to 2 atmospheres is required. Its enough for the heating of the cottage.

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