Hotbeds of arcs with covering materials: a review of the best models

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Greenhouses of arcs with covering materials are very popular because they have a simple construction, lightweight and well suited for installation in large greenhouses and on open field. The length of the greenhouse can be from 4 to 10 m, so that choose the appropriate option is simple. In addition to the acquisition of ready-made designs can also be considered a variant of its independent production.

Hotbeds of arcs with covering materials: a review of the best models

Hotbed of arcs covering materials


  • 1 Greenhouses of arcs with covering materials: the design features
    • 1.1 For greenhouses which are used to cover material of arcs
  • 2 What metal arches for greenhouses to buy: the variety of elements
  • 3 Hotbeds of arcs with covering materials: prices and features designs
    • 3.1 Greenhouse Dayas: customer reviews and features of the model
    • 3.2 Greenhouse Agronomist: customer reviews and features of the model
    • 3.3 Greenhouse Snowdrop: customer reviews and features of the model
  • 4 Features of the construction of their own hands: the arc of the greenhouse and the covering material

Greenhouses of arcs with covering materials: the design features

The construction of a greenhouse made of arches and a covering material, are always rather primitive. It is an arched frame which is covered with a suitable material for this purpose, usually a polyethylene film or a nonwoven web. Greenhouse assumed height distance from the ground to the top of each of the arches, and this figure is usually in the range of 0.5 to 1.3 m.

The arc length of the greenhouse

The arc length of the greenhouse

The optimum width of a greenhouse made of arches, is considered to be 0,6-1,2m. The width depends on the arc length and the height of the structure, while the length defines the distance between the arcs and their number. The most popular are models of factory production, which have a length of 4.6 m or 8.

Independent production of greenhouse arcs completely relieves you of any restrictions, and you are free to do absolutely any size greenhouse. It is only necessary to remember that great design will be less resistant to winds. This is especially true of those greenhouses that have been made and PVC arcs.

In addition, the design does not have to be primitive. For example, greenhouse Fedorov drawing shows that of the same arcs is much more complex and at the same time user-friendly design operation can be made.

Scheme complex design of a greenhouse covering materials arcs

Scheme complex design of a greenhouse covering materials arcs

For greenhouses which are used to cover material of arcs

There are a number of tasks that will help solve the greenhouse of the arcs with covering materials. Consider why you should buy a greenhouse under the film, and to solve any problems you can use:

  • in regions where there is quite cold and the climate is not suitable for the cultivation of heat-loving plants, such greenhouses are used to heat-loving crops. It is important to understand that the design must fit large, mature plants, not just seedlings. Film or fabric in this case fixed with special clamps that allow easy access to a bed at any time;
  • another purpose of greenhouses of this type - the gradual adaptation of the seedlings planted in open ground, to external conditions and different temperatures. Due to the covering materials, even very young plants are not afraid of no night frosts, nor the day scorching sun. Structure can be easily disassembled as soon as the plants take root, which allows not to transplant them;
A simple folding of a greenhouse covering materials arcs

Simple folding hotbed of arcs covering materials

  • Spring, and in particular during the early periods when it is too cold for the plants can be grown inside the greenhouse foliage, radish and other similar culture received wonderful addition to its diet;
  • simple collapsible greenhouses of the arcs are often used to stimulate the germination of seeds. For example, if you sow carrots or parsnips, the first seedlings in open ground have to wait quite a long time. Quite another thing, if build around a greenhouse: the germination process will take 3 times faster;
  • use such simple greenhouses and in cases where there is a risk of mass destruction plant pests. The design is simple to assemble and dismantled as soon as you can be sure that the threat has passed;
  • protect crops from birds and animals - another purpose, which copes hotbed of arcs. This may be necessary, for example, in the season of gathering strawberries as a threat to your crops are birds. The film will be for them an insurmountable barrier, even if you close the beds only half.
Greenhouse protect crops from pests and insects

Greenhouse protect crops from pests and insects

The assembly process of the finished greenhouse arcs takes very little time and is carried out relatively simply. Each bundle includes a special pegs that need to be driven into the ground, leaving only attached to the arc it. Covering material is stretched at the top and is securely fixed using special clamps.

Useful advice!An even simpler option - to buy a greenhouse of the covering material, the arc of which is sewn into a nonwoven fabric. In this case, all you have to do - expand the design on the bed, put in the right place and hammer the pegs into the ground, that give it stability.

What metal arches for greenhouses to buy: the variety of elements

Depending on the size of the future greenhouse, set in the factory may be included a different number of elements. But, at the same time, each of the components can be purchased separately, so as not to overpay for the set, if it is not needed. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to an individual design, perfectly suitable for your specific area.

Greenhouse arcs of a width of 1 meter

Greenhouse arcs of a width of 1 meter

Depending on the characteristics, can be purchased from the following types of arcs Greenhouse:

  • arc consisting of 5 mm elastic wire which is covered with a PVC sheath acting as protection against corrosion;
  • in the second case the outer layer is also made of PVC, but is used as a basis steel tube sections 10-12 mm;
  • a cheaper option - plastic pipes without a metal base. Typically the diameter is 20-25 cm.

To understand what materials are better than others are suitable for your purposes, you need to get an idea about the properties and characteristics of each. Only then can we make the right decision.

Greenhouse arcs of plastic film and

Greenhouse arcs of plastic film and

The greatest strength of different metal, so it is metal arches for greenhouses are considered the most reliable and easier to use than others. Stick them in the ground there is no difficulty, and the characteristics of the material make it possible not to worry about the fact that the arc is deformed. At the same time, PVC sheath protecting metal from the effects of external factors, such as corrosion.

It goes without saying that the more durable material used for manufacturing, the higher will be the price for the greenhouse arcs. Thus, the cost of plastic is much lower than that of metal.

The positive aspects of plastic pipes include a higher level of flexibility. With their help, it is easier to form the desired shape of the frame, giving the greenhouses desired width and height. But at the same time bending the plastic tube, there is a risk to break it. Yes, and stick it in the ground can be quite difficult. To do this, you want to use in advance hammered into the ground pegs that can be found on sale, or even complete a greenhouse. Also suitable for this purpose and pieces of rebar.

Greenhouse covering material should be securely fastened

Greenhouse covering material should be securely fastened

As for the elements used for attaching a covering material, then there are special plastic clips. They are firmly fixed on the film frame. If you make a greenhouse with their hands, the clamps can be purchased separately in the required amount. And in order to secure the edges of covering material to the ground, there are special elements - pegs with clips, which are driven into the ground.

Hotbeds of arcs with covering materials: prices and features designs

Buy the arc for the greenhouse, as well as all other necessary elements can be both complete and separate from each other. But if you want to save yourself the trouble, the first option, of course, preferable. Depending on how much space you want to allocate to the greenhouse, it is possible to select a suitable set.

Ready greenhouses easy to assemble and tinker with their installation practically do not have to. The only thing with which to face - the inability to somehow modify the factory model. Change the distance between the arcs is impossible. This is especially true of those designs, in which the arc sewn into the fabric. Consider which of the models are the most popular: their features and characteristics.

Greenhouses with arched structures

Greenhouses with arched structures

Greenhouse Dayas: customer reviews and features of the model

Once the design has been created Dayas for covering beds, which consists of plastic arcs captured within the web. The length of each arc is 2 m, and its cross section - 20 mm. To arch could be easily installed on both ends of the arc are special pegs 20 mm each. They are very easy to stick in the ground, after which construction will reliably hold.

This greenhouse has a sectional design that allows you to change its length depending on their own desires. Using the basic package, you can make Dayas length from 4 to 6 m. In this case, its height will always be be 0.7 m, and the width - 1,2 m. Provided that 4 sections, construction cost of the order 1590 rubles.

Useful advice!In order to fix the blade in its raised position, require special plastic clips. In this case, the manufacturer provides and included, but you can buy them on their own.

Greenhouses "Dayas"

Greenhouses "Dayas"

Plant care is easier with the ability to move a covering cloth up along arcs. This is due to the fact that the material easily moves along the arcs, although sewn to them. Proposed complete covering material for greenhouses has a width of 2.1 m.

Related article:

Greenhouses Polycarbonate Top opening: types and characteristics of the construction.

What they are used. Kinds of designs. Step by step instructions for the assembly of different models, especially care for them.

"While chose the greenhouse, I realized that almost about any design can be read as the most positive, and the terrible reviews. Summer greenhouse, which I would like to order originally, I was not able to buy, so opted for the Dayas. Excellent simple design, which it is currently fully operational. "

Anna Semakova, city Sochi

Greenhouse arcs of covering materials with stable

Greenhouse arcs of covering materials with stable

Greenhouse Agronomist: customer reviews and features of the model

This hothouse of the arcs with cover material has a lot of similarities with the previous model. Also like Dayas, its frame is composed of plastic pipes, section of 20 mm. As fastening uses the same 20-cm pegs.

Since the length of each arc is 2 m, the height of the finished design may be 0.7-0.9 m, depending on how you set the arch. Another quality that is characteristic for the previous model, and for agronomists - section that allows you to change the length of the structure -. 4 to 6 m Of course, this affects not the cost. Price models 750 and 950 rubles respectively.

With regard to the covering material, in this model uses quality fabric Agrotex - 42, which has repeatedly noted the positive feedback from users.

Greenhouse "agronomist"

Greenhouse "agronomist"

"When choosing a greenhouse at the cottage, then just I know that I do not want to tinker with film. She was too thin, and it seems to me all the time would be torn. Therefore, choosing among the models that have included is a nonwoven fabric for the greenhouse. Agronomist perfectly approached me. No hassle with installation and assembly, does not need to think about how to fix the film on the greenhouse of the arcs. So it's a great model for those who do not hunt to tinker. "

Victor Great city Belgorod

Greenhouse Snowdrop: customer reviews and features of the model

Greenhouse Snowdrop BashAgroPlast from the manufacturer - an extremely popular model, which comes in four different size -. 3, 4, 6 and 8 m Like many other models, the frame of this product is made of polyvinyl chloride tubing section 20 mm. Also included is a non-woven covering material for greenhouses - spunbond or "FMS-42."

Greenhouse "Snowdrop"

Greenhouse "Snowdrop"

In general, positive characteristics of the greenhouse can be attributed lightness, ease of assembly, high quality ukryvnogo material which is stable, including UV-nor too high construction costs - 700 rubles. But in order to fully evaluate the existing picture, it is worth considering the positive reviews of the greenhouse Snowdrop. Terrible reviews also have their place, and they are well worth a look.

"In my opinion, a great design as for the money. Even without any experience, I had enough time to see one video installation greenhouse Snowdrop, to understand everything. Very comfortable and easy to fold, if necessary. Very happy. "

Maria Belova, city Volgograd

Greenhouse skeleton of metal arches

Greenhouse skeleton of metal arches

"I decided to buy a greenhouse Snowdrop, to protect the seedlings, if suddenly in the middle of spring frosts come. I installed it, completely convinced that my plants are not in danger. And in the morning I saw that more than half a pomerzlo! It turns out that to buy a greenhouse under the film - does not mean to solve the problem of spring frosts? Or do I just out of luck. In any case, I am disappointed with the purchase. "

Vladimir Sysoev, city Moscow

Apart from the models, there are a few that are very popular, due to its characteristics. For example, on greenhouse Spring reviews Most only positive. The same applies to greenhouse Rich harvest, reviews of which exhibit excellent, why you should buy just such a design.

Greenhouse "rich harvest"

Greenhouse "rich harvest"

Features of the construction of their own hands: the arc of the greenhouse and the covering material

In order to build a greenhouse on their own need to know some important nuances. This primarily concerns how to make the arc of the greenhouse with their hands and how to fix the covering material on the arcs Greenhouse. To solve the first problem of plastic tubes are used whose diameter is 20 mm or 10 mm metal rods. It is also possible to combine the materials, and a flexible hose, which is inserted into the rod from a rod or a metal wire, a section 6 mm.

production of greenhouse algorithm with your own hands is as follows:

  • . Decide on the size of the arcs of the future greenhouse, is usually sufficient 1.2m But the height depends on what crops you plan to grow, and how high they can reach;
When installing a greenhouse, it is important to firmly fix the arch

When installing a greenhouse, it is important to firmly fix the arch

  • as a base of timber or boards made rectangular box whose size corresponds to the size of the beds. The ideal height of the box is considered to be 15 cm. And the best thing to use for this purpose, oak or larch wood, as they are less prone to all the other processes of decay. The resulting structure is mounted on a place where there are ridges;
  • If you decide to make a frame made of plastic pipe, it should be understood that they are quite flexible and can easily be bent by the wind or other loads. In order to solve this problem, you should think about the frame seal. For this purpose, you will need two boards 50x50 to be installed in the center of the box. Then you need to connect them with one another board, which then drilled holes, slightly superior to the diameter of the arcs themselves;
  • plastic tubes cut to size corresponding to the size of the next arch, whereupon they are passed through holes made in the board. We can only bend in the pipe arch and attach them to the ends of the duct. This can be done by conventional screws and clamps or by using a perforated metal strip. Another option - to put in the ground pieces of rebar, and put on them the arc;
Greenhouse covering material must be firmly secured

Greenhouse covering material must be firmly secured

  • the selected covering material is cut so as to obtain 2 fragments suitable in size for the frame ends. Thus it is necessary to leave the attack of about 20 cm. By using plastic clips, the material is fixed to the tubes mentioned earlier. Then you need to cut another large piece that will cover the entire greenhouse immediately. The allowance, which should be left - 50 cm. Expanding material on the frame, it is fixed by the same clamps.

Useful advice!To ensure the covering materials additional fixation can be nailed his nails to the top of the crossbar. It is important to use a consignment rack to avoid damaging the fabric.

Left allowance is used to flatten the material to the ground. This can be done with any cargo, which has no sharp edges. Otherwise, a gust of wind can cause damage to the coating.

Greenhouse arcs of coated cellophane film

Greenhouse arcs of coated cellophane film

Also, many are wondering what kind of covering material is best for greenhouses? It is worth noting that the cheapest option is considered to be plastic film, although expect that it will serve you more than one or two seasons is not necessary. Much more reliable - non-woven fabric. At a density of 42 g / m², it is able to withstand very severe loads and provide adequate protection to plants.

When deciding to buy a greenhouse with arches and covering materials, you should try to take into account as much as possible reviews users, and at the same time as objectively consider all the characteristics of designs and their compliance with the operating conditions which have you have a.

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