Greenhouse from scrap materials with their hands: the best ideas

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Proper care of the plants in the early stages of their development - the key to a good harvest in the fall. So that the provision of comfortable conditions for the growth of crops - this is a task that faces every garden owner. One of the best assistants in achieving this goal - a greenhouse. Of course, there are far not always means to buy expensive design, so look at how to make a greenhouse out of scrap materials by hand.

Greenhouse from scrap materials with their hands: the best ideas

Creating a greenhouse out of scrap materials - is not only the ability to use unnecessary things, but also to establish favorable conditions for the cultivation of vegetable crops


  • 1 Greenhouse from scrap materials with his own hands: Benefits
  • 2 Types of greenhouses with their hands out of scrap materials
  • 3 Materials used for the construction of mini greenhouses for cottages
  • 4 How to choose a location for the homemade greenhouse
  • 5 How to make their own hands a simple greenhouse for cucumbers
  • 6 Greenhouse pepper with your hands: Photo Wigwam construction
  • 7 How to make a greenhouse for tomato: the simplest design
    • 7.1 Greenhouse complex structures out of plastic bottles with their own hands
  • 8 How to make a greenhouse for tomatoes with your hands: a stationary structure
  • 9 How to make a greenhouse out of old window frames: step by step guide
    • 9.1 How to make a foundation for greenhouse frames of their own hands: a photo guide
    • 9.2 Step guide for the construction of the frame of the greenhouse window frame with his hands
  • 10 Tips on caring for greenhouses made with their own hands

Greenhouse from scrap materials with his own hands: Benefits

The main purpose for which the agricultural activity in the greenhouses used - an earlier start planting. Indeed, it often happens that sudden frosts kill newly planted seedlings, or do not allow the seeds to climb. Small homemade greenhouses - a great way to protect plants, creating for them the most comfortable conditions for growth.

The most economical way of creating greenhouse is the use of polyethylene film and unnecessary wooden planks

The most economical way of creating greenhouse is the use of polyethylene film and unnecessary wooden planks

Self-made structure, with careful observance of all the recommendation on arrangement, does not yield the purchased and allows to increase the yields up to 3 times. The main thing - is to provide stable inside the structure microclimate.

One of the major advantages of greenhouse made according to the instructions - Easy access to the plants that are planted inside. Just take care of them, of course, provided that it would be right to choose the place and the greenhouse construction.

Among other advantages, the use of simple greenhouses from scrap materials with their own hands is worth noting:

  • ease of installation and removal, ease of maintenance;
  • homemade greenhouse is cheaper all other options;
EXAMPLE successful implementation of wall greenhouse for growing seedlings

EXAMPLE successful implementation of wall greenhouse for growing seedlings

  • It has the opportunity to pick up a greenhouse, which design is the most organically fit into the site environment without spoiling its appearance.

Types of greenhouses with their hands out of scrap materials

Lost in thought about the construction of a mini greenhouse with their hands, the first thing you need to determine exactly - purpose of the structure. It is from this large part of it will depend on the characteristics including size, construction material and the like. D. For example, a mini-greenhouse greenhouse can provide you with radish and greens in early spring.

If we are talking about a greenhouse for tomatoes with your hands, you will need a fairly strong construction and solid construction. Indeed, at each successive stage of development of the plants will be required more and more space, ensure that - the main task. The same applies, for example, cucumbers and other crops, the surface portion having a large size.

Construction of the high greenhouse of the old windows and doors allows you to set a comfortable shelf for growing both low and tall plants

Construction of the high greenhouse of the old windows and doors allows you to set a comfortable shelf for growing both low and tall plants

It looks quite different requirements for mini greenhouses for seedlings. In this case, the emphasis should be done on the structure size, and its ability to provide the required micro-climate plants. It is desirable to be opened to ventilate a large portion of the greenhouse, such as the roof or the side flaps. In warm and sunny days it will positively affect the growth of plants.

Another common variant - the design, which are adjacent to the wall of the building. The construction of these greenhouses is carried out very simply, and when positioned correctly such a hotbed of anything will not yield to other types.

Useful advice!Greenhouse can be almost any size, to the point that it would be for one plant, for example, when it comes to growing a small amount of seedlings.

Materials used for the construction of mini greenhouses for cottages

Speaking of materials for the greenhouse, you should pay attention to the fact that the design should be composed of two parts: upper and lower. The lower part is represented by a simple drainage system that is easy to do from organic debris, fallen leaves, straw, and so on. D. On top of all this it is covered with soil. This is not required, but the presence of drainage plants provide additional heat.

Mini greenhouses germinating seeds in open field can be created using wire, foil and building dryer for securing polyethylene

Mini greenhouses germinating seeds in open field can be created using wire, foil and building dryer for securing polyethylene

As for the upper part of which is presented directly greenhouse duct, there exists a variety of options. Today, in mass production, more preference is given to a frame made of profiled or metal pipes. If we are talking about a greenhouse with their hands out of scrap materials, photo show us an incredible variety of solutions available.

For example, very popular greenhouses of plastic bottles, pipes and structures made of films, as well as greenhouses of frames. With their hands to implement any of these options is not difficult, especially if you follow the steps below to work.

Notably the use of wood in the construction of such structures. This applies to both the erection of greenhouses with their hands from the old window frames, as well as in cases where the frame is assembled from timber. This material is used quite often, despite the fact that he is more susceptible to the other processes of decay and deformation as a result of cracks of.

Mini greenhouses are convenient because they can be easily placed in any desired position, even on the apartment balcony

Mini greenhouses are convenient because they can be easily placed in any desired position, even on the apartment balcony

As for the covering materials, there are only three options: foil, glass and polycarbonate. In the first case, the main advantage - low cost. After spending quite a bit of money, you can get a suitable covering material, which will last one and that respects, even two seasons.

It is quite another thing - glass. It is much stronger, although it can be broken by the impact. Especially for greenhouse glass, of course, no one is buying because it is heavy and its use will not be simple It justified, but if we are talking about using for this purpose the window frames with built-glasses, then this option is quite acceptable.

To date, the ideal option is considered polycarbonate. This material combines the best qualities, and allowed the owners of suburban areas to create light, comfortable and inexpensive greenhouses. Working with a polycarbonate, and its light transmission allows the plants get enough sunlight and heat.

In the warm season as a shelter of a small greenhouse can use non-woven polypropylene fiber - spunbond, which is well miss the fresh air, but at the same time allows you to control microclimate

In the warm season as a shelter of a small greenhouse can use non-woven polypropylene fiber - spunbondWhich is well miss the fresh air, but at the same time allows you to control the climate

Useful advice!One of the main requirements for covering materials for greenhouses - high light transmission. That is why, even if it is a self-made greenhouses made of plastic, it is necessary to take care that the plants do not suffer from a lack of sunlight.

How to choose a location for the homemade greenhouse

Looking through the instructions on how to make their own hands a greenhouse for seedlings or for any other purpose, you should pay attention to the choice of its location. Suitable design only in combination with the correct location allows to grow a good crop.

In the first place, a place that is selected for the greenhouse must be protected from strong winds or drafts. Also, it is important to avoid stagnation of water in the place where you installed the greenhouse. For this reason, it is not necessary to perform the installation in the valley, where they can collect rainfall and melt water.

Greenhouse polypropylene pipe and a polyethylene film can be easily disassembled and assembled on another place, if properly selected arrangement structure

Greenhouse polypropylene pipe and a polyethylene film can be easily disassembled and assembled on another place, if properly selected arrangement structure

If you plan to make a design, which will be opened with one hand, it is highly recommended that it was the southern part. The side that faces the north, possibly to be deaf to avoid temperature reduction and occurrence of drafts inside the greenhouse.

Also, you must make sure that the inside of the greenhouse penetrated enough sunlight. It is better to avoid the mounting structure under large trees or in the immediate vicinity of the farm buildings. The only exceptions are the greenhouses, which are adjacent to the house. But in this case, it is sure that it was done on the sunny side of the house.

How to make their own hands a simple greenhouse for cucumbers

As already mentioned, there are many options for arrangement of greenhouses, each of which takes into account the specifics of a particular culture, the cultivation of which it is expected in this case. Consider one example of a very simple design - a greenhouse of the film with his own hands, which is designed for cucumbers.

During the construction of a greenhouse for cucumbers it is important to calculate in advance how much space is necessary for adult plants

During the construction of a greenhouse for cucumbers it is important to calculate in advance how much space is necessary for adult plants

The first stage - the preparation of the site for the installation and construction of drainage layer. In this case, the need to remove the top layer of soil (about 50 cm) and the bottom of the well to fill gravel or gravel. Then into a hole stacked layer of organic waste and covered it with earth. The upper layer of the soil should be at least 30 cm.

Then, on the perimeter of the site prepared to do the fence. Using a steel wire stiffener is made, from which subsequently turn frame for a covering material. In operation, and you can use a soft wire, tying it with the help of a more rigid elements. This will give greater strength of the whole structure.

As covering material film is used, which is stretched and fixed on the ribs. In hot weather, the film can be raised to the plant additionally ventilated, and with the onset of the coolness in the greenhouse can additionally throw a thick cloth or blanket that will provide cucumbers heat.

Covering material can not attach to the arcs, and to use heavy stones or bricks to fix the base of the greenhouse

Covering material you can not attach to the arcs, and use heavy stones or bricks to fix at the base of the greenhouse

Useful advice!After the cucumbers grow up and no longer in need of protection, not necessarily completely dismantle the greenhouse. Very convenient to simply remove the film and leave the frame as a support for weaving plants.

Related article:

Greenhouses with your hands: the best designs and materials for construction

What materials are used for construction. How to choose a location for the greenhouse. The construction of various types of structures.

Greenhouse pepper with your hands: Photo Wigwam construction

Being interested in the question of how to make the greenhouse pepper with your hands, you can find a structure which is called the Wigwam. For its production will need a plastic bag without a bottom, a wooden stake, and long bars. It is suitable for both willow and poplar. In addition, you can use the rods of hazel and willow. The main thing is that they are flexible, and their diameter does not exceed 20 cm.

Greenhouse Wigwam design can be easily created in a short period of time, using the means at hand - sticks and polyethylene

Greenhouse Wigwam design can be easily created in a short period of time, using the means at hand - sticks and polyethylene

If there is no plastic sleeve, it can be done independently. For this purpose, a piece of appropriate size is taken polyethylene, folded into halves, then the edge of one side and are welded under influence of temperature.

Such a simple greenhouse is good because it is very easy to build and dismantle alone. To do this, mark a circle on the ground, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the sleeve. In the center of the circle drive a wooden stake, which will act as a base. Then move to the driving rods, placing them evenly on all circle.

All the bars need to securely fasten to the ground, and then put together at the top and attach to the central cola. On top of this plastic sleeve is put on the frame, the top of which is also fixed to the nail. At the bottom of the film on top you can pour the ground, or put any heavy objects (boards, bricks).

Greenhouse pepper should be placed only on a well-lit area, because the plants of this culture love the light and do not grow well in the shade

Greenhouse pepper should be placed only on a well-lit area, because the plants of this culture love the light and do not grow well in the shade

In order to take care of the plants it was convenient, it is possible not only to raise the lower edge of the film, but also completely omit the covering material down, untying it at the top point of attachment.

Useful advice!In addition the polyethylene film topsheet can be made with their hands for the greenhouse of spunbond - nonwoven material whose characteristics meet all agronomic requirements.

How to make a greenhouse for tomato: the simplest design

Often you can find greenhouses for tomatoes from scrap materials. With their hands they can be made from almost anything, including plastic bottles, which certainly exist in each country. It is best to use large containers such as 5-liter. Make a mini greenhouse for one plant may be as follows: in a five liter plastic bottle to cut the bottom and deepen the remaining capacity on the ground.

Using plastikatovyh bottle is the most economical option cover young plants

Using plastikatovyh bottle is the most economical option cover young plants

Inside this mini greenhouse will be quite comfortable feel small tomatoes, which are in process of growth should be directed to the neck of the bottle.

Another great example - a photo of a small greenhouse with their hands, made of a plastic container, which is often used for baking. Sometimes even use plastic containers for the eggs in each cell caving to avoid stagnation of water.

Useful advice!If you need to place the plant in a very small container, such as in the case of egg trays, ordinary soil can replace peat tablet.

It is noteworthy that the ability for self-construction of small greenhouses are not restricted. With a little imagination, you can create any unusual design that will not only protect the plants from the cold, but also will decorate suburban area.

Mini greenhouse for tomatoes can be done even from the old cover on clothes

Mini greenhouse for tomatoes can be done even from the old cover on clothes

Greenhouse complex structures out of plastic bottles with their own hands

In contrast to the basic structures and plastic packaging should pay attention to the design, which, although they are made from recycled materials, yet require the owners a lot of effort and time.

So, for example, by cross-linking can be created almost perfect hothouse of plastic bottles by hand. It will implement a fairly large amount of unnecessary packaging, and at the same time to adequately replace any covering material.

Looking through photos of greenhouses for seedlings with their own hands, which were made of bottles, can be seen, that as the base is used usually wooden frame to which is fixed and the bottle interconnected a. Of course, this process gives a lot of trouble, and cut bottles - quite a tedious process, but it is important that a resulting design meets all requirements and is functionally no way inferior to other complex structures.

EXAMPLE greenhouse complex design created from plastic bottles and wooden frame

EXAMPLE greenhouse complex design created from plastic bottles and wooden frame

How to make a greenhouse for tomatoes with your hands: a stationary structure

If you have the ability to allocate time and space for the installation of a stationary type of construction, it is possible consider more capital embodiments, for example a greenhouse of the shaped tube with a polycarbonate or coated polyethylene film. As usual, this design can not be removed for the winter, it must be sufficiently robust and reliable to withstand severe wind loads and the weight of sediments.

His hands hotbed of shaped tubes make it easy, especially if used for the finished drawing with all dimensions of parts. To install such a construction is recommended to prepare a solid foundation that will firmly hold the greenhouse and do not allow him to fly with strong gusts of wind.

The simplest scheme available for implementation - arch design. This will require a bend a few pipes of the same size and secure them in a way to get the arches facing one another at an equal distance. For greater strength, top and sides attached additional stiffeners.

A stationary structure for greenhouse tomato can be constructed using the profile pipes, wood and plastic film

A stationary structure for greenhouse tomato can be constructed using the profile pipes, wood and plastic film

If the covering material film is used, it can simply be laid on top, fixing the pipes with screws or other devices. At the bottom left seam allowance that allows sprinkle with ground edges or lock the film using the materials at hand, with sufficient weight. How to do it, you can see on the photo for greenhouse tomatoes with your hands.

A little harder to work with polycarbonate, but the result is worth the effort, given that the service life can be up to 30 years, while the film does not last for more than 1-2 seasons. Polycarbonate is screwed to each of the frame sides, after which any excess is removed with a sharp knife, and the seams are treated and sealed.

Useful advice! The same pattern can make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes. With their hands to collect the frame is quite simple, because of the flexibility and pliability of the material and the covering material, you can choose any type.

The height of the arcs in a greenhouse for tomatoes should be higher adult plants in order to avoid contact with the covering material fruits and leaves

Height arcs in the greenhouse for tomatoes should be higher adult plants in order to avoid contact with the covering material fruits and leaves

How to make a greenhouse out of old window frames: step by step guide

This, at first glance, an unusual way, actually gained quite a wide popularity. The thing is that with the advent of plastic windows, more old frames is simply unnecessary, despite the fact that they remain intact, and sometimes even glazed.

Photo hotbeds of window frame with his hands perfectly demonstrate how diverse can be the design that are made out of such a simple material. Here are the place to be as small design, suitable even for tall growing crops and greenhouses impressive size.

But before you get started, it is important to bear in mind that wood base frame has quite a lot of weight, so that the finished design will be difficult, especially if inserted inside the glass. Therefore, in this case it is recommended to prepare a solid foundation - pier foundation.

A small greenhouse of the old window frames can become a real gem of a garden site

A small greenhouse of the old window frames can become a real gem of a garden site

How to make a foundation for greenhouse frames of their own hands: a photo guide

In order to make the foundation, it is necessary to start with a standard layout, which indicates the borders of a future greenhouse. In each of the corners, and then, following a three-meter pitch, it is necessary to dig a pit depth of about 50 cm. You can make deeper holes, because the main goal - to reduce the level of soil freezing in winter.

The first 10 cm of each pit is filled with a layer of gravel, which is compacted thoroughly. Then, on the sides of the formwork are made, and are inserted into the hollow metal tube with a diameter of 10-15 cm. With the help of a spirit level they are aligned, fixed with bricks and filled with concrete.

You can also make a base with a wooden beam, from which the box is made of a suitable size. But in this case, it is essential to pay attention to wood processing protective equipment against moisture and insects.

In the planning and construction of the foundation for the greenhouse of the old window frames need to consider the future design of the size and weight

In the planning and construction of the foundation for the greenhouse of the old window frames need to consider the future design of the size and weight

Step guide for the construction of the frame of the greenhouse window frame with his hands

To understand how to make a greenhouse out of the window frames, enough stages to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Preparation of window frames: hinges, handles and other accessories must be removed. Old paint completely peeled off, and the frame itself necessarily processed protective equipment.
  2. It is recommended to remove the window frames of still at the preparatory stage, because in the future there will be very just break, and inconveniences such as the additional weight and complexity in the process of processing the frame, you nor what.
  3. Pane windows must be carefully resealed and if possible, if not removed.
  4. We turn to the frame assembly, if we are talking about a small greenhouse, the frame can simply connect with conventional screws and corners, and if the design has impressive size, you will need to prepare in advance for fixing the wooden frame frames.
  5. After the frames are attached and inserted into the frame, the remaining space, and even the smallest gaps are to be filled with foam.
Belgian greenhouse constructed using a single large window, and processed wood as a scaffold

Belgian greenhouse constructed using a single large window, and processed wood as a scaffold

Useful advice!If possible, it is better not to insert the old glass in place, and in their place set pieces suitably sized polycarbonate.

As for such a greenhouse roof polyethylene film or a more expensive polycarbonate may be used. Material is mounted on the batten and secured by means of special clamps, clamps or screws.

Tips on caring for greenhouses made with their own hands

Due to imperfections in makeshift structures, and often quite harsh conditions, almost all the owners have to deal with the need for repairs. Especially this applies to those structures for which the polyethylene film was used.

The film is often damaged by other materials, but at the same time, it can be fairly easy to fix. To do this, you need to remove it from the frame and spread out on a flat surface so that the damaged area was in front of you. Cut polyethylene patch of suitable size to put on top. Covering all of this a newspaper, the top spend a soldering iron or iron edge.

Greenhouses film coated necessary from time to time to check for integrity in order to avoid lowering the temperature inside the structure

Greenhouses film coated necessary from time to time to check for integrity in order to avoid lowering the temperature inside the structure

In virtually all other cases, it will be easier to replace the damaged item and re-covered greenhouse. Attempts to glue broken-off piece of plastic bottles and so on - a waste of time.

But think about the improvement of soil quality in the greenhouse stands. Firstly, it has a positive impact on productivity, and secondly, to provide plants with additional heat. The ideal soil mixture in this case includes the following components: 1 part of sand, 2 parts turf 3 part humus. Also, no harm will add one teaspoon superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea.

Useful advice!Even under the condition that quality soil mix, it is not more than one year to be used has been prepared. The following season, the soil must always be updated.

Using one of the following technologies can be easily done by hand for greenhouse peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers or any other seedlings. Moreover, using the materials at hand to work, you can get rid of unnecessary junk, turning it into a beautiful and functional greenhouse.

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