Repair concrete floor: the screed features of the process of restoration

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All defects tend to increase exponentially - it is an axiom. Without any reservations, it is applicable to the concrete floor. Not paying attention to the recesses caused on the surface of linoleum or laminate serious creaking, the situation can be brought to the need for complete replacement of the filler base. It is much easier to make timely repair of the concrete floor. This is largely save money and physical strength.

Repair concrete floor: features of the process of restoration and complete replacement of the screed

In order not to bring the situation to the need for complete replacement of the filler base, you should promptly carry out repair of the concrete floor


  • 1 The main types of damage and ways to repair floor screed
  • 2 Designation and classification of mixtures for concrete repair
    • 2.1 Repair of floors in a private home, apartment: embedding small cracks
    • 2.2 Large-scale renovation of industrial floors: large cracks, joints Amendment
    • 2.3 Repair of concrete floors in industrial premises
  • 3 Repair epoxy floors, connected with the problems of the concrete base
  • 4 Repair floor apartment with his hands: some tips
  • 5 Specificity repair the floor in the bathroom
  • 6 Basic rules for the implementation of quality of repair concrete floor in the garage
  • 7 Repair of concrete floors: the prices of different types of work
  • 8 Repair concrete floor: the recommended formulations

The main types of damage and ways to repair floor screed

Concrete - a strong and durable coating. But it may eventually result in various defects requiring repair floor: cracks, chips, dents, bumps. Most often they are the result of violations of casting technology. The main reasons are several:

Even in such strong and durable as concrete cover over time cracks and chips

Even in such strong and durable as concrete cover over time cracks and chips

  1. Lack of contraction joints, poor reinforcement base. As a consequence, in the concrete screed appear chips and cracks.
  2. The presence of air, promoting the formation of small holes on the casting surface. Defects occur due to poor-quality treatment of concrete with a spiked roller.
  3. Pouring onto untreated area or absence of the waterproofing layer. These disorders contribute to peel the topcoat.
  4. Using low cement marks solution wrong consistency. These disorders cause during operation floor appearance of a large amount of dust on its surface.

Cracks and chips are visible defects, voids and delamination should be attributed to shortcomings hidden. The latter can not be detected for some time, their presence is determined by tapping with a hammer - in places of voids and delamination of the sound will be muffled.

Depending on the degree of damage to the chosen method of repairing floors in the house: fragmentary, overhaul or complete replacement of the screed. The technology of works will also be different, it will require the use of certain tools and mixtures. If there is no knowledge about the pouring of the concrete floor, the determination of the type of repair and its performance is better to entrust to specialists.

A method for repairing a concrete floor depends on the degree of damage

A method for repairing a concrete floor depends on the degree of damage

Designation and classification of mixtures for concrete repair

Repair concrete floor is performed using special mixtures. Using a standard grout will not give the desired results, that is, do not provide the necessary adhesion, ductility, thermal stability, and so on. D.

Typically, to repair concrete floor mixture have a dry composition (at least - the paste), which before using added water, and possibly other components to enhance various properties material.

Classified in scope were as follows:

  • mixes for repair of concrete structures under heavy load: slabs, beams, etc .;.
  • to eliminate the defects of the concrete floor;
  • Prevents corrosion of reinforced concrete.

Separated as repair mixes of such species:

  • thixotropic (not melt, used for embedding the vertical);
  • injection (eliminate defects in the horizontal position).
For repair of the concrete floor must choose only non-shrink mixture

For repair of the concrete floor must choose only non-shrink mixture

For repairs molding compositions are applied on the concrete floor.

The market offers a huge number of mixtures to repair concrete floors. Not to buy the material in excess (it is not stored for a long time in the open state), it is necessary to properly assess the extent of the damage and calculate the amount of the mixture. Flow rate in grams per 1 always indicated on the package.

Important! Only non-shrink compositions must be purchased for the repair of the concrete floor.

Repair of floors in a private home, apartment: embedding small cracks

Operation of a concrete floor in private homes can be considered moderate, ie screed is not subject to heavy mechanical impact related to the installation of equipment and the constant movement of a large number of people. Therefore, the most common type of defect in a residential area - cracks. Especially characteristic is a problem for apartment-Khrushchev, floor repair that is needed by prescription fulfillment fill.

The most common defect of concrete floors in living areas are small cracks

The most common defect of concrete floors in living areas are small cracks

Before we understand the technology of the work to eliminate cracking, it is necessary to sound effects when there is no response to a defect:

  • concrete cracking in the edge portion will crumble;
  • the gap will widen and lengthen;
  • therethrough will leak fluid penetrating moisture;
  • on flooring that is laid on top of concrete pouring, may appear creases and holes.

The process of eliminating small (2-4 mm) and large (50 mm) of cracks has its differences. Embedding of small cracks, which are more common in residential premises, as follows:

  1. Crack depth is increased to 8-10 mm.
  2. By means of the construction of the vacuum cleaner cleaned the resulting crumbs and dust.
  3. The formed cavity is filled primer (polyurethane or epoxy), previously diluted with a solvent P-648 at a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Then, the prepared fracture filled with repair mortar, sieved as filler quartz sand used.
  5. After complete solidification grind portion.
Before the incorporation of small cracks, it increased to a depth of 8-10 mm

Before the incorporation of small cracks, it increased to a depth of 8-10 mm

Such a floor repairs in the apartment price is modest - 350-450 rubles (Without the cost of consumables). Therefore, in the absence of opportunities or skills it is available to use the services of specialists.

Useful advice! Before carrying out repairs concrete floor in residential areas must be dried within a few days to remove any residual moisture.

Large-scale renovation of industrial floors: large cracks, joints Amendment

As mentioned above, embedding large cracks slightly different technology. She performed in several stages:

  1. Regardless of the depth of the crack using the grinder is increased by 10-15 mm.
  2. Then, in the longitudinal direction of the eruption by doing two grooves, which allow to remove the damaged concrete.
  3. The resulting dedusted cavity, previously treated with dilute primer is then filled with a repair mixture. The process of filling done in several stages: in the first portion of the frozen applied to the new number of the repair mortar.
  4. After hardening of the layers produced resurfacing.
Amendment joints industrial floors relates to serious repairs

Amendment joints industrial floors relates to serious repairs

If during the operation was necessary to remove a significant amount of damaged ties, to ensure good quality repair of industrial concrete floors, metal clamps are used. This is done as follows:

  • prepared for a primer are performed slit transverse groove depth of 25-30 mm and 100-150 mm;
  • dedusted cut surface, laid on the bottom a small amount of repair mixture in which metal staples are laid;
  • Further work is carried out in the same sequence as in the embedding deep cracks without staples.

The use of staples provides an additional reinforcement of the concrete ties that significantly prolongs its service life.

Serious repair work should be attributed, and a correction movement joints. Removal of the defect is performed in the following sequence:

After hardening mixtures used for repairing the floor surface grinding is performed

After hardening mixtures used for repairing the floor surface grinding is performed

  1. Salvage seam increase removed damaged concrete, the preparation is carried out as in the embedding seams (dedusted, primed), the mixture is poured repair inserting beacons across the length of the seam.
  2. After hardening, the surface polishing is performed flush with the floor, and removed beacons in their place a new cut seam.
  3. Then, using a vacuum cleaner removes dust laid cord "vilaterm" crack closes silicone sealant.

The functional state of joints will ensure the integrity of the concrete screed, even when a large difference between the level of the foundations on which the concrete is laid.

Repair of concrete floors in industrial premises

The specifics of the concrete floor operation in industrial facilities contributes to the need for frequent repair ties. The main reason - a significant permanent mechanical impact: the installation and operation of heavy equipment, the movement of goods, movement of workers. Naturally, there is a repair of cracks in concrete floors of the premises, it is performed in accordance with the techniques described above.

Typically, the floor defects occur in the form of potholes. The actual problem is the formation of dust on the surface of the filling. In a residential area on the concrete floor other materials are placed more often, and in the production of casting remains open.

Regardless of the depth of a crack, by means of grinders, it increased by 10-15 mm

Regardless of the depth of a crack, by means of grinders, it increased by 10-15 mm

Technology plugging potholes as a whole repeats the method to eliminate cracks. With angular grinders damaged concrete is cut to a depth of at least 20 mm, and wound up using a punch.

Important! You must remove all of the potting exfoliated, or repair will be ineffective.

Then cavity dedusted, primed, filled with repair mortar, sand. If the recess of more than 50 mm, the filling should be carried out in two stages.

Cement dust on the floor - a violation of labor protection laws. Such a defect must be eliminated immediately. Screed must be sanded, carefully remove dust and apply makeup. At low loadings on the floor sufficient coating thickness of 150 microns (recommended "Elakor-PU", "Neomer-PL", "Ashford Formula").

Technology embedding large potholes similar methods to eliminate cracks

Technology embedding large potholes similar methods to eliminate cracks

But plants with heavy equipment such protection ineffective. The coating should be not less than 250-300 microns.

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Often in industrial premises is carried out not fragmented, and overhaul of the floor. What process can be considered as capital? Define simple enough: if the 30% (or more) of concrete ties damaged - needed overhaul. He involves the removal of large areas with a mandatory upgrade of defective welds.

Repair epoxy floors, connected with the problems of the concrete base

Epoxy flooring is very popular today. He is not only a durable coating, but also allows for decorative design, which helps to create a unique interior. Repair self-leveling floor is largely different from the elimination of defects of the concrete screed is already on the grounds that the problems having other: epoxy floor may turn cloudy, flake, it appears nodules and bumps, the surface becomes sticky.

All of the above deficiencies are the result of substandard materials or violations of pouring technology. This article is lit, the emergence of an epoxy floor defects associated with poor substrate - the concrete base.

In case of problems with the concrete substrate epoxy floor, the cost of repairing it will be quite high

In case of problems with the concrete substrate epoxy floor, the cost of repairing it will be quite high

  1. Epoxy casting may appear blisters or peeling. If the polymer layer extends together with a primer, then the concrete base was poorly polished and dedusted. Detachment from primer - a consequence of dirt or moisture prior to casting the epoxy composition.
  2. The result of the poor quality of the concrete substrate can be a layer of epoxy cracking without loss of adhesion to the substrate.
  3. The appearance of pinholes observed in those cases where the concrete floor is not applied primer.

floor repair cost of epoxy in case of problems with the concrete substrate will be quite high. The fact that cosmetics do not work. Necessary to remove the polymer layer completely or even with a portion of a concrete screed. Sometimes it is necessary and the complete dismantling of the floor and foundation.

Repair floor apartment with his hands: some tips

It is available to repair concrete floor yourself. First we need to determine the nature of defects. If they are local, financial and physical costs will be minimal. If widespread damage will likely have to make a partial or complete dismantling of ties.

The fewer defects the concrete floor in the apartment, the less will be the financial and physical costs

The fewer defects the concrete floor in the apartment, the less will be the financial and physical costs

To learn how to close up cracks, potholes, remove the dust mentioned above. In this section, consideration will be given to most independent manufacturing process of mixtures and leveling, grinding of concrete pavement.

To understand how to align the concrete floor, enough to read the instructions on the acquired mixture and perform the recommended actions in sequence:

  • thoroughly clean the surface of the floor, repeatedly washed with water with the addition of soda ash;
  • humidify by spray coupler;
  • prepare the mixture and pour it on the floor, spreading by means of the rack-rule.

Important! Leveling compound very quickly grasped. With no experience necessary to prepare it in small portions.

Mixture for floor leveling very quickly grasped, so it is best to cook it in small portions

Mixture for floor leveling very quickly grasped, so it is best to cook it in small portions

To repair the floor in a wooden house or a flat structure can be done independently. To this must be purchased bustilat or PVA glue, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3; Using the resulting slurry kneaded cement-sand mortar in sootnoshenii1: 3. The formulation is applicable for sealing small cracks. For larger damage should buy the factory mix.

The polished concrete floor at home? Professional machines are very effective, but they are expensive, and acquire them for the repair of small areas is impractical. Bulgarian rescue. Of course, efforts will have to work, but you can get a good result.

two nozzles are suitable for grinding grinder: grinding wheel, diamond cup. In this method the concrete floor treatment even has advantages: the disc can penetrate into places inaccessible Professional device. When using the grinder for grinding necessarily follow to protect themselves in case of spillage of the disc.

Specificity repair the floor in the bathroom

Despite the less significant the bathroom compared to living rooms, floor repair is a more complex process. And the reason for this - the presence of the layer of tiles. Removing the old coating requires perforator, whereupon irregularities remain on the concrete surface. Repair of tile on the floor can not be made without giving concrete base in a proper condition. Implement necessary as follows:

If after removing the old tiles in a concrete base will be a lot of defects, it is better to abandon the repair and make new tie

If after removing the old tiles in a concrete base will be a lot of defects, it is better to abandon the repair and make new tie

  1. Remove remaining tiles to remove irregularities from the surface of the screed.
  2. Seal cracks, chips, dents, using appropriate technologies. Particular attention should be paid to the junction of wall and floor - it will provide a high-quality waterproofing.
  3. Run impregnating concrete screed waterproofing composition that will withstand moisture accumulation and development of fungi.

If after removing the old tiles in concrete screed will be plenty of defects, it makes sense to replace the fill completely, as a special room environment requires ideal state grounds.

, Laid in mortar, the problem of its restoration if the bathroom in need of repair electric underfloor heating It becomes even more complicated: to extract electrical components without serious damage to the concrete virtually impossible. And here it is necessary to talk about the overhaul fill.

Basic rules for the implementation of quality of repair concrete floor in the garage

The concrete floor in the garage is destroyed much faster than others, even manufacturing, installation. And it's not just in increased load generated by the vehicle. Most of all, it is due to the temperature effect. In cold winter freeze floor, it enhances the moisture, and consequently, the destruction of the screed.

The coating does not freeze in the garage prior to pouring concrete necessary to lay insulation sheets

The coating does not freeze in the garage prior to pouring concrete necessary to lay insulation sheets

Slight damage in the concrete base are sealed garage ways listed above. But the overhaul of ties has its own characteristics. Price floor repair, involving the complete dismantling of the old foundation, will be high.

Firstly, the removal of the old coating - a laborious process. Secondly, in order to reliably repair the floor, it is necessary to create a strong foundation - podsypku sand (100 mm) and crushed stone (200-300 mm), and then to lay the reinforcing mesh and execute waterproofing. Third, to the concrete cover does not freeze, it is necessary to make insulation: before pouring the concrete to lay the sheets of foam or Penoplex.

Important! Laying plate insulation need to produce a seamless manner - an adhesive mixture which is resistant to temperature changes.

To tie remained intact monolithic structure for a long time, you must enter in the concrete granite chips

To tie remained intact monolithic structure for a long time, you must enter in the concrete granite chips

Returning to the base of the strength issue, it is worth noting that many are interested in than cover the concrete floor on the street, so as not to crumble. That is, what structure should be used to tie a long time remained intact monolithic structure under the effect of moisture and temperature. The most reliable way - to enter into the concrete granite chips. Coverage will quite expensive, but the long-term operation will justify investments.

Repair of concrete floors: the prices of different types of work

For many, an important factor in determining the volume of repair works are material costs. Naturally, in each case are different. After reviewing the content of the price lists on the performance of a certain type of work, you can get a rough idea of ​​the cost of repair of floors in the apartment or house. Prices vary for the different regions, but if you try to bring the average, they are as follows:

  • installation of reinforcing mesh for concrete 1 - 150 rub .;
  • majachnaja screed (50 mm), 1 - 300 rub .;
  • insulation under the screed 2 in layer 1 - 200 rub .;
  • roughing screed (50 mm), 1 - 500 rub .;
  • ties dismantling 1 - 450 rub .;
  • dismantling of ceramic tiles 1 - 400 rubles.
professional services for the repair of concrete floors will cost more than the amateur service

professional services for the repair of concrete floors will cost more than the amateur service

Officially invited from professional operating companies will be required to estimate the repair of concrete floors. Unfortunately, the more popular option - is using the services of a specialist private trader. However, even in this case it is necessary to obtain from him a receipt, which clearly stated that he will perform, and what it would have cost up to the account of payment for the purchase of their materials. This is to prevent possible misunderstandings and give a clear understanding of the amount of the repair work costs.

Repair concrete floor: the recommended formulations

On the Internet a lot of photos taken by repairing the floor, which give an idea not only about the result, but also on the process of implementation, even on the materials used. It should be noted that quite often applied repair mortars domestic production. Leading position among these are dry formulations "Emako" manufactured by "BASF".

"Emako» N 5100 is used to correct minor defects: cracks and shallow shells. Composition N 900, N 5200 recommended for embedding bundles and substantially cleaved surfaces. For cracks, the depth more than 100 mm, suitable mixtures "Emako» T1100 TIX, S 466, S560FR. Stripped and chipped armature deeper than 20 mm restore compositions "Emako» A 640 and anticorrosive "Emako Nanocrete AP». Recent mixtures are also suitable for the restoration of the concrete base for the repair of floor heating.

The leading position among repair mixtures domestic production occupy dry formulations "Emako"

The leading position among repair mixtures domestic production occupy dry formulations "Emako"

Well proven and dry compositions of domestic production "BIRSS":

  • "BIRSS" 28, 29, 30, 30H - small cracks and chips;
  • "BIRSS" S1,58 C1 30, C2 58 - reduced more significant damage;
  • "BIRSS PCM" - for the most complex of concrete damage.

Excellent repair mortar composition is also Russian "Fundamentals Selform T-112." It has a high level of adhesion and water repellent.

Useful advice! Choosing a mixture for the repair of concrete floors, you must pay attention to its protective function. This is especially important when operating in difficult floor temperature conditions.

Repair work to remove the concrete floor defects are often not only improve its performance, but also greatly extend the service life. Restoration should take place on time and in compliance with the appropriate technology. Only then pouring concrete will be comfortable and reliable basis (in the truest sense of the word) the dwelling.

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