Counter for heating in the apartment: the best way to save

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Heating during the cold season - an important component of a comfortable life, but on heat supply services is getting more and more expensive. heat sink temperature is not always sufficient for the normal heating. Setting a counter for heating in the apartment, you will not pay for communal norms established services, but only for actual consumption. Already in the first heating season will reduce the consumption of the family budget.

Counter for heating in the apartment: the best way to save

Due to the counter to pay only for actual consumption of heat


  • 1 Why do I need to set the meter for heating in the living room
    • 1.1 The main advantages of installing heat meter in an apartment
  • 2 The main types of wiring the heating system in a house
  • 3 Options for heating counters: individual and obschedomovye devices
    • 3.1 Individual meter for heating the apartment
  • 4 What you need to consider before you set the meter for heating in the apartment
  • 5 The main types of heat meters for an apartment or house
    • 5.1 Key features and price Counters on radiators in the apartment
    • 5.2 What are the Vortex counters of heat in the apartment: prices
    • 5.3 Ultrasonic individual meters for heating: price
  • 6 Evaluators and distributors of thermal energy: Benefits
  • 7 Where to buy and how to put counters for heating in the apartment or a house

Why do I need to set the meter for heating in the living room

Lack of quality heating due to malfunction of the heating system often forces the residents of apartments to look for alternative sources of heat. It is not always a bad heating the reason lies in damage to the heating system. Often, employees of housing and communal services in an effort to save bolted valve, due to which decreases the flow of hot water, which is especially felt the residents of the upper floors of apartment buildings.

Quite often, due to the poor performance of the heating system has to search for alternative sources of heat

Quite often, due to the poor performance of the heating system has to search for alternative sources of heat

The result becomes warm enough batteries and the need to use electric heaters, which, in turn, entails an increase in electricity costs. Heating in the apartment is not getting cheaper. The result is that users have to pay on all fronts.

Important!Installed and registered on the heat meter battery will allow only pay for the heat consumed by a particular apartment, and for anything more.

Another reason for the higher payment is often a difference in the temperature of the water that comes out of the boiler room, and one that goes directly into the apartment. Often, the water temperature in the radiator is significantly below normal, that is due to heat losses at the line due to poor insulation or damaged tubes. Even in this situation, all costs are borne by the final consumer.

Sometimes the situation can be quite different, when the batteries are so hot that you have to open the windows to ventilate the room. In this case, you have to pay, in fact, for the heating of the street, which is also not considered to be correct. Help avoid the problem of controllers that are often installed with the heat meter for heating.

Driving of the heating meter in apartment

Driving of the heating meter in apartment

The main advantages of installing heat meter in an apartment

Counter thermal energy is directly mounted on the pipe, through which a heating system in the apartment, and counting only the number of actual waste heat. If the device additionally set more and thermostat controlling the influx of water, and then be able to control the flow of hot water which can be reduced if necessary. The result of this work the final figure of consumption will be significantly lower than that determined by regulations.

After installation and registration of heat metering devices in the apartment can be sure that only the cost of home heating will be accounted for in platozhke. The loss of heat during transportation or for related costs resulting from poor quality of heat generating company services do not have to pay after installation. Accounting for the heat meter is carried out on the basis of such indicators:

  • consumption of hot water delivered to the apartment;
  • Water temperature at the entrance of the heating system and the outlet of the flat.

As a result, the costs determined by the size of the heat of the day, month or year, calculated in gektakalloriyah. Modern apartment heat meters have the ability to store data on a monthly consumption of heat for an extended period, usually 10 years. Some instruments are different additional option, which allows you to connect it to your computer and transmit readings via the Internet.

The main advantage of the counter - it is an opportunity to significantly save finances

The main advantage of the counter - it is an opportunity to significantly save finances

If there is doubt as to whether the counter is advantageous for heating in the apartment, you can draw attention to a simple calculation: the price of the device with the unit ranges from 7 thousand. rubles and the minimum service life -. 12 years. For one season on the heating on the counter, you can save between 4 thousand. rub., which depends on the size of the apartment. Respectively, for 12 years of use, saving at least 48 thousand. rub., and this figure is not final.

Helpful information! The only time you should think about what you need and whether you can put a counter on heating apartment - if it is characterized by a vertical housing to connect the system and does not have a single riser, and some. In this situation, each riser needs a counter, and this is expensive. In such a situation it is recommended to install a device on the entrance.

Costs of operation of the counter small, because basically you pay only for a call specialist instrument calibration, which is carried out not more than once every 5 years. It is also sometimes required to replace the battery, but it is necessary to do and those who do not use the meter.

The main types of wiring the heating system in a house

High-rise buildings can have one of the following wiring of the heating system - vertical or horizontal. old stock houses such as Khrushchev and stalinki mainly characterized by vertical heating. In this case the heating system circuit can be one- or two-pipe. However coolants run on interfloor levels has the sequence from bottom to top and top to bottom. The main disadvantages of a vertical layout:

heating the wiring system in a building can be vertical or horizontal

heating the wiring system in a building can be vertical or horizontal

  1. Heat is distributed unevenly, because the coolant circuit is forced by interfloor vertical orientation. As a result of the apartments on different floors will receive an unequal amount of heat. For example, an apartment in the 10-etazhke to 5 floors will be heated better than the last 5 floors.
  2. Advanced heating control process proceeds to the radiators and the need to install on each battery more webs into a tube, so-called bypass regulating the flow of coolant in radiator.
  3. Permanent migration holding valves depending on pressure changes and temperature of the water supplied to the system.

The main disadvantage of the vertical wiring - the complexity of the installation of individual heating in counter apartment, because the need to buy a separate heat meter for each riser, which greatly improves expenses. In this case, often using other energy consumption accounting tool - heat spreader for installation which requires the consent of at least 50% of the residents entrance.

Most of the buildings is different horizontal heating wiring when also has vertical risers for distributing the coolant on different floors, and a return line. And from the first and from the second riser in each flat infest horizontal pipe carrying both supply and return outflow of water from the system. The return line serves to collect chilled water and transport it back to the heating plant. The advantages of horizontal wirings include:

  • able to regulate the heat flow temperature in each flat battery;
  • work on repairing the system in a separate circuit without disconnecting the other apartments;
  • ability to disable heating separately from each circuit.
Scheme horizontal heating system in an apartment building

Scheme horizontal heating system in an apartment building

Options for heating counters: individual and obschedomovye devices

Depending on the conditions and the option wiring the heating system there are two types of meters for heat: obschedomovoy and individual - in each apartment. And that is another way has the right to life, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Obschedomovoy heat metering unit in an apartment building is considered to be an excellent option, especially if the majority of tenants are willing to financially participate in the installation. Despite the fact that the cost of installation and the price is quite high heat meter if the final sum is distributed among tenants, in the end did not come, and such a large number. Accordingly, the more willing, the cheaper the cost of the work. Monthly data from the meter removed teplopodayuschey workers organizations, which distribute the resulting figure between apartments with a view of the area of ​​each.

Important!If the service provider fails to comply with the stipulated in the contract the temperature of water supplied to the house heating system, according to the law, he will be obliged to return the money spent by users.

Before purchasing the overall heat meter for heating, it is necessary to solve such problems:

Counters of heat can be individual and common house

Counters of heat can be individual and common house

  1. Hold a meeting of the tenants, who want to interview who are willing to invest personal funds in the installation of the device. To put the device is only allowed when the majority of living in the house is ready to support the idea.
  2. Discuss features of subsequent installation, choose a company supplier that will take readings of the meter and write the receipt of thermal energy costs for each consumer.
  3. Be sure to record in the minutes of the meeting results and send a written statement about the desire to establish a thermal device in the company, which is responsible for the heat supply.
  4. Draw up a contract with the heat supply organization and carry out the payment of thermal energy used in fact.

To the process of installing the meter was not tightened, experts recommend to immediately contact the companies that carry out the whole complex of services for installation, project creation and coordination. As well, you must first find out whether the current does not deal with service provider for the installation of heat meters. Often, utilities have an agreement with the private companies that carry out the installation of heat meters in their respective homes on preferential terms.

As for benefits, the installation of water meters on the heating in the house is considered to be an economical solution. However, there are some nuances. For example, if the window in the entrance of the old, broken, the heat loss will be significant on the porch, which subsequently affect the final amount of heating. Sometimes, because of these losses on the heat consumption may exceed the standard norms. These nuances need to foresee and assess the feasibility of the installation.

To deliver common parts requires the consent of at least half of the residents

To deliver common parts requires the consent of at least half of the residents

Individual meter for heating the apartment

Despite the fact that in some cases, the installation of heat meters on the house or the entrance will be cheaper, but the economic effect in a short time can not wait. For this reason, many consumers prefer it to individual counters, which are mounted directly in each apartment.

Useful advice!Price individual heat meters in apartment above, but as a result of the payment instrument installation for heat will be lower than when using obschedomovogo device.

Before carrying out the installation of metering devices, you must first understand how it works counter to the heating in the apartment. Thus, the work of individual devices involves placing each battery distributor whose task consists in fixing temperature and its oscillations during certain period. variations during the month are usually taken into account. Based on the metrics computed payment for consumed thermal energy.

To see whether you can put a counter on the heating in the apartment, you need to know some restrictions arising due to technical reasons. Given that the installation of a heat meter is carried out on each riser, when there are multiple risers in the apartment will require the installation of multiple units. Therefore, when the vertical wiring mounted heating valves, which calculate the heat flow from the difference of the battery surface temperature and room air.

Installation of individual meters would cost more than the general building, but also cost savings thanks to him considerable

Installation of individual meters would cost more than the general building, but also cost savings thanks to him considerable

When the horizontal layout counter to perform the installation on a radiator is much easier. In rare cases, the thermal devices attach to the return line, but in this case, the calculation takes place on a different principle.

What you need to consider before you set the meter for heating in the apartment

Placing heat meters in houses on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by Federal Law number 261, which requires the mounting of common house appliances, heat-sensitive costs. Installation is carried out at the expense of associations of owners of apartments, called condominiums. method of payment and the method of calculation of services in homes with installed heat meters are regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation № 354. Of the main points of this decree are allocated as follows:

  1. If you enter in the apartment house there is no unit of heat energy calculation, payment for heating is calculated by an increased ratio, which was 1.5 in 2017.
  2. According to Russian law, landlord is not obliged to carry out the installation of heat meter in the apartment, but also does not exist and prohibiting acts to perform such work.
  3. Indications heat meter for heating in the apartment will be considered only in the house where the heat flow meters are equipped with not only 100% of the apartments, but also heated common areas. It is also considered to be a prerequisite to the installation of a common accounting unit house.
  4. The device for individual use rented for use by the vendor of heat and is served by its employees. Works of repair, calibration or replacement carried out for heat meter means the landlord.
Individual heat meter is serviced by the vendor for holder means

Individual heat meter is serviced by the vendor for holder means

Of these theses shows that the installation of the total thermal unit at home is considered to be mandatory, because in Otherwise heating service may increase by 1.5 times, and the data from the personal counter will generally not taken into account. For these reasons, it makes no sense to carry out the installation of meters for heating in the apartment, if the house there are rooms with uncontrolled heat flow.

Important!By law, the company-supplier of utility services may allow the installation of the device, but in the preparation of platozhki has the right not to take into account the figures obtained. Therefore, such nuances need to be addressed in advance - before installing the meter, so as not to get a senseless waste.

In some cases, in the absence of tehvozmozhnostey installation obschedomovogo node that controls the flow of heat in the house, issued an official document that confirms the inability to perform the work. Therefore, the only valid option is considered the installation of heat meter in an apartment and a separate entrance door, because Individual device does not include consumption of thermal energy spent on heating of residential premises where includes:

  • staircases and landings;
  • Technical buildings;
  • cellars;
  • pantry.

Related article:

The screen on the radiator: the protective and decorative element in a room

What it represents. cell function. Types of arrays depending on the design, manufacture and mounting options material.

The main types of heat meters for an apartment or house

The main task of heating meters in the apartment, an apartment or private house - counting the amount of energy spent on heating of a particular home. This takes into account not only the amount of water that has passed through the radiator, but also energy consumption, gives water in the room. The formula for calculating the heat quantity is as follows:

Any of the selected counters must have a certificate and a passport

Any of the selected counters must have a certificate and a passport

Q = V * (T1-T2), Where:

V - the volume of water passing through the heating system;
T1 - the water temperature in the inlet riser;
T2 - the temperature of water in the branch line indicators;
Q - amount of heat received by the flat or other location on the basis of which calculated amount platozhke.

Based on the data required for calculation, the battery heat meter must have a rather complicated structure. Regardless of the type of device, it is composed of such elements:

  1. flow sensor. Mounted on the feed riser of the heating system used for the calculation of the volume of water passing through the system for a set unit of time.
  2. Thermocouples. This temperature sensors installed in the device in an amount of two pieces (separately for the supply and return pipes). The transducer measures the difference between the incoming water and outlet, calculates the amount of heat expended on heating.
  3. Calculator. This element is responsible for counting the received data and converted into the amount of heat consumed. Depending on the model of the device has a pushbutton or touch panel, and through which data is entered.
For flats using ultrasonic, eddy, and electromagnetic tachometric counters

For flats using ultrasonic, eddy, and electromagnetic tachometric counters

Important!Whichever device is chosen for installation in an apartment or in a house, the device must have a passport and a certificate. It is necessary to present the information in the documents of primary calibration counter conducted by the manufacturer. All information must be duplicated on the heat meter housing in the form of a sticker or a stamp. Complete the majority of devices goes calibration sheet that is filled by the responsible person.

, A large number of counters on the battery, but in the conditions of the following types of apartments are mainly used:

  • mechanical (or tachometer);
  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • ultrasonic;
  • contact sensor.

Key features and price Counters on radiators in the apartment

The name of the mechanical counters of heat in the apartment received due to the fact that the water flow is calculated with the help of the impeller immersed into the pipe. Operation is carried out by means of two sensors embedded in the supply and return line. sensors task - to calculate the thermal energy consumption by calculating the difference in temperatures of water. The main advantage - low price meter for heating (from 5200 rubles). Many experts point out the excessive sensitivity of the instrument to the quality of the coolant, as well as weak encrypted device against penetration of the purpose of twisting figures.

count the cost of heating in apartment starts at 22 thousand. rubles

count the cost of heating in apartment starts at 22 thousand. rubles

The principle of operation of an electromagnetic counter to a radiator in a flat consists in calculating the electric current arising during the passage of coolant through the magnetic field. The devices differ in stability and is widely used. If during a connection wires were poorly formed or the coolant put any impurities transmission measurements can be inaccurate, which may result in both savings and extra costs. The advantages of the electromagnetic counters include:

  • accuracy of the data;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to install in any comfortable position.

Among the shortcomings are the price of the heat meter, which starts at 22 thousand. rub., which is considerably more expensive than other types of devices. Also, when installing the apparatus with extreme care should approach the electrodes connecting to avoid inaccuracies. Due to the high cost of not only the device itself, but also the service it is rarely used.

What are the Vortex counters of heat in the apartment: prices

The design of the vortex heat meter in an apartment set up in view of the fact that when it enters the device coolant formed special vortices arising from the way into the obstacle, which is built into the device. By determining the frequency of each vortex has arisen, which is proportional to the fluid velocity in the coolant, and the calculated power consumption.

Vortex meters are characterized by long service life

Vortex meters are characterized by long service life

The speed is read through either ultrasound or magnetic field, and then determines the volume of heated water in the heating system. Vortex heat metering device characterized by the following advantages:

  • available to counter the price of heating in the apartment - from 10-12 thousand. rub.;
  • long-term work;
  • low wear of parts, which significantly reduces expenses for repair or replacement of the instrument;
  • It is mounted not only in horizontal but also in vertical layout of the heating system;
  • minimal power consumption.

Interesting information! To measure heat consumption amount of an apartment house or industrial facility is installed so-called industrial or house heat meter, which may be a vortex, a turbine, or electromagnetic. The main difference between the household and industrial appliances is the size of the cross section of the pipe. The price for the product starts on the 23 th. rub.

Among the disadvantages of using a vortex device is allocated the complexity of installation, which requires to use a large span of the pipeline. Other disadvantages of the device:

Price vortex meter for heat starts from 23 thousand rubles

Price vortex meter for heat starts from 23 thousand rubles

  1. High sensitivity to external vibration, due to which over time the device may malfunction.
  2. Devices to exacting quality heat carrier, because the figures may be distorted when applying the contaminated water.

Ultrasonic individual meters for heating: price

Ultrasonic counters of heat in the apartment calculate the coolant flow through the ultrasonic signal that is fed the emitter and the receiver is read. Both device elements are attached at a certain distance from each other on a horizontal heating radiator. Alert emanating from the transducer is moved to the coolant flow and reaches the receiver after certain period of time, which depends on the velocity of the warm water in the loop delivery system heat. Calculation of heat flow occurs based on the time spent on the signal flow from point to point.

It produces more than 10 kinds of ultrasonic heat meters for apartments, but the most popular are:

  • frequency;
  • Doppler;
  • correlation.

In addition to the basic problem of the calculation of the energy cost, the meter may have a built-in function further regulating flow of hot water into the system. The main advantages of using ultrasonic instrument:

Ultrasonic counter foreign production cost from 12 thousand. rub

Ultrasonic counter foreign production cost from 12 thousand. rub

  1. The low cost of the device with the standard equipment. The price for the apartment heating counter domestic production begins from 8 thousand. rubles and foreign -. 12 thousand. rub.
  2. User-friendly interface. cost metrics are displayed on the LCD by pressing a single button.
  3. After installation of the device does not occur a change in the hydraulic pressure of the heating system.
  4. Long service life - at least 10 years. At the same time proving to be not more frequent than once every 4 years.
  5. Powered by built-in battery device that eliminates failure of the resulting light surges or cut-offs.

As with most other devices, in the opinion counter to the heating of the ultrasonic type of apartment is also sensitive to the quality of water in the heating system and can give short-term failure due to occurrence of air bubbles or dirt particles, resulting from the occurrence of scale or scale. Most often indicators of change upwards. The main condition for the installation of ultrasonic heat meter - the presence of the device before and after the straight pipe sections. The total length of a straight length of pipe should not be less than one meter. Only in this case, the manufacturers guarantee the accuracy of the calculated reading.

Evaluators and distributors of thermal energy: Benefits

Evaluators and distributors of heat - meters is performing the calculation of the relative heat energy. They consist of a thermal and two adapter elements, characterized by a sensitivity to extremes of temperature characteristics. Sensors carried out every 3 minutes battery temperature measurement surface and the air in the room, determining the difference metrics. The values ​​obtained by the flow rate and heat generated are formed on the device screen.

Devices of this type have to be installed on all the batteries in the apartment

Devices of this type have to be installed on all the batteries in the apartment

Heat calculators on each sensor are set directly in front of the installation device and introducing it into operation. For this purpose, the memory gauge heat containing all required ratios and power values ​​which then allow the device to display the value expended heat flow.

Important!The data displayed on the device screen - is arbitrary units, for which the translation kW / h is necessary to multiply the figures on capacity a heating radiator, which is specified in the data sheet to the article, as well as the coefficient corresponding to the type of radiator, confirmed by the manufacturer counter.

For the reason that the distributors and evaluators determine the consumption of thermal energy in a heat sink, the number must match the number of batteries in the apartment. Both types of heat meters operate correctly, regardless of the quality of heat transfer fluids circulating in the heating system. Other advantages are:

  • relatively low cost devices - about 2000-3000 rubles .;
  • long life - more than 10 years;
  • simple and easy installation on the surface of the battery;
  • the presence of a single controller, calculates the sum of figures read from multiple devices (this option is not available in all models).
Calculators and valves may be variations of up to 12%

Calculators and valves may be variations of up to 12%

Before installing the meter for heating in this type of apartment, it is necessary to take into account that the relative error indicators obtained in some cases up to 12%, particularly large deviation show dispensers heat. You also need to intelligently approach the purchase of the kit for installation of the device, which must match the type of battery installed. At the wrong choice of a set of quality of the information collection will be significantly reduced, so without special mounting kit appropriate to simply set the heat meter near the radiator.

Where to buy and how to put counters for heating in the apartment or a house

Buy heat meter can be in a specialty store or on the Internet, the principle of selection of household appliances when better to deal with the proven and popular manufacturers, can find enough truthful positive for whose goods reviews. Often, manufacturers not only offer a guarantee on the goods, but also carry the service or warranty.

When buying, check the presence of the warranty certificate and registration certificate. It is worth to check the serial number of the device with one that is inscribed in the passport of a product, so as not to buy counterfeit goods. It is recommended to make sure that the device has a measuring range corresponding to the parameters of the heating system in a particular installation. It should be noted the following: despite the fact that the installation is feasible to carry out in-house, it is better to involve professionals in the process. The algorithm works with respect to the device installation includes the following stages:

Buy counter heating is possible as a special store, or via the Internet

Buy counter heating is possible as a special store, or via the Internet

  • drawing up a preliminary plan of the works and the implementation agreement with utilities;
  • direct installation certified instrument, which has the relevant documentation;
  • Registration and heat flow meter on the account at the public utilities;
  • input heat meter into operation.

Before allowing the device commissioning, the representative of the heat supply company must compare serial numbers and The numbers that appear in the passport, as well as conducted to check the quality of installation and its corresponding data sheet and design documentation. On average, the time between the call and the representative of the design tolerance for the installation is 5-7 business days. Permission or refusal to issue within 10 days from the first treatment.

Important! The process of installation of the device must be accompanied by the completion of the filling of it. The presence of the seal ensures the smooth introduction of the device into operation.

Usually the heat supply company has its own specialists who deal with verification, so the first thing you need to contact them. The passport to the device attached documents indicating the period, after which you need to carry out verification of the device. Most often, this period is 4-5 years. For verification the heat meter is required in Rostest or other testing company to leave the application by calling. The data that you need to provide:

Meter installation recommended to professionals

Meter installation recommended to professionals

  • model heat flow meter;
  • principle of operation of the device;
  • the date of installation;
  • meter serial number.

On the phone you can negotiate about the time of the verification, which will suit the employee and the customer. Performing calibration, the employee must ensure the quality of work of the device and the correct accounting heat flow rates, and then will issue a document certifying the successful verification and the date of its holding.

Counter for heating is considered a valuable device that will actually save money in the accounts of public utilities. If during the installation to comply with all rules and calculate the feasibility of the acquisition device, do not have to pay extra money while providing substandard teplopodayuschey company services to all every year Expensive.

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